Chapter 153 Rumors
But one thing Fu Yuze said was indeed true.

There will definitely be more such things in the future.

As an actor, Meng Xia cannot live without filming kissing scenes.

Although it was said that he could borrow the seat, Zong Xichuan felt bad at the thought of Meng Xia having to be in such close proximity with other men.

But this is Meng Xia's career. Even if Meng Xia is with him by then, he will not force Meng Xia to give up his career.

Fu Yuze watched his cousin's face getting darker and darker, and finally realized that he had said the wrong thing.

He quickly explained: "So what... Actually, this is about... um..."

He really couldn't find any excuse to explain.

After all, this matter is really unavoidable.

Meng Xia is an actor, and it's impossible not to act in kissing scenes for the rest of her life.

And if netizens like to talk about CP, you can’t force them not to do it.

As the saying goes, every gain must come with a loss.

Since you want to earn a living in the entertainment industry, you must pay something.

It is impossible to get everything you want without giving anything.

If Zong Xichuan really cares about this matter, it can only be said that he and Meng Xia are indeed inappropriate.

Fu Yuze could tell that Meng Xia was a very enterprising person and would never give up his job for one person.

So if Zong Xichuan really cares so much, it is really impossible for the two of them.

"Cousin, you have to think about this yourself.

If you really care about Meng Xia filming with other men, then give up as soon as possible. "Fu Yuze said to Zong Xichuan very seriously.

It just so happened that the two of them hadn't started dating yet, so it was too late.

Zong Xichuan said nothing.

Fu Yuze patted his shoulder and said, "Think about it carefully."

Then Zong Xichuan was left with some time to think, and he went to find Zhao Yuxi to resolve the matter. ,

If this matter is not resolved in time, the impact will be quite large.

Fu Yuze directly told Zhao Yuxi about the matter after finding him.

During this period, Zhao Yuxi was busy filming and really didn't pay much attention to things on the Internet.

When he heard Fu Yuze say that his fans were now starting to attack Meng Xia's Weibo in groups, he blamed himself very much.

He thought fans wouldn't care who the heroine of the MV was, but he didn't expect such a big thing to happen.

After all, I still felt sorry for Meng Xia.

Someone kindly took the time to shoot a MV for me, but then something like this happened. How uncomfortable it was.

"I didn't think carefully about these things." Zhao Yuxi blamed himself very much.

Fu Yu patted him on the shoulder, "Actually, you can't be entirely blamed for this matter.

Your fans have already criticized the fact that the heroine is Meng Xia, but now the heroine of your MV is also Meng Xia.

They will inevitably overthink it.

Just post on Weibo and explain clearly. "


Zhao Yuxi took out his mobile phone and edited a post.

In the post, he explained everything that happened, focusing on the fact that he took the initiative to ask Meng Xia to be the heroine of the MV and had nothing to do with the company.

Meng Xia also won the heroine of the TV series based on her strength. There is no such thing as the fact that he was called by the company to be Meng Xia's co-star.

After Zhao Yuxi posted the post, there were thousands of comments under the post within a few minutes.

In order to prove that this post was made by himself, Zhao Yuxi also specially wrote the post according to his usual habit of editing posts.

Fans who really know him will definitely be able to tell that this is who he is.

Fans naturally believe Zhao Yuxi's explanation, but there are still some people who say that Zhao Yuxi is a threat from the company.

In this regard, Fu Yu directly asked people to call up the clip of Zhao Yuxi talking to Zong Xichuan when he went to the rescue in the previous variety show.

Not to mention anything else, Zhao Yuxi's words of "senior brother" immediately silenced everyone.

You must know that Fu Yuze and Zong Xichuan are cousins, so how could Fu Yuze use Zong Xichuan's junior brother to praise another person.

And naturally there is no threat.

Although everyone knows that this matter is not something the company is doing behind the scenes.

But Zhao Yuxi said that he took the initiative to invite Meng Xia to be the heroine of his MV, which caused many people to directly knock Zhao Yuxi and Meng Xia on the spot.

However, Zhao Yuxi's only fan refuses to believe that Zhao Yuxi and Meng Xia have anything to do with each other.

They still felt that Meng Xia was not worthy of Zhao Yuxi.

Although Meng Xia is indeed good-looking.

But after all, she is still just a newcomer. If Zhao Yuxi is with her, she will only get traffic.

Their brother deserves better!
Anyway, this matter is settled.

