Chapter 162 Sorry, my hand slipped
At best, I think the relationship between these four people is a bit strange.

You say their relationship is not good, but they can still be in a love show together.

But you said they have a good relationship, but they don’t even dare to take photos next to each other.

I really don’t understand what the young people of today are thinking.

After the group photo of the four of them was taken, Liu Mei took a special photo with Meng Xia alone.

She deserves this.

Liu Mei could take a group photo with Meng Xia alone, but Zong Xichuan's words were naturally inappropriate.

So when taking the photo, Liu Mei felt an inexplicable chill on her back.

But she still insisted on finishing the photo shoot.

She has already helped push her best friend out. What's wrong with her taking a photo of her best friend!
After Liu Mei and Meng Xia finished taking photos, the photos of other guests were almost taken.

The director selected a photo from each group of guests and started uploading it.

Unlike Meng Xia and others who were perfunctory, the other three groups were extremely serious.

Since the results of the voting won't be available for a while, everyone can only go back first.

Now it's almost time for dinner.

After everyone returned, they began to prepare dinner.

But these directors specially asked the female guests to prepare dinner.

As soon as these words came out, all the female guests had strange expressions on their faces.

Liu Mei approached Meng Xia and whispered, "Xiao Xia, can you cook?"

Meng Xia shook his head very honestly.

Liu Mei suddenly showed a despairing expression, "It's over, I'm a killer in the kitchen. Shouldn't we be drinking the northwest wind tonight?"

Neither of them can cook, so now they can only pin their hopes on the other three.

But judging from the appearance of the three of them, they didn't seem to have cooked much.

But no matter what, you still have to do it.

The female guests all entered the kitchen.

The male guests were resting outside.

The man in the real couple said helplessly to the camera: "I think it will be difficult for us to eat tonight. I think Ning Ning will probably blow up the kitchen."

Just as he finished speaking.

Suddenly there was a scream from the kitchen.

All the male guests stood up immediately.

Just when they were about to go to the kitchen to see what was going on, their head popped out of the kitchen door. '

"It's okay, just have a good rest and leave it to us."

The five male guests had a bad feeling in their hearts.

At this time, Meng Xia in the kitchen was catching the fish that had just jumped out.

The reason why someone screamed just now was because the fish suddenly jumped out.

Ou Ruoruo pointed at the fish in Meng Xia's hand and said tremblingly: "I can cook fish, but I don't dare to kill fish. Which of you will come?"

The other female guests did not dare to come forward.

Meng Xia looked at the fish in his hand and recalled in his mind how his servants killed fish in the past.

Then he lifted the fish and threw it heavily to the ground.

"Ah! Meng Xia, what are you doing!" Ou Ruoruo shouted as she looked at her apron that was splashed with water.

Meng Xia ignored Ou Ruoruo, but pointed to the fish on the ground and said, "It's dead now."

The fish lay motionless on the ground, and it seemed that it had already gone west.

Everyone looked at the fish lying on the ground, but no one came forward.

After all, if you clean up the fish, you will inevitably get some fishy smell on your body. As girls who love beauty, they naturally don't want to.

"Meng Xia, since you killed the fish, you can also handle the fish by the way." Ou Ruoruo said matter-of-factly.

Before Meng Xia could speak, Liu Mei couldn't help but said, "Why! Xiao Xia has already killed the fish for you, why should you deal with the fish?"

"Otherwise, you can do the fish." Ororo said condescendingly.

She had just heard the conversation between Liu Mei and Meng Xia, and the other two couldn't cook fish either.

She is the only one here who can cook fish, so naturally she can let whoever she wants cook it.

And who told Meng Xia to drop the fish in front of her on purpose just now?

Although she didn't dare to target Meng Xia openly, there seemed to be no problem in letting Meng Xia do some work.

"You!" Liu Mei glared at Aurora.

Isn't it just that she knows how to be a fish? She will start learning when she goes back!

Meng Xia didn't say anything, just picked up the fish and went to clean it up.

Ou Ruoruo felt that she had finally defeated Meng Xia once, and she was a little complacent.

Meng Xia handled the fish neatly.

Liu Mei walked to Meng Xia and said angrily: "Xiao Xia, why did you let her go?"

"Among us, only her cooking skills seem to be better." Meng Xiayun said calmly.

