Chapter 166 Charity Gala
The next day.

Meng Xia knocked on the door of Zong Xichuan's villa early in the morning.

After a while, the door opened, and Zong Xichuan stood inside the door looking at Meng Xia.

"Come in first." Zong Xichuan turned sideways and let Meng Xia enter.

Although this was not the first time he entered Zong Xichuan's home, Meng Xia was inexplicably nervous at this time.

She handed the sandwich she had made to Zong Xichuan's hand.

The only thing she could make was sandwiches.

Zong Xichuan took the sandwich and took a bite, "It's delicious, but don't do it anymore. Just let me do the cooking."

Meng Xia hummed.

She really doesn't have the talent for cooking.

"I have an endorsement here." Zong Xichuan suddenly said.

"Huh?" Meng Xia didn't react for a moment.

"The company is about to launch a clothing brand for couples, and I would like to ask you to be the spokesperson." Zong Xichuan looked at Meng Xia with a smile.

"Who are you filming with?"

Couple endorsements must be done by two people together, and Meng Xia was a little curious about her partner.

Zong Xichuan did not answer her question, but looked at her with burning eyes.

"You?" Meng Xia said with some uncertainty.

Zong Xichuan nodded and said with a smile: "How could I be willing to let my girlfriend take a couple photo shoot with others."

Meng Xia suddenly thought of something and said to Zong Xichuan seriously: "I will definitely have emotional scenes in my future filming. If you mind..."

Meng Xia thought that since Zong Xichuan was not even willing to film a couple endorsement film with him and others, he would definitely mind if he continued filming in the future.

Zong Xichuan saw Meng Xia's inner thoughts, touched her face with his hand and said seriously: "I do mind you getting along with other boys."

Zong Xichuan paused for a moment and continued: "But this is your job, and you also have the freedom to make friends. I will not stop you."

Meng Xia didn't know what to say, and in the end she could only say to Zong Xichuan: "I am very dedicated in my feelings. Once I choose a person, I will never change my heart again.

I hope you do too. "

Zong Xichuan lowered his head and kissed Meng Xia on the lips.

"I will always be loyal to you."

After breakfast, Zong Xichuan had to go to the company.

He felt very sorry for Meng Xia, "It's hard for you to rest for a few days, but I don't have time to accompany you. I feel wronged for you."

"I don't feel I have any grievances." Meng Xia told the truth.

And Zong Xichuan has done enough for himself.

After Zong Xichuan left, Meng Xia sat at home and watched his TV series.

As you watch, record down what areas you haven't done well.

to facilitate subsequent improvements.

She also added the director recommended to her by Director Li and went to audition in two days.

She didn't have much time to rest, and her agent accepted several endorsements for her.

Although it is not a big brand, it is an old domestic product with a good reputation.

Among them are cosmetics companies.

The agents who represent her have already screened them all for her, and Meng Xia still trusts them.

Moreover, she took a look at the endorsements her agent had given her, which were all highly reputable endorsements.

In the words of an agent, an artist's character can affect all the products she endorses.

Likewise, products can also affect artists.

If an artist casually endorses some unscrupulous products, they will be boycotted.

It affects the popularity of passers-by.

In the entertainment industry, having a well-known person can really help your career.

Therefore, the agent would rather let Meng Xia accept some less famous endorsements than let her accept unscrupulous products that are very famous.

However, the agent still sent all product endorsements to Meng Xia.

She had already said what needed to be said, but the choice was Meng Xia's.

Everyone has different ideas, so she won't choose for Meng Xia.

After all, Meng Xia will take the road ahead on his own.

There have been many conflicts between artists and managers in the entertainment industry, so most of today's managers will not make choices for artists.

When I saved my life, I was beaten down again.

Meng Xia started filming these endorsements after resting at home for a day.

It can be said that it is officially busy.

Zong Xichuan is also busy with the company's affairs, and the two of them have little time to see each other.

Both are busy with their careers.

Soon it was time to go to the dinner party. ,

Meng Xia specially set aside today's time.

After breakfast, I started styling my hair.

"This banquet is a charity party, and many celebrities from the entertainment industry have been invited, but you don't have to worry, there will be no reporters at the scene." Zong Xichuan introduced tonight's banquet to Meng Xia.

