Chapter 32 Scheming
Wait until Qi Yue leaves.

Zong Xichuan turned on his phone and stared at the video for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

Just as he was watching the video, his phone suddenly rang.

As soon as Zong Xichuan answered the phone, a cheerful male voice came from the other end of the phone: "Cousin, why didn't you tell me before that the person named Meng Xia can also dance with guns? If I had known earlier, I would have asked the screenwriter to give her more Add some drama.”

The person on the other end of the phone was Zong Xichuan's cousin Fu Yuze, the legendary young master of the Fu family and the president of Changhong Entertainment.

"I just learned about this." Zong Xichuan has always had a good relationship with his cousin.

Fu Yuze had always wanted Zong Xichuan to lend him a female soldier.

His company was recently preparing to shoot a military-themed TV series, but it has not been able to find a suitable heroine candidate.

So he decided to go to the military camp.

Naturally, Zong Xichuan would not agree to him.

It wasn't until Zong Xichuan saw Meng Xia later that he suddenly felt that Meng Xia was a very suitable candidate.

She has the qualities of a soldier and an actress, so she is a perfect fit.

So Zong Xichuan made a suggestion to Fu Yuze.

"Okay, then I won't be the same as you. By the way, cousin, when will your variety show end? I can't wait to start filming."

Zong Xichuan calculated the remaining time in his mind and said in a deep voice: "It's almost time."

Fu Yu began to chat with Zong Xichuan about his settings for this drama and some plot arrangements.

Zong Xichuan has become accustomed to his rambling, listening to him while processing some documents.

Now that you are retiring from the army, some things must be handed over.

Just when Zong Xichuan was concentrating on processing the documents, he suddenly heard Fu Yuze say: "Speaking of which, I also helped this Meng Xia solve a problem."

Zong Xichuan put down the document in his hand and asked, "What's the trouble?"

Fu Yu on the other end of the phone began to ramble: "Didn't she leave the military camp for a while after you recommended her to me? I don't want to take this opportunity to see what kind of person she is.

Then when I was about to visit her agency, I received a message from the industry. Guess what the news is? "Fu Yuze deliberately let it go.

"what news?"

"Lu Xing named Meng Xia to be banned!"

Hearing Fu Yuze's words, Zong Xichuan frowned, feeling very disdainful of Lu Xing.

It was obvious that he had cheated on her first, but he still had the nerve to order Meng Xia's death.

Zong Xichuan then asked: "Where's the back?"

Fu Yuze on the other end of the phone said very proudly: "Of course I solved it. The actor that I, Fu Yuze, likes is the one they want to ban.

Besides, Lu Xing was so embarrassed. He was the one who cheated on her first, so Meng Xia canceled the engagement as he expected. As a result, he became angry.

It's really worthless. I don't know how Mr. Lu gave birth to such a stick. "

Fu Yuze's words were full of dislike for Lu Xing.

The matter between Lu Xing and Meng Xia was causing quite a stir. As a leader in the entertainment industry, Fu Yuze naturally knew about these matters.

"It's indeed quite tasteless." Zong Xichuan couldn't help but agree.

Hearing Zong Xichuan echo his words, Fu Yuze became even more excited: "Yeah, it's really tasteless.

But that Meng Xia was really talented. She actually hired a etiquette team and went to the Lu family with the divorce letter and tokens. At that time, many passers-by followed and joined in the fun.

You don't know how ugly Lu Xing's face was at that time, but because there were so many people watching, he didn't dare to say anything. I could only accept the divorce letter obediently. "

Listening to Fu Yuze's description, Zong Xichuan could already imagine the scene, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously. She is a person who does not suffer any loss.

Fu Yuze was still talking to Zong Xichuan about Meng Xia: "But this Meng Xia is indeed quite pitiful. After his parents died, the company was occupied by relatives, and his only younger brother was still a gambler.

In order to pay off his brother's debt, Meng Xia sold the only villa left to her by her parents. I heard that she is still looking for a house now, which is really pitiful. "

Zong Xichuan was silent for a while and then asked: "Is the villa in Yushuiwan still vacant?"

"It's empty, both buildings are empty." Fu Yuze didn't understand why Zong Xichuan suddenly asked about the house, but he still answered truthfully.

Zong Xichuan asked Fu Yuze to buy the two villas in Yushui Bay. He originally wanted to buy only one, but Fu Yuze shamelessly asked Zong Xichuan to buy him one as well.

"I'll give you the one from the prosperous era. I want the one from Yushui Bay."

"What?" Fu Yuze suspected that he heard wrongly.

Zong Xichuan repeated it again, and now Fu Yuze was finally sure that he heard correctly.

But after confirming what Zong Xichuan was talking about, Fu Yuze was really shocked: "No, cousin, what are you planning to do? The prosperous villa in the prosperous age is worth the three villas in Yushuiwan, right? Are you trading the prosperous one with me for the one in Yushuiwan? You must be talking nonsense because you have a fever."

"I'm not kidding." Zong Xichuan's tone was serious.

"No, don't you already have one in Yushuiwan? Why do you need two? You can't live alone." Fu Yuze became even more confused.

Zong Xichuan coughed lightly and said, "Help me sell one of the villas to Meng Xia."

Fu Yuze: "..."

Okay, okay, now he finally knew what Zong Xichuan was doing.

The first to get the moon near the water tower is really a good idea!
"Cousin, why didn't I realize you were so scheming before?" Fu Yuze couldn't help but sigh.

Zong Xichuan coughed twice in embarrassment: "Remember to lower the price."

Fu Yu rolled his eyes directly.

Even though you can give it away directly, you still want people to buy it.

Say you're not brave, you're trying to trick someone into living across the street from you.

Call you brave, you don't even dare to let people know that this house is yours.

Fu Yuze really couldn't understand what was going on in his cousin's head.

But Zong Xichuan has his own considerations.

It would not be appropriate for him to give the house directly to Meng Xia, and Meng Xia would not want it.

If you sell it directly to her, she won't have any psychological burden.

And he admitted that he did have a crush on Meng Xia.

He wanted to know whether the tower near the water could get the moon first.

In the end, Fu Yuze agreed to find a way to sell the house to Meng Xia.

The villa that was originally worth about 20 million was suddenly reduced to 2 million.

Fu Yuze cursed Zong Xichuan in his heart as a prodigal.

If there is no moon near the water tower by then, he will laugh at Xichuan for the rest of his life.

But Fu Yuze was really curious about what it would be like for Zong Xichuan, a thousand-year-old iron tree, to chase people.

What should I do if I feel like eating melon?

(End of this chapter)

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