Chapter 26 Opening up in person

In fact, not only Lin Jin, but also the other two people thought that Meng Xia would definitely not come back.

Generally speaking, those who quit in the middle of a variety show basically have no chance of coming back, but Meng Xia is an exception.

"If you want to catch up on the past, save it for later. Let's start training now." Zong Xichuan said coldly.

During this period of time, Zong Xichuan has been nicknamed the cold-faced King of Hell by netizens due to his inhumanity.

Seeing that Meng Xia was dragged to training as soon as she came back, netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't help but complain.

[He is really the cold-faced King of Hell, he doesn’t know how to show mercy to others. 】

[Brother, you can’t find a wife like this. 】

[It seems that there is no such thing as pity or cherishment in the eyes of our squad leader. 】

[Note on solitary students, note on solitary students. 】

But Zong Xichuan made a rare comeback and ended the training half an hour early to give everyone some time to reminisce.

Lin Jin couldn't wait to come to Meng Xia's side and said with concern: "Xiao Xia, are you okay? We have been worried about you while you were gone."

Meng Xia didn't say anything, just looked at Lin Jin.

This girl might have forgotten that they were fighting each other not long ago.

Seeing Meng Xia looking at him like this, Lin Jin said deliberately: "Xiao Xia, are you still angry about what happened last time? It's normal for friends to fight and fight, so don't be angry."

Netizens praised Lin Jin for his magnanimity.

[Look, my Xiaojin is different, not at all like some people. 】

[As expected of a heroine, Xiao Jin’s mind is different. 】

[It's obviously Meng Xia's fault, why did Xiao Jin bow his head first. 】

[This Meng Xia is really petty. My Xiao Jin doesn’t even care. How can she put on such a bad face? 】

"Of course I won't be angry. Speaking of which, I have to congratulate you." Meng Xia said to Lin Jin with a smile.

Lin Jin looked confused and couldn't figure out what Meng Xia was doing: "Why do you congratulate me?"

Meng Xia looked at Lin Jin with a smile and said word by word: "Congratulations on finally getting rid of your mistress identity."

Lin Jin's face suddenly turned cold.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also shocked by Meng Xia's words.

Although this is true, it does not mean that you can say it like this, my sister.

Li Dongbai and Zhao Yulin, on the other hand, looked confused. After they entered the military camp, they devoted themselves wholeheartedly and did not pay attention to what was going on outside at all.

Therefore, he didn't know anything about Meng Xia and Lu Xing.

Even though Meng Xia said that he was going to solve some problems these days, the two of them really thought that Meng Xia left because something happened at home.

Now when Meng Xia said this, everyone was confused. Lin Jin got rid of his mistress identity?

So Lin Jin worked as a mistress for someone before?

But isn’t Lin Jin and Mr. Lu together? What the hell is a mistress?

I don't understand.

But soon Meng Xia began to explain to them thoughtfully: "Now that my engagement with Lu Xing has been terminated, no one will say anything to you again. Isn't this worthy of congratulations?"

Lin Jin was so angry that he couldn't say a word. If looks could kill, Meng Xia would have been cut into pieces long ago.

Li Dongbai and Zhao Yulin on the side had expressions of surprise on their faces.

Zhao Yulin spoke tentatively: "Xiao Xia, what do you mean? What do you mean your engagement with Mr. Lu has been terminated?"

"Lu Xing and I have been engaged since childhood." Meng Xi said lightly.

However, Zhao Yulin and Li Dongbai were so shocked that they could hardly close their mouths. It's not that the news that Meng Xia and Lu Xing were engaged was so shocking. The main reason was that Lu Xing had visited the class as Lin Jin's boyfriend before.

Even if he cheated, he still did it in front of his fiancée. This is really a bit too much.

Li Dongbai and Zhao Yulin looked at Meng Xia with a hint of sympathy in their eyes, which was so pitiful.

At the same time, the two people's affection for Lin Jin dropped rapidly.

It's okay to meddle in other people's feelings, but humiliating them openly and openly is a bit too much.

Netizens in the live broadcast room called Meng Xia's output a "six".

[666 Ah, Meng Xia’s face-to-face performance is really a bit awesome. 】

[Meng Xia knows how to humiliate people. 】

[I used to think that Meng Xia was a reserved girl, but now it seems that she is too "reserved". 】

[Should I say it or not, this move by Meng Xia is really a relief. 】

But Lin Jin's fans kept explaining.

[My Xiaojin doesn’t know about the engagement between Meng Xia and Mr. Lu at first glance. 】

[So what if there is an engagement? The only one Mr. Lu likes is our Jinbao. 】

[Who is to blame for making her unable to control her man? 】

When Lin Jin saw the eyes of Li Dongbai and Zhao Yulin looking at him, he immediately squeezed out a few tears and said with great grievance: "Xiao Xia, I really didn't know that you and A Xing were engaged. If I knew that you were engaged, I wouldn't say anything." I won’t agree to his confession.”

What Lin Jin said was very level.

First, she took it out. She didn't know about Meng Xia and Lu Xing's engagement at all, explaining that she didn't know what was happening. ,

Secondly, it was Lu Xing who pursued him on his own initiative. He didn't know anything about it. He was not the one who hooked up with Lu Xing on his own initiative.

Sure enough, when they heard what Lin Jin said, Li Dongbai and Zhao Yulin immediately felt that they had wronged Lin Jin.

After all, Lin Jin didn't know anything that she was also a victim, and everything was Lu Xing's fault.

The trend of netizens in the live broadcast room also began to reverse.

[Both girls are not at fault, Lin Jin is also a victim, everything is Lu Xing’s fault. 】

[Lin Jin is also quite pitiful. He became a mistress without knowing anything. 】

[It’s all Lu Xing’s fault, this scumbag! 】

[If you ask me, in the final analysis, it is the fault of this engagement contract. There should not be such a thing as an engagement contract in this society now. 】

[Shit, this is about the engagement. If he didn't like Meng Xia when he got engaged, why didn't he say it? If his family is bankrupt, he suddenly doesn't like it, right? 】

Lin Jin's words indeed succeeded in picking him out, but they pushed Lu Xing to the forefront.

The Lu family finally managed to suppress the previous hot search, but now it has been sent up again by netizens.

The Lu family's stock market began to decline, and Lu Xing was directly ordered by Lu's father not to leave home.

Lu Xing couldn't figure out why Meng Xia knew people from the Fu family.

He and Meng Xia had known each other since childhood, and he had never heard Meng Xia mention that he knew anyone from the Fu family.

Lu Xing secretly hated Meng Xia in his heart. If Meng Xia had told him this a long time ago, how could he have done it so brilliantly?

Everything is Meng Xia's fault!
In the military camp, Lin Jin was still explaining himself: "Xiao Xia, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you."

Seeing Lin Jin's attitude was so good, Li Dongbai and Zhao Yulin on the side couldn't help but explain to Lin Jin: "Xiaoxia, Xiaojin is also a victim of all this, so don't be like her."

Meng Xia looked at a few people with a smile.

Doesn't Lin Jin know that she and Lu Xing are an unmarried couple? hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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