Chapter 173 A sudden surprise

On the way back, Meng Sheng was in a very depressed mood.

Meng Xia saw that Meng Sheng had something to say to her, but Meng Sheng did not speak and she did not take the initiative to mention it.

It wasn't until he returned to the villa that Meng Sheng finally said, "Sister, is it because of company matters that you and Brother Xichuan are together?"

Meng Xia: "?"

Meng Xia looked at Meng Sheng with some confusion.

In Meng Sheng's eyes, he thought he had guessed it right.

Meng Sheng suddenly felt even more guilty.

He said to Meng Xia in a very serious tone: "Sister, you don't have to wrong yourself so much.

I will handle the company's affairs, and I will repay Brother Nishikawa's kindness.

Maybe it was possessiveness, she didn't like the words Zong Xichuan's fiancée appearing on other men.

Meng Xia didn't know what Meng Sheng was thinking.

If he had a fiancée, he would stop this relationship no matter what.

In the past few days, he also knew that Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan were really together. In fact, he had wanted to say these things for a long time, but he never knew how to say them.

Even if he loses everything in the end, he just wants to protect Meng Xia once.

Perhaps to outsiders, Meng Xia seems cold to everyone, but only those who know her well know how special she is to Zong Xichuan.

And after all, she has died once, so her mentality is naturally much more mature than that of ordinary little girls.

But he also knows that many people in the industry cannot make their own decisions about their marriages.

In Meng Xia's mind, Zong Xichuan's credibility was indeed higher than Meng Sheng's.

Naturally, I also heard the news that the Li family was going to marry the Zong family.

I have to say that Meng Sheng really guessed it right.

You don't have to feel sorry for yourself. What happened in the past was my fault. You just have to be happy in the future. "

Meng Sheng had asked Meng Xia this question before, and Meng Xia had clearly told Meng Sheng this at that time.

He has been in love before, and they say that women in love will transform into little women.

Meng Xia just glanced at Meng Sheng and said nothing.

But he seemed to have never seen Meng Xia act coquettishly towards Zong Xichuan.

Meng Xia was not a person who liked to express emotions, and as a matron for so many years in her previous life, she had already developed a very calm attitude towards everything.

Moreover, when Zong Xichuan was busy at work, she did not make any noise or make noises because of her trust in Zong Xichuan, and she did not like others to disturb her while she was working.

For some reason, Meng Sheng always felt that Meng Xia had more trust in Zong Xichuan than his younger brother.

Meng Sheng's attitude was very serious.

After visiting his parents today, he felt that he had to say this. If Meng Xia was really with Zong Xichuan because of guilt, then he would help Meng Xia get rid of Meng Xia no matter what.

Meng Xia was never a person who liked to pay attention to these rumors, but she subconsciously clarified this matter.

So Meng Sheng was a little doubtful that Meng Xia actually didn't like Zong Xichuan.

Thinking of these, Meng Sheng blamed himself even more. If he had not listened to other people's lies and had run the company seriously, Meng Xia would still be the eldest lady of the Meng family now.

"I remember I told you before that the matter between me and Zong Xichuan has nothing to do with this."

And there is another reason why Meng Sheng asked this question again and again.

If other girls see that their boyfriends are busy working every day and cannot be with them, they will be a little unhappy.

I will never let my sister get hurt again.

Especially with Zong Xichuan's status, his wife must have gone through layers of screening.

If the Meng family hadn't gone bankrupt, Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan would have been a good match, but now Meng Xia is no longer the daughter of the richest man in the past.

Meng Sheng didn't ask any more questions.

Although during this period of getting along, he could see Zong Xichuan's sincerity towards Meng Xia.

Although Meng Sheng listened to Meng Xia's words, he still decided to investigate whether Zong Xichuan had a fiancée.

But Meng Xia never did.

The relationship between Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan was too dull. To be precise, Meng Xia's attitude towards Zong Xichuan was quite dull.

"Sister, are you sure Brother Xichuan really doesn't have a fiancée?" Meng Sheng asked cautiously.

"He doesn't have a fiancée. I will handle the matter between him and me." Meng Xia directly clarified the misunderstanding about the so-called fiancée.

As for Meng Sheng's feeling that Meng Xia doesn't seem to care much about Zong Xichuan, that's entirely because he doesn't understand the current Meng Xia well enough.

Meng Sheng has been paying attention to things in the industry since he returned to school.

So naturally he would not disturb Zong Xichuan.