Zhao Yuxi decided to apologize to Meng Xia. He was really sorry for Meng Xia.

However, Meng Xia was still filming at this time, and he couldn't talk to Meng Xia for the time being.

Fu Yuze was also looking at Meng Xia.

Although he already knew Meng Xia's acting skills, otherwise he would not have let Meng Xia be the heroine.

But there is definitely a difference between auditioning and filming.

Seeing this, Fu Yuze almost couldn't hold back his lips.

I have found a treasure!
He can guarantee that with Meng Xia's acting skills, she will definitely become a hit when the show is aired!
Let’s talk about the drama or not, Meng Xia will definitely become popular!
To be honest, if he hadn't known that Meng Xia was not born in a major, he would have suspected that Meng Xia was just hiding his strength.

Meng Xia's acting skills are even better than those who came out of a major.

It can only be said that Meng Xia was born to eat this bowl of rice.

Fu Yuze was extremely glad that he signed Meng Xia, otherwise it would have been a huge loss.

After the show is aired, Meng Xia becomes popular and can bring benefits to the company.

If the show becomes a hit by then, it will be a double happiness.

At that time, other companies will not be jealous!

This is called foresight!

Fu Yuze can already think of how much benefit Meng Xia will bring to the company in the future.

As a businessman, what he cares about most is profit.

After waiting for a long time, Meng Xia's scene was finally over.

Meng Xia walked straight towards them.

In fact, she had already noticed Fu Yuze when he first arrived, but she was busy filming and didn't pay much attention to Fu Yuze.

"Mr. Fu." Meng Xia stepped forward and said hello to Fu Yuze.

Fu Yuze: "I told you not to be so polite, just call me by my name."

After all, she might become her cousin-in-law in the future.

Meng Xia nodded, but had no intention of listening to Fu Yuze.

Fu Yuze is his boss after all, so it's inappropriate to call him by his first name.

Although Fu Yuze told her many times, Meng Xia still called him Mr. Fu as always.

"Sure enough, I saw you right. You will definitely become popular after the show is aired." Fu Yuze couldn't help but praise.

"Then thank you Mr. Fu for your kind words." Meng Xia replied neither humble nor overbearing.

If ordinary people heard that they could explode, they would be extremely excited.

But Meng Xia didn't care at all.

He doesn't seem to care at all about fame and fortune.

Fu Yuze admired Meng Xia's mentality very much. After entering the entertainment industry, many people are blinded by wealth and wealth, and then go down the wrong path.

The outside world says that the entertainment industry is a big dyeing vat.

In fact, this is not true at all.

After entering the entertainment industry, many people do slowly lose themselves.

There are very few people who can always keep their true intentions.

However, Fu Yu felt that Meng Xia would definitely be able to maintain his true intentions.

It was intuition and trust in Meng Xia.

If Meng Xia is really just the kind of person who is greedy for fame and wealth, why bother working so hard? As long as he agrees to Zong Xichuan's confession, what he wants is not a matter of words.

"Xiaoxia, I'm sorry." Zhao Yuxi suddenly apologized to Meng Xia.

Meng Xia was a little confused.

But I also made some guesses.

Zhao Yuxi didn't know that Meng Xia already knew what happened online and told everything.

Then he said with great embarrassment: "I'm so sorry for causing you so much trouble."

"Nothing, so is this the reason why Mr. Fu came to the crew?" At first, Meng Xia thought that Fu Yuze was here specifically to see the filming progress of the crew.

But now that she heard what Zhao Yuxi said, she also guessed that Fu Yuze's coming to the crew must be related to this matter.

Fu Yu nodded, "The impact of this matter is quite large, but everything has been dealt with now."

The three of them stood chatting.

The crew didn't think anything of it either.

After all, it is most appropriate for a boss to give his employees a few words of advice.

While the three of them were chatting, a voice suddenly came over.

"Xiao Xia!"

Fu Yuze's body trembled when he heard this familiar voice, and he raised his feet to run away.

But before he could leave, Liu Mei had already arrived in front of them.

Fu Yuze suddenly felt hopeless. He really didn't want to see Liu Mei at all.

Every time he and Liu Mei met, Liu Mei would always pester him.

The most important thing is that Liu Mei's mother is still a good friend with his mother, and his mother specifically told him not to bully Liu Mei.

And this girl, Liu Mei, has been talking about things that happened when she was a child. Unless she said that the two of them were engaged, it would be useless for him to clarify.