"But..." Liu Mei naturally knew this, but she was still angry.

Do you want a villain like Aurora to be proud?

Meng Xia collected the fish three times and five times.

Meng Xia put the fish aside.

Ou Ruoruo looked even more proud when she saw Meng Xia being silent.

Originally, she was a little worried about whether Meng Xia would take revenge on her, but now it seems that Meng Xia is just a soft persimmon.

"You should also cut the vegetables on the table." Ororo Yi said instructingly.

Meng Xia said nothing, walked aside and picked up the knife.

Then he turned the knife with his hand, and then...

The knife stood straight on the cutting board in front of Aurora.

Aurora was so frightened that she froze in place.

Meng Xia wiped her hands and said in a light voice, "I'm sorry that my hands slipped."

The viewers in the live broadcast room were also frightened by this scene.

[Oh my god, Meng Xia is going too far. What if he accidentally hurts someone? 】

[That’s right, if Ororo was a little closer to the cutting board, the knife would hurt her. 】

[It seems to me that Meng Xia is quite skilled in wielding a knife. He should be measured. 】

[Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. What if something happens? Meng Xia really went too far. 】

At this time, Aurora was still standing there blankly.

Several other people also noticed Meng Xia's actions just now.

They had no idea that Meng Xia, who was usually quite easy to talk to, would suddenly act like this.

Everyone was frightened.

Meng Xia ignored the people with different expressions and walked directly to the side to wash the dishes.

Liu Mei walked up to Meng Xia and gave Meng Xia a thumbs up where the camera couldn't see her. "You were so handsome just now. You scared her."

Aurora finally came to her senses.

Looking at the kitchen knife still standing on the cutting board, I couldn't help but feel a chill on my back.

She really felt that Meng Xia was going to chop her with a knife just now, and now she was still scared.

Ou Ruoruo didn't dare to provoke Meng Xia at all now.

This woman is so terrible.

She silently went over and cut the side dishes by herself, not daring to say another word.

Now that all the dishes are almost ready, it’s time to start cooking.

There are two pots that can be used for cooking, which means that two people can cook together.

One of the pots was being used by Aurora, and there was another pot that was free.

The remaining four people looked at me and I looked at you, but no one came forward.

After all, I still have a clear understanding of my cooking skills.

Finally decided to cook one dish per person.

And Ou Ruoruo, who has good cooking skills, is responsible for three major dishes. They only need to cook a dish they know how to cook.

Liu Mei was the first to step forward and made a dish of scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

This is the only thing she can do.

Although the eggs looked a bit mushy, they were fine for looking at all day long.

Liu Mei said with some pride: "I didn't expect that I have a talent for cooking."

The other two people also made a random side dish, and the appearance was a bit hidden.

Meng Xia made a vegetable soup.

Although I don’t know how it tastes, it looks pretty good.

After the four steps on their side were completed, Ororuo's side was also completed.

Several people brought the dishes to the table together.

The male guests looked at the dishes that were served and breathed a sigh of relief.

so far so good.

This was already much better than they expected.

At least it looks edible.

Everyone sat together and began to eat.

The girl named Ningning pushed the dish she made in front of his partner, "Have a try."

Looking at the dishes that didn't look very good, the boy wanted to give up.

But when he saw his partner's expectant eyes, he picked up a piece and put it in his mouth.

Maybe it just doesn’t look good, right?

But the moment your tongue touches the dish.

His expression changed again and again.

In the end, he could only grit his teeth and say, "Okay! Eat!"

But the expression is indeed a dish.

Ning Ning didn't notice the expression on her partner's face at all. When she heard her partner praise her delicious food, she took the initiative to pick up several chopstick dishes for him.

"If it tastes good, please eat more. I will cook it for you every day from now on."

The boy showed an expression that was uglier than crying.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were laughing crazy.

【Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha made me laugh to death, this little expression is really true. 】

[Compression from my girlfriend, I asked you if you dare to say it doesn’t taste good? 】

[If I remember correctly, Ning Ning seemed to mistake vinegar for oyster sauce. 】

[Hahahahaha, the lettuce is poured with vinegar and a lot of salt is added. 】

Everyone present gave the boy a sympathetic look.

So pitiful.

But at the expense of his happiness for everyone, at least one person who cannot eat has been eliminated.