Meng Sheng lowered his head, and after a long time he said: "But you were not really together at that time, sister. I heard that Brother Xichuan's family has already decided on a fiancée for him."

The two of them were busy decorating the villa and had already arrived at the hotel.

The two of them sat at the dining table and had a New Year's Eve dinner for just two people.

Now they are each other's only relatives in this world.

Although the Xia family's uncle is also related to them by blood, relatives that their fathers don't recognize are just like strangers to them.

In fact, this is not the first time that the two siblings have had New Year's Eve dinner alone.

To be precise, this is the third year, and the third year since their parents died.

However, in the past two years, Meng Sheng had a very bad attitude towards Meng Xia.

He didn't even stay with Meng Xia during the meal. Meng Xia ate the New Year's Eve dinner alone.

Meng Sheng looked at Meng Xia opposite and suddenly thought.

How did Meng Xia feel when she had New Year's Eve dinner alone? His parents died, he had no friends, and even his only brother ignored him.

Meng Xia must have been feeling very uncomfortable at that time.

Meng Sheng wished he could give himself a slap in the face. What had he done before?

Meng Xia was obviously such a lively and smiling girl before, but now she has become taciturn.

I thought of how Meng Xia had never touched the world at home, but she resolutely entered the entertainment industry for her own sake.

He knew how mixed up the entertainment industry was, and Meng Xia had no idea how much he had suffered in the industry.

Meng Sheng's hand holding the chopsticks suddenly tightened, and a few tears burst into his eyes.

Meng Xia noticed something strange about Meng Sheng.

But she was never good at comforting people, and she really didn't know what to say.

After all, Meng Sheng was indeed wrong.

Finally, Meng Xia pushed Meng Sheng's favorite dish in front of Meng Sheng according to the memory of the original owner.

Although not a word was said, it was worth a thousand words.

Meng Sheng looked at the dishes in front of him, feeling even more guilty.

However, he wiped his tears and quickly adjusted his mood. He raised the drink on the side and said to Meng Xia: "Sister, Happy New Year!"

Meng Xia also raised his drink and said, "Happy New Year."

After dinner, Meng Xia and Meng Sheng sat in front of the TV together to watch the Spring Festival Gala.

Meng Sheng never liked watching the Spring Festival Gala, but now he wanted to spend more time with Meng Xia.

Meng Xia is quite interested in the Spring Festival Gala in this world.

In fact, Meng Xia also received an invitation from a local station, which wanted her to perform in the Spring Festival Gala. But she refused.

After all, if she goes, then Meng Sheng will really have to spend the New Year alone.

But Meng Sheng didn't know all this.

When reaching 0 o'clock, Meng Xia once again received blessings from friends.

Meng Xia actually doesn’t have many WeChat friends.

The friends of the original owner had already deleted her after the Meng family went bankrupt. Now the people on Meng Xia's WeChat account are basically the people she knew after time travel.

Meng Xia replied to these people one by one.

After she replied, she suddenly received a video call from Zong Xichuan.

Meng Xia didn't think much and took the call directly.

But after connecting, Meng Xia was stunned when she saw the dense crowd of people on the other side of Zong Xichuan.

"Please give way and don't block my view of Xiaoxia!" Mrs. Zong pushed Mr. Zong aside displeased.

Not to be outdone, Mr. Zong replied: "This is my daughter-in-law too. Let me see what's wrong!"

Zong Xichuan directly occupied the entire screen and said to Meng Xia with some embarrassment: "Sorry, they insisted on letting me call you."

Zong Xichuan's tone was very helpless.

During this New Year's Eve dinner, he had been ignored by two old people.

Mr. Zong and Mrs. Zong knew that Zong Xichuan finally had someone he liked, and they thought they would finally be able to see their daughter-in-law.

Unexpectedly, Zong Xichuan didn't bring the person back, which made them both angry.

Zong Xichuan was scolded.

In the end, Zong Xichuan had to make a phone call to Meng Xia, saying that he wanted to say Happy New Year to Meng Xia in person.

Originally Zong Xichuan was unwilling. After all, he didn't know if Meng Xia wanted to see his family.

But Mr. Zong and Mrs. Zong couldn't stand it and insisted on letting him fight.

They even said harshly that if he didn't fight, they would go find Meng Xia personally now.
Zong Xichuan believed that his parents could do such a thing, so he could only make a video call to Meng Xia.

He had already thought that if Meng Xia showed the slightest bit of displeasure, he would hang up the video.

However, looking at Meng Xia on the other side of the camera, he didn't seem unhappy except for being shocked, which made Zong Xichuan feel relieved.

