Chapter 168 Fighting for favor
Although it is crazy to say this, it cannot be refuted.

After all, Meng Xia's acting skills are there.

And the most important thing is.

Meng Xia is not from a major!
A person who is not from a major has a better acting ability than someone from other majors. This is simply a slap in the face to these people.

Many actors felt understood, but couldn't say anything yet.

If you say anything at this time, it is really that there is no three hundred taels of silver here.

What shocked netizens even more was the news announced by the Zong Group.

[No, so Meng Xia got into Master Zong’s car? 】

[Is there really some unspeakable relationship between Meng Xia and Mr. Zong? After all, this seems to fit what the post said. 】

[Is Meng Xia really a mistress? 】

[Probably not. Why have I never heard of Mr. Zong having a so-called fiancée? 】

[The information upstairs seems to be blocked. Don’t you know that Mr. Zong is about to marry the eldest lady of the Li Group? 】

[Ah, which Li family? 】

【That's the one……】

The topic gradually went off track, or someone deliberately wanted to steer the topic in this direction.

Many people began to pay attention to the fact that Zong Xichuan was going to marry Li Yue.

Li Yue curled her lips while looking at the comments online.

She knew that Zong Xichuan would definitely clarify for Meng Xia, but she didn't want to stop him too much.

What she wants is to use the power of public opinion to get Zong Xichuan to agree to the marriage.

Even if Zong Xichuan still had any objections, she didn't believe that Zong's people would indulge Zong Xichuan.

Only by marrying herself to the Zong family group will she get the greatest benefits. She believes that Zong Xichuan will understand this sooner or later.

But Li Yue never expected that Zong Xichuan would directly register a Weibo account and go out to clarify the matter personally.

At the same time, the cooperation between the Li Group and the Zong Group was directly and unilaterally stopped.

"Li Yue! Didn't you say that Zong Xichuan would agree to get engaged to you? What about now? I tell you, if you can't solve this matter, just wait for me!" Mr. Li saw the gradually falling stocks and immediately Called Li Yue.

When he opened his mouth, he cursed loudly.

Li Yue hung up Mr. Li's call directly.

After hanging up, she made another call, "Jack, I agree to join forces with you to bring down the Zong family."

Zong Xichuan, since you are unkind, don’t blame me for being unjust!


With Zong Xichuan personally clarifying the matter, the misunderstanding about Zong Xichuan's marriage to Li Yue was naturally resolved.

However, this matter has been resolved, but the relationship between Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan is still speculated by netizens.

Some people have even imagined a bloody drama.

Zong Xichuan likes Liu Mei, Liu Mei likes Fu Yuze, Fu Yuze likes Meng Xia, and Meng Xia likes Zong Xichuan.

It can only be said that the imagination of netizens is powerful.

However, no matter what netizens speculated, the two never responded positively.

After the explanation was clear, Fu Yuze and Zong Xichuan began to reduce the heat of the matter.

It didn't take long for netizens to forget about it.

After settling this matter, Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan took the time to shoot the endorsement together.

Liu Mei happened to have nothing to do so she followed him to the shooting scene.

Looking at the two people wearing couple's outfits, Liu Mei couldn't help but say something about her talent and beauty.

If nothing else, in terms of looks, Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan are really not a good match.

Liu Mei couldn't even imagine how beautiful the children they would give birth to would be if these two people were really together.

During the filming process of Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan, Liu Mei sat aside and scrolled through her mobile phone.

From time to time, I open a trumpet and yell at netizens online.

Later, when she was really bored, she and the photographer pointed out the movements of Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan.

Well, actually she was just causing trouble for the photographer.

But Liu Mei suddenly discovered a problem.

I don't know if it was her misunderstanding, but she felt that the relationship between Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan was a little different from before.

She couldn't tell exactly what was different.

It just feels a little different.

It seems that Meng Xia's attitude towards Zong Xichuan is closer than before.

Could it be that Meng Xia is about to be impressed by Zong Xichuan?

Liu Mei felt that she had to ask Meng Xia after the filming was over.

As Meng Xia's best friend, she must always know the love progress of her best friend.

What if Meng Xia was afraid of being deceived.

Although this kind of thing should basically never happen, you still have to be careful.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan finally finished filming.