Everyone continued to taste the remaining dishes.

As a result, the moment the food was eaten, each expression became weirder than the last.

[Hahahahahahaha, I’m laughing so hard. It seems that these dishes are all dark dishes. 】

[Laughing, I thought I had eliminated the inedible dishes, but I didn’t expect that they were all inedible. 】

[That's enough, I feel sorry for them. 】

[It can only be said that the program team has indeed chosen the guests very well for this episode. The men can cook, and the women can cook dark dishes. 】

Everyone tasted all the dishes, and finally found that only the three dishes made by Aurora were barely acceptable.

Others are simply impossible to describe.

The female guests lamented that it was a good thing that they left all three dishes to Aurora, otherwise everyone would be hungry tonight.

It can only be said that the director's vision in selecting people is indeed quite accurate. Who would have thought that four of the five people would be kitchen killers.

The director was helpless. He thought that at most one or two people could not cook, and the others would at least be able to cook some home-cooked meals.

But what I didn't expect was that only one person knew how to cook.

Fortunately, there is someone who can do it, otherwise it would be in trouble.

What to do if something goes wrong after eating it.

With this lesson learned, the director never dared to let the female guests cook again.

On the one hand, I am worried about food poisoning, and on the other hand, I don’t want to waste food anymore.

After dinner, it was the exciting time to announce the results.

The directors will be announced starting from the last one.

Unsurprisingly, Zong Xichuan and Liu Mei were ranked last.

Netizens commented: There is no sense of CP at all.

The expressions of the two people who came last were very calm, and they seemed to be a little... happy?
Liu Mei was indeed very happy when she knew that she and Zong Xichuan were the last.

After all, Zong Xichuan can now be regarded as her future best friend. It would be damned if she and he had a romantic relationship.

The penultimate one is the group of Ou Ruoruo.

The third from the bottom is a group of on-screen couples.

Meng Xia and Zhao Yuxi actually got the second place, and they were only two votes away from the first place.

Although the two have always kept a distance, netizens like to bump into each other like this.

Moreover, the TV series is being aired these days, and the number of fans of the two of them can be said to be rising steadily.

Even Weibo has established a super chat.

When he heard that he and Zhao Yuxi were in second place, Meng Xia subconsciously glanced in the direction of Zong Xichuan.

Zong Xichuan's originally gloomy face suddenly turned tender when Meng Xia looked over. ,

It seems that again, I don't care about this.

Meng Xia inexplicably felt a little stuck in her heart.

She doesn't know why, but she doesn't want others to misunderstand her relationship with Zhao Yuxi now.

I especially don’t want Zong Xichuan to misunderstand.

After the results were announced, the young couple went to watch a movie.

Others stayed.

Everyone was sitting in the living room chatting with each other.

At this moment, the surroundings suddenly fell into darkness.

Everyone was taken aback.

Then the director's voice rang out, "Dear guests, please stay calm. Due to the landslide caused by the recent rain, a telephone pole was washed down, resulting in a temporary power outage.

Today's recording ends here. Please be careful and go back to your room to rest. The call will come tomorrow morning. "

The program staff took out their mobile phones and started lighting them up.

Everyone began to cautiously go back to their rooms to rest.

When Zong Xichuan was about to reach the door of the room, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

He glanced behind him subconsciously.

Then I saw someone sitting on the sofa.

And that position happened to be where Meng Xia sat.

Zong Xichuan took the phone from the staff member and walked quickly towards the figure.

After getting closer, Zong Xichuan discovered that this person was indeed Meng Xia.

But there seems to be something different between Meng Xia at this time and Meng Xia in normal times.

At this time, she curled up into a ball and was still shaking.

Zong Xichuan squatted in front of Meng Xia and whispered: "What's wrong with you?"

Meng Xia felt the light and subconsciously crawled towards the direction of the light.

Zong Xichuan quickly stood up and blocked Meng Xia from falling to the ground.

After getting close to Meng Xia, Zong Xichuan became more sure that something was wrong with Meng Xia. She seemed to be afraid?
Zong Xichuan sat next to Meng Xia and carefully took her into his arms, patting Meng Xia's back gently.

Zong Xichuan looked down at Meng Xia.

At this time, Meng Xia's eyes were closed tightly, and cold sweat kept breaking out on his forehead, as if he was remembering something bad.

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