Fu Yuze was already prepared to be pestered by Liu Mei.

But what he didn't expect was that Liu Mei didn't even look at him.

She walked directly in front of him, walked to Meng Xia and hugged Meng Xia's arm.

"Xiao Xia, there is a plot that I have been unable to figure out. Please help me read it."

"it is good."

Meng Xia was dragged away by Liu Mei.

But Liu Mei, who was supposed to be pestering Fu Yuze, didn't even look at Fu Yuze.

Fu Yu was a little unbelievable.

He remembered that the last time he met Liu Mei, the other party wanted to hang her whole body on him.

But after not seeing each other for several months, it seems like he has become a different person.

Did she suddenly figure it out?

Fu Yu looked at Zhao Yuxi, "What's going on with these two people? I remember they didn't know each other before, right?"

"At the beginning, Liu Mei was a little hostile to Meng Xia, but later the two somehow became good friends." Zhao Yuxi was also surprised that Meng Xia and Liu Mei became good friends.

All he can say is that he doesn’t understand girls’ friendship.

"Why is Liu Mei hostile to Meng Xia?" Fu Yuze became even more confused after hearing Zhao Yuxi's words.

He remembered that there seemed to be no mystery dispute between Liu Mei and Meng Xia, right?
Zhao Yuxi glanced at Fu Yuze before he could speak.

Fu Yu was confused and asked what he wanted to do about Meng Xia and Liu Mei.

But Zhao Yuxi's next words immediately silenced him.

"Liu Mei thinks your relationship with Meng Xia is unusual."

Fu Yuze:......

I didn’t know what to say for a moment.

"No, Meng Xia and I? How did she know that my relationship with Meng Xia was unusual?" Fu Yuze really didn't understand. He and Meng Xia were obviously leaders and subordinates.

After Fu Yuze said this, Zhao Yuxi did not answer.

"Why did you suddenly stop talking?" Fu Yuze looked at Zhao Yuxi with some confusion.

He found that Zhao Yuxi's eyes were always staring behind him.

Is there something behind him?

Fu Yu turned around in confusion.

When he saw the dark-faced Zong Xichuan behind him, he almost lost his position.

"Do you have an unusual relationship with Meng Xia?" Zong Xichuan looked at Fu Yuze and asked word by word.

Fu Yuze felt that he was wronged.

When Zong Xichuan came over, he just heard the words "My relationship with Meng Xia is unusual."

The already unhappy mood became even more unhappy.

"No, cousin, please listen to my explanation. This is really a misunderstanding!" Fu Yuze was about to cry.

He really didn't do anything.

Even if he was given ten courages, he would not dare to compete with Zong Xichuan.

And he really just treats Meng Xia as his subordinate.

How do these people's eyes grow?

In the end, it was Zhao Yuxi who told Zong Xichuan about the matter.

"Meng Xia and I came to the set just because we were on our way, and we were not the only two that day. There were also many actors and actresses from the company who set off with us." Fu Yuze looked at Zong Xichuan aggrievedly .

"Actually, the main reason is because Meng Xia is an artist in your company, and you also gave her the heroine of this drama." Zhao Yuxi analyzed thoughtfully.

Fu Yu felt even more aggrieved, "No, couldn't I sign Meng Xia just because I cherish my talent?
And the heroine of this drama, Meng Xia, also won the role based on her strength. "

Zhao Yuxi waved his hands helplessly, "But others don't think so."

Fu Yuze just felt that he had suffered a lot of misfortunes in his previous life. Why should he and Meng Xia be tied together?

Forget it if it were anyone else, Meng Xia was the object of his brother's pursuit.

And most likely she will become his sister-in-law.

These people are trying to kill him!
Fu Yuze almost knelt down before Zong Xichuan, "Cousin, you know me. I really don't have any bad thoughts about Meng Xia."

Fu Yuze now just wants to let Zong Xichuan know that he really has no interest in Meng Xia.

Besides, the reason why he was able to choose Meng Xia as the heroine of this drama was because of Zong Xichuan's arrangement.

"I know."

Zong Xichuan is not a person who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong. How could he blame Fu Yuze because of other people's few words.

And he also knew that Fu Yuze was really not interested in Meng Xia.

Regarding these rumors...

We can only wait for Meng Xia to show real results.

Otherwise, no matter how much they explain now, no one will believe it. They can only let them know that Meng Xia was indeed chosen because of his strength.

These rumors can be broken without attack.

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