"The CEO and Ms. Meng were so well photographed, they looked like a real couple." The photographer couldn't help but praise.

Zong Xichuan curled up his lips and immediately decided to increase the wages of all the staff today.

Even Liu Mei got an endorsement.

It can be said that everyone is happy now.

And Liu Mei also forgot what she wanted to ask Meng Xia.

After filming this endorsement, Zong Xichuan continued to be busy with the company's affairs, while Meng Xia was also busy with his own career.

After this period of time, Meng Xia has accumulated a lot of fans and has his own fan support group.

Because Meng Xia's name contains the word "xia", the fan's exclusive nickname is Zhizhi.

Summer is here, and cicadas are starting to cheer for summer.

Among Meng Xia's fans are many CP fans of her and Zhao Yuxi.

Because it is now the broadcast time of the TV series, the two often interact on Weibo.

We also participated in an interview program on Orange TV together.

The CP fans of the two have always been on the hot searches on Weibo.

During this period, Zhao Yuxi had been trying his best to avoid meeting Zong Xichuan, for fear of being used as a punching bag by a jealous man.

Fortunately, Zong Xichuan has been busy with the company's affairs during this period and has no time to deal with these things.

Zong Xichuan started to go out early and come back late again, but no matter how busy he was at work, he would take time to spend time with Meng Xia.

The relationship between the two is not as vigorous as other young lovers.

Although they are insipid, the two of them have each other in their hearts.

Meng Xia went to audition for a new play by the director that Director Li had recommended to her.

This drama is a costume drama.

It tells the story of a little palace maid who gradually ascended to the throne with her own brains.

But this is not the role that Meng Xia is interested in.

But the vicious female supporting character in this show.

This vicious female partner was originally a concubine in the family. When she participated in the talent show, she was spotted by the emperor because of her outstanding appearance.

After entering the palace, she was ostracized everywhere because of her status as a concubine.

But she was neither humble nor arrogant, and used her own methods to firmly hold the emperor in her hands.

He used the emperor to bring down his father.

After only three years in the palace, she took the position of concubine.

Some people say that this character is so vicious that he actually attacked his own father.

But no one knew that she was almost sold as a concubine to an old man who was over sixty years old by her so-called biological father.

This character is a character who dares to love and hate. At the beginning, she only used the emperor.

As they got along, they gradually fell in love with the emperor.

But when he discovered that the emperor did not only love him, he immediately gave up the so-called love and began to focus on his career.

It can even be said that if the heroine didn't have the halo of being a heroine, the heroine might not be able to defeat her.

But when Meng Xia went to interview for this role, it didn't go so well.

When the director heard that Meng Xia said that he was going to audition for this role, his first reaction was to disagree. The director felt that Meng Xia's appearance was not suitable for the role. Meng Xia's appearance and temperament were too dignified.

But Meng Xia changed the director's concept with just one sentence.

"Has the director ever heard that people should not be judged by their appearance? Sometimes appearance is often a powerful tool that can paralyze others."

A person who looks vicious on the outside may actually be a good person, but similarly, a person who looks innocent may also be a heinous person.

Many times seeing is not necessarily believing.

The director fell silent after listening to Meng Xia's words.

In fact, today's audiences particularly like contrast. If the contrast is well created, it will indeed be quite attractive.

In the end, the director decided to give Meng Xia a chance to audition.

This role can be said to be a relatively important role in the entire drama, so the director chose this role very carefully.

Many actors who have tried for this role have been rejected.

To be honest, the director is not optimistic about Meng Xia.

But after watching Meng Xia's performance, the director immediately cast Meng Xia.

The crew soon announced the news.

The actor who had been dismissed by the crew before couldn't help but start to feel weird about Meng Xia's resources.

The subtext is that Meng Xia is a backdoor thief.

However, this time netizens did not directly criticize.

After all, I have the experience last time.

Last time, everyone was not optimistic about Meng Xia at first, but Meng Xia gave everyone a surprise.

But even Meng Xia's fans feel that this role is not suitable for Meng Xia.

But they still believe in Meng Xia. Since she can get this role, she must have experience.

Some people even placed bets on Weibo.

Bet on whether Meng Xia's performance will be that good this time.

Most people have little faith.

After all, this role has nothing to do with the last one.

And the background is completely different.