He knew that Meng Xia didn't want to make their relationship public now, so he specifically emphasized that there would be no reporters.

Most of the people attending this party are rich or noble. Most people don't want to appear in the media, so there will be no reporters.

Even if someone dares to take a photo, they won’t be able to send it out at that time.

As for why some celebrities were invited...

It’s just to raise more funds.

At that time, the celebrities will be arranged to bring the jewelry prepared by the organizer, and then the people below will auction it.

The more things they sell, the more commission they will receive at that time.

The stylist matched Meng Xia with a red fishtail skirt and then gave her a big wave.

Under her feet were a pair of high heels that were about eight centimeters high.

The whole person exudes a confident and bright feeling.

This was the first time for Meng Xia to do this kind of look. After all, the company had always given her little white flower designs before.

The clothes she wears are usually relatively simple and elegant, and this is the first time she wears such bright colors.

Zong Xichuan couldn't help but be stunned.

The stylist couldn't help but praise: "Ms. Meng is really a walking clothes rack, she looks good in anything she wears.

Originally, I was worried that this style would not be suitable for Ms. Meng, but now it seems that I have overthought it. "

Zong Xichuan walked to Meng Xia, lowered his head and kissed her.

After a while, he let go and looked down at Meng Xia.

The love in his eyes seemed to overflow.

Meng Xia's face suddenly turned red.

The stylist was also a little surprised when he saw Zong Xichuan kissing Meng Xia.

She also knew Meng Xia and knew that Meng Xia was a star.

She originally thought that Meng Xia was just an ordinary female companion, but she didn't expect that the relationship between the two of them would be unusual.

Although curious, the stylist knows what to ask and what not to ask.

Just do your own thing seriously, don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked, talk less and do more.

For someone like her who often comes into contact with wealthy families, this has become a professional quality.

Even if something happened, she would just pretend that she couldn't see it.

And she won't spread it randomly after going out.

Otherwise, her job would be over.

In the evening, Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan arrived at the banquet together.

This time there was no need for Zong Xichuan to remind him, Meng Xia naturally put his hand on Zong Xichuan's arm.

Zong Xichuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly. As soon as they arrived, the organizer of the banquet immediately came forward to greet them.

"Master Zong, please come in quickly."

The organizer glanced at Meng Xia, who was holding Zong Xichuan's arm.

But he was very sensible and didn't say anything.

Wait until Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan are far away.

Then he murmured in a low voice: "It seems that the legendary Master Zong who is not close to women is actually nothing more than that."

As Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan walked inside, many people looked at them.

When they saw Meng Xia next to Zong Xichuan, everyone who came to the banquet had different expressions.

Many people recognized Meng Xia's identity and were secretly sizing up Meng Xia.

Zong Xichuan calmly blocked Meng Xia behind him.

Zong Xichuan took Meng Xia to the seat arranged by the organizer and sat down.

As soon as they sat down, many people began to approach Zong Xichuan, hoping to get the opportunity to cooperate with the Zong Group.

Zong Xichuan refused directly and said coldly, "We don't talk about work during non-working hours."

There are still people who are determined not to give up.

But after several people were rejected in a row, no one finally came forward.

Zong Xichuan rubbed his forehead, his head hurt from the noise from these people just now.

Zong Xichuan quietly held Meng Xia's hand.

Meng Xia looked at Zong Xichuan in shock, after all, there were so many people around.

It would be bad if someone saw it.

Meng Xia tried to pull his hand out of Zong Xichuan's, but it was of no use.

In the end she chose to give up.

Zong Xichuan came close to Meng Xia's ear and whispered, "Don't worry, no one will notice."

Meng Xia's face turned slightly red.

She was still a little unaccustomed to getting along with the opposite sex in public.

If I dared to do this in my previous life, I would be drowned in saliva.

Although times are different now, she is still a little uncomfortable with it.

Everyone was busy socializing and did not notice that Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan were quietly holding hands.

But the good times don't last long, and there will always be some unsighted people who come forward to disturb them.

"Brother Nishikawa."

Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan raised their heads at the same time.

Li Yue is walking this way.

Meng Xia subconsciously pulled her hand out of Zong Xichuan's palm.

Zong Xichuan's face suddenly turned ugly.

As if she didn't notice at all, Li Yue walked straight to Zong Xichuan and said with a smile: "When did brother Xichuan come? Is this the star next to you invited today?"