As soon as Zong Xichuan said something to Meng Xia, his phone was snatched away by Mrs. Zong.

Mrs. Zong smiled and said to Meng Xia: "Xiao Xia, Happy New Year! I know it may be a bit abrupt to ask Xichuan to call you suddenly, but Auntie just wants to say Happy New Year to you in person."

Although Mrs. Zong looked very calm on the surface, she was actually quite nervous inside.

She didn't know if Meng Xia would be unhappy.

The reason why she insisted on letting Zong Xichuan make a video call to Meng Xia was partly because she wanted to see what her future daughter-in-law looked like.

Also, she knew that Meng Xia and Meng Sheng were the only ones left in Meng Xia's family. It was really pitiful for these two little children to have no elders during the Chinese New Year.

That's why she deliberately asked Zong Xichuan to make this call, wanting to care about the two siblings.

"Hello, aunt." Meng Xia smiled slightly at Mrs. Zong and greeted Mrs. Zong politely.

Seeing Meng Xia's appearance, Madam Zong knew that Meng Xia was a polite person, and she immediately let go of her guard.

Started chatting with Meng Xia.

Meng Xia could handle Mrs. Zong's words with ease.

After a conversation, Mrs. Zong was extremely satisfied with her daughter-in-law.

Mr. Zong on the side was scratching his head anxiously and could only watch Mrs. Zong chatting with Meng Xia.

But the worst thing happened to the owner of the mobile phone, Zong Xichuan. Zong Xichuan was squeezed into a corner by the two old people.

Not even a chance to show his face.

Mrs. Zong and Meng Xia chatted for a long time before hanging up the phone. Zong Xichuan could not say a word during the whole process.

Zong Xichuan's face was a bit dark. Even if he was forced to make a video call, why didn't he even have a chance to speak?

Madam Zong noticed Zong Xichuan's dark, sinister face and knew what he was thinking at a glance.

He took out two red envelopes and handed them to Zong Xichuan, "Young Master, please keep a straight face and give this red envelope to Xiaoxia and her brother.

Their two children are helpless. Even if you can't accompany them to the New Year's Eve dinner, at least go and see them. "

Zong Xichuan looked at Mrs. Zong in surprise.

After all, it stands to reason that he has to stay with him tonight and cannot leave.

"What are you thinking about? Go back quickly, you must come back tonight, otherwise I will ask your father to break your legs!" Mrs. Zong glared at Zong Xichuan.

Although Mr. Zong on the side did not speak, it was obvious that he had the same attitude as Mrs. Zong.

They had no doubt that Zong Xichuan would do such a thing as not coming back tonight.

If it was normal, they would just turn a blind eye and pass by.

But not these days.

The Zong family is a family that pays special attention to etiquette. They are extremely merciful to allow Zong Xichuan to leave secretly to see Meng Xia.

But Zong Xichuan must come back.

Zong Xichuan must stay at the Zong family's old residence these days to meet with leaders from various places in the Zong family.

This is also the first time Zong Xichuan officially meets these people as a young master after he retired from the army.

So it is extremely important.

Moreover, Mr. Zong has decided to officially appoint Zong Xichuan as the new head of the Zong family at this family meeting.

Zong Xichuan took the red envelope and left.

Naturally, it was impossible to leave openly and through the back door.

Mr. Zong also stayed in the study all the time in order to let people know that Zong Xichuan had left the old house.

Otherwise, some old-fashioned people in the family will have to complain again.

The reason why Mrs. Zong and Mr. Zong personally protected Zong Xichuan was because they really felt sorry for the Meng Xia siblings.

If it weren't for this special period, they would have wanted to bring Meng Xia and his brother to the Zong family to celebrate the New Year together.

Another aspect is that they know that Zong Xichuan will definitely go to see Meng Xia today no matter what.

They know their son's character too well.

Since you can't stop it, why not just make it happen.

Royal Water Bay.

Meng Xia and Meng Sheng were still sitting in the living room watching the Spring Festival Gala.

Just then the doorbell rang suddenly.

Meng Xia and Meng Sheng looked at each other with confusion.

Logically speaking, no one should come to the door at this time of day.

Meng Xia was relatively close to the door. Just as he was about to open the door, he was stopped by Meng Sheng.

"Sister, let me go. What if there is danger?"

Meng Sheng walked cautiously toward the door. He had watched too many horror movies.

I always feel that someone knocking on the door at this hour is not a good person.

There was a squeak.

The door opens...

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