Although Meng Xia's modern dramas are good, it does not mean that she can also perform well in costume dramas.

Moreover, costume dramas have particularly high etiquette requirements for actors.

Although the crew will definitely ask an etiquette teacher for special guidance, if you don't perform well, you will easily be laughed at by the crowd.

Especially someone like Meng Xia who has attracted a lot of attention.

Many people were waiting to see Meng Xia's joke.

Since it is close to the end of the year, the time to join the group is scheduled to be after the new year.

Meng Xia is about to usher in her first New Year in this world.

Meng Sheng was also on vacation during this time.

He did not go back to the Meng family's villa, but came directly to Meng Xia.

When Meng Xia was working, he would either stay with Meng Xia or help clean up at home.

Now Meng Sheng has returned to the state he was in before the Meng family went bankrupt.

And because of his outstanding performance in school, he will graduate early next year.

Meng Xia and Meng Sheng were naturally happy about this matter.

But the rest of the Meng family were frightened.

After all, Meng Sheng will definitely find a way to take back the company after graduation.

As the New Year gets closer and closer.

Meng Xia finally finished all the things at hand and could relax for a while.

Also relaxed was Liu Mei.

Liu Mei has completely regarded Meng Xia's family as her own.

She also told Meng Xia and her parents about wanting her parents to accept Meng Xia as their adopted daughter.

Neither side had any objections.

Meng Xia would occasionally go to the Liu family to look for Liu Mei. The people in the Liu family had completely regarded Meng Xia as one of their own.

Just wait until after the Chinese New Year to officially recognize the couple.

But Meng Sheng was a little unhappy.

"This is my biological sister! She should stay with me!"

Meng Sheng and Liu Mei quarreled again.

Meng Xia was completely used to this scene.

As long as Liu Mei and Meng Sheng are together, the two people will always quarrel.

And they are all very childish topics.

This time it was for the opportunity to play games with Meng Xia.

"I'm Xiaoxia's best friend! I want her to accompany me!" Liu Mei said to Meng Sheng with her arms crossed.

The two stared at each other like children.

"No! My sister can only play with me!"

"A younger brother is not as important as a best friend. You are a boy and need someone to accompany you. Are you embarrassed?"

"My skills are better than yours!"

"I have more skin than you!"


The two of them were arguing with each other.

In the end, the argument couldn't produce any results, so the two of them turned their attention to Meng Xia.

They all said in unison: "Who do you choose?"

Meng Xia chose to go upstairs directly, not wanting to talk to these two naive people.

Finally, Meng Sheng and Liu Mei started a duel.

In the evening, the three of them ordered takeout.

As for why you order takeout?

The main reason is that none of the three people can cook.

Apart from going to restaurants, I can only order takeout.

Zong Xichuan still leaves early and comes back late. Meng Xia hasn't eaten Zong Xichuan's food for a long time.

After dinner, Liu Mei talked to her family and directly chose to live here in Meng Xia.

When he heard that Liu Mei was moving in, Meng Sheng immediately said, "You sleep on the sofa tonight. There is no extra room in the house."

Of course there was a room, but Meng Sheng just didn't want the person who wanted to steal Meng Xia from him to stay.

Liu Mei snorted, put her hand on Meng Xia's shoulder, and said in a very harsh tone, "I'm sorry, Xiao Xia and I will sleep in the same bed tonight."

"No!" Meng Sheng was immediately furious.

"It's not up to you." Liu Mei cast a sullen look at Meng Sheng, then walked straight upstairs to Meng Xia's room.

"Ah ah ah, stay away from my sister!" Meng Sheng chased after her.

Liu Mei was determined not to enter Meng Xia's room.

The two quarreled again.

Meng Xia had a headache from the noise and went directly to the study.

I don’t know what the two said in the end, but Meng Sheng finally agreed to Liu Mei entering Meng Xia’s room.

But he always had a bad face.

How can there be such annoying people in this world.

It was clear that my sister only cared about herself before, but now a person came out to take away her beloved one.

Meng Sheng was very unhappy.

But he didn't dare to say anything, who made him do those wrong things before.

Meng Sheng obviously felt that Meng Xia was no longer as close to him as before, so he kept thinking of various ways to please Meng Xia.

And Liu Mei is a stumbling block on his way to coax his sister!

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