Li Yue's words were deliberately belittling Meng Xia.

How could she not know that Meng Xia was Zong Xichuan's female companion.

But she just wanted to humiliate Meng Xia on purpose.

He is just a small actor, how can he be Zong Xichuan's female companion.

When he heard Li Yue humiliating Meng Xia, Zong Xichuan's face completely darkened.

"Oh, I was just joking. Brother Xichuan won't take it seriously." Li Yue explained when she saw Zong Xichuan was angry.

"It's not your turn to say anything yet, my people." Zong Xichuan said coldly.

Then he pulled Meng Xia up, not wanting to say another word to Li Yue.

Li Yue stood in front of the two of them, "Brother Xichuan, things in the company have been very difficult recently.

Why bother? As long as you agree to marry my family, the overseas market will be opened for you at any time. "

"I don't need to rely on a woman yet." Zong Xichuan didn't even look at Li Yue, but directly pulled Meng Xia aside.

Li Yue didn't catch up here.

She wanted to see how long Zong Xichuan could hold on.

Zong Xichuan took Meng Xia to a quiet corner.

"Is the company's affairs very difficult?" Meng Xia suddenly asked.

"The Lee Group has united foreigners to boycott the company's products abroad. A small Lee Group is nothing to be ashamed of.

However, there seems to be an insider in the company, so this matter is a bit complicated. "Zong Xichuan did not hide anything from Meng Xia and told Meng Xia everything that happened recently.

Meng Xia can understand.

Zong Group is a family business.

Although Zong Xichuan is the designated successor of the Zong family, there are definitely people who will covet that position.

Now that Zong Xichuan has just taken office, these people naturally want to drag him down now.

"Don't worry, I can handle it.

I don’t need to find a woman to marry in order to gain a foothold. "Zong Xichuan touched Meng Xia's head soothingly.

He was afraid that Meng Xia would think that he really needed marriage to solve the company's problems. If Meng Xia left him for the company, everything he had done would be in vain.

"Believe me, don't listen to other people's nonsense." Zong Xichuan held Meng Xia's hand firmly.

He was afraid that Li Yue would talk nonsense to Meng Xia.

Meng Xiahui held Zong Xichuan's hand and said, "I believe you."

If there weren't so many people around now, Zong Xichuan really wanted to hold Meng Xia in his arms and kiss her.

Zong Xichuan asked the waiter to change their positions to this side.

When the auction started, Li Yue returned to her seat and saw someone else sitting next to her in the seat that should have belonged to Zong Xichuan.

Secretly gritted his teeth.

Especially when he saw Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan sitting on the side, Zong Xichuan looked at Meng Xia with tenderness on his face.

She scolded Meng Xia a hundred and eighty times in her heart.

She really doesn't understand what Zong Xichuan likes about Meng Xia!
The auction officially began, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the stage.

The invited celebrities wore jewelry prepared by the organizer and stood on it like a merchandise display rack.

Li Yue glanced in Meng Xia's direction.

She was very disdainful. In her eyes, Meng Xia was just like the people on the stage, nothing more than a piece of merchandise.

Now that Zong Xichuan is protecting her like this, it is just a novelty. When the novelty wears off, she will only be abandoned.

Only she, Li Yue, will be the future young lady of the Zong family!

"Is there anyone you like?" Zong Xichuan asked in a low voice.

Meng Xia shook her head. She was really not interested in jewelry.

As the princess's wife in her previous life, she had never seen any good things.

And she felt that these flashy things served no purpose other than comparison.

But Zong Xichuan still took pictures of several sets of jewelry for her.

When Zong Xichuan was about to take the photo again, Meng Xia took Zong Xichuan's hand and said, "

Stop taking pictures. I really don’t like these things. You’ve taken enough pictures. "

Zong Xichuan smiled: "No amount is too much when buying something for your girlfriend."

In the end, Zong Xichuan took a photo of this set of jewelry.

Li Yue was almost going crazy with jealousy.

The ladies present also envied Meng Xia. After all, the jewelry Zong Xichuan photographed for her totaled about 50 million.

Meng Xia's life is so good!

Many people also began to secretly speculate about Zong Xichuan's attitude towards Meng Xia.

However, most people think that Meng Xia is just the canary raised by Zong Xichuan.

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