Chapter 28 Breaking Defense
Zong Xichuan was shocked again by Meng Xia's words, and his guilt for being discharged early seemed to be soothed.

Yes, there are still many things to do to serve the country. Even if you can't continue to serve in the army, you can still do other things.

"Meng Xia, thank you."

Facing Zong Xichuan's sudden thank you, Meng Xia was confused: "Squad leader, what are you thanking me for?"

But Zong Xichuan just smiled and said nothing.

When Meng Xia saw Zong Xichuan didn't answer, he didn't continue to ask. Instead, he asked another question: "Squad leader, what are you going to do after you retire?"

I don’t know why Zong Xichuan suddenly wanted to tease Meng Xia: “I haven’t thought about it yet.”

And when the words reached Meng Xia's ears, he had nowhere to go after he retired from the army.

Meng Xia immediately sympathized with Zong Xichuan even more. Even if he was discharged due to injury, he had nowhere to go after being discharged.

It's so pathetic.

However, what Meng Xia didn't know was that even if Zong Xichuan was just an ordinary person, Xia State still had an organization called the Veterans Service Station.

But the original owner of these things didn't know, so Meng Xia didn't know either.

Zong Xichuan saw Meng Xia looking at him with sympathy. Just as he was about to explain, he heard Meng Xia say: "Squad leader, if you really have nowhere to go after you retire, you can contact me."

Meng Xia's eyes were very sincere when he said this, and he didn't look like he was joking at all.

Zong Xichuan originally planned to explain clearly, but now he suddenly didn't want to explain so much: "Okay."

Therefore, Meng Xia always thought that life after military service was not easy.

"Squad leader, can you give me a pen and a piece of paper?" Meng Xia suddenly said.

Zong Xichuan didn't know what Meng Xia wanted these for, but he still gave them to her.

After taking the note, Meng Xia wrote a number on it and handed it to Zong Xichuan: "Squad leader, this is my mobile phone number. You can just call this number after you are discharged from the army."

Zong Xichuan suddenly laughed: "Why, if I can't find a job after I retire from the army, are you still going to support me?"

Meng Xia shook his head.

Zong Xichuan's smile gradually sank. He was so confused that he really expected a little girl to support him.

But the next second he heard Meng Xia say: "I can't support you, but I can help you find a job."

Meng Xia said it very seriously.

She had thought about it seriously. Although she had a little money now, she still had to support a younger brother. She really didn't have any extra money to support others.

And from the memory of the original owner, she knew that it was easy for both men and women to find a job in this era.

If that doesn't work, let Zong Xichuan go to the construction site to move bricks with Meng Sheng.

Zong Xichuan was still smiling and had no idea that Meng Xia's job was for him to move bricks.

Meng Xia glanced at the clock on the wall, saw that it was getting late, and said goodbye to Zong Xichuan: "Squad leader, it's getting late, I'm leaving first."

"Yes." Zong Xichuan nodded lightly.

After Meng Xia left, Zong Xichuan looked at the paper in his hand and curled his lips unconsciously.

Meng Xia met Lin Jin on the roadside before she returned to the dormitory.

To be precise, judging from Lin Jin's appearance, he must have come here to wait for her on purpose. There were no photographers following Lin Jin, so he was obviously prepared. "You just came out of the monitor's office, right? How could you come back to love? You just went through the back door." Lin Jin said sarcastically.

Meng Xia frowned unhappily: "Don't think that everyone is the same as you because of your low quality."

"You!" Lin Jin was immediately angered by Meng Xia's words.

But he quickly adjusted back and continued: "You shouldn't think that a small squad leader on the list can sit back and relax, right? Meng Xia, your taste is really not good, you can take a fancy to a small squad leader, It’s really not picky.”

Meng Xia was completely angry now. The last thing she could accept was for others to insult soldiers: "If it weren't for soldiers like them throwing their lives and blood on the front line, do you think you would still have a chance to stand here! Enjoying the service that soldiers protect with their lives Everything, only to turn around and dislike soldiers. People like you should be dragged directly to the battlefield!"

Lin Jin's face turned pale when Meng Xia said that, but he still said stubbornly: "That's nice to say. Why don't you go to the battlefield if you are so protective of soldiers?"

Meng Xia stepped closer to Lin Jin, and then said in a low voice: "Although I can't go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, I don't mind dealing with you, the trash that insults the military."

Lin Jin was so frightened that he backed away: "Meng Xia, I tell you not to mess around, this is a military camp!"

Meng Xia sneered.

How ridiculous.

Just now she was still hating the soldiers, but now she remembered that this was a military camp. This was extremely ironic!
Lin Jin kept some distance from Meng Xia and continued: "Aren't you just jealous that I got Lu Xing's favor? To tell you the truth, Lu Xing and I were together before your family went bankrupt. He didn't even I never liked you!"

If the previous Meng Xia heard this, he would definitely be so angry that he would take action, and then Lin Jin would take photos of the evidence.

But now Meng Xia is very calm: "It's just a man I don't want, so you are still a treasure."

This time Lin Jin broke his guard: "You are just jealous of me. I tell you that the position of the young lady of the Lu family will only be mine, and you will always be stepped on by me."

Meng Xia glanced at her lightly: "Besides relying on men, what else can you rely on?"

Lin Jin broke through his defense again: "Meng Xia, you bitch!!!"

Meng Xia didn't bother to talk to her and went back to the dormitory bypassing her.

Lin Jin was left stomping his feet in anger: "Damn Meng Xia, I will definitely make you pay the price!!!!"

Meng Xia sneezed when she returned to the dormitory. She didn't have to think twice to know that it was Lin Jin who was scolding her behind her back.

After Meng Xia washed up, Lin Jin came back slowly.

But Lin Jin still greeted Meng Xia with a smile, as if nothing had happened just now.

Meng Xia once again had a certain understanding of Lin Jin's acting skills.

If Lin Jin's acting skills were so good when filming, then she would be the best actress this year.

During training the next day, Zong Xichuan suddenly announced that there would be a party held at the military camp tonight.

So they got a half-day break in the afternoon.

Meng Xia was still very curious about the military camp party, even though she had seen many performances in her previous life.

But this was in a military camp, and it was a performance by soldiers. For Meng Xia, it was a completely different experience.

So I went to help very enthusiastically in the afternoon.

Seeing Meng Xia go to help Lin Jin naturally wouldn't let her stand out alone, so he rushed to help.

(End of this chapter)

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