Chapter 37 Heart-to-heart talk under the moonlight
After counting the number of casualties, the next step is to calculate the points.

After all, this was Meng Xia's first time to participate in the exercise. Although Zong Xichuan had taught them marksmanship before in the military camp, practice and learning were different after all.

Therefore, Meng Xia only eliminated Lin Jin and gained five points.

Zhao Yulin, on the other hand, didn't have a single head. After all, these were all soldiers, so they couldn't just hit them casually.

Meng Xia also shot Lin Jin in the head with one shot. This was largely because Lin Jin was too confident and she didn't pay attention to dodge at all.

Of course, if Meng Xia's marksmanship was not accurate, he would definitely not be able to hit Lin Jin.

Zong Xichuan eliminated three people and gained fifteen points.

"Captain, your marksmanship is so accurate." Meng Xia looked at Zong Xichuan and praised him sincerely. After seeing Zong Xichuan's marksmanship, Meng Xia admired Zong Xichuan even more.

Being looked at so directly by Meng Xia, although there was no change in Zong Xichuan's face, his ears were slightly red, but fortunately no one noticed.

Hearing Meng Xia's praise of Zong Xichuan, a soldier said very proudly: "Our captain's marksmanship is one of the best in the military camp!"

Meng Xia's eyes brightened even more.

Zong Xichuan coughed slightly in embarrassment.

It was night soon, and Zong Xichuan led everyone to find a relatively secluded cave. Zong Xichuan led everyone inside and confirmed that there was no danger inside before deciding to rest in place.

In order to ensure that they would not be attacked by sneak attacks, Zong Xichuan also led them to place mines specially used for exercises around them.

After all the mines were arranged, everyone began to rest.

However, two people were still left standing guard, and the team would be changed every once in a while.

As the only girl, Meng Xia was offered to stand guard for her without her asking, but Meng Xia refused.

Meng Xia doesn't think there's anything special about being a girl. Since everyone else can do it, why can't she?

Meng Xia's actions made the audience in the live broadcast room and everyone on the red team have a good impression of her.

Standing guard with Meng Xia was Zong Xichuan.

They were not the ones standing guard in the first round, so Meng Xia found a relatively flat place to lie down and rest.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were surprised to see Meng Xia lying down just like that.

[Isn’t it said that Meng Xia has mysophobia? This doesn't even look like it. 】

[Meng Xia is quite down-to-earth. 】

[Who said Meng Xia was hypocritical? Call him out and I promise not to beat him to death. 】

In fact, Meng Xia does have mysophobia, but it depends on the situation. If he is at home, he will naturally care about this, but now that he is at war, he cannot be pretentious.

When it was Meng Xia's turn to stand guard, he woke up before anyone else could call him.

Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan walked outside the cave together.

The weather is very good today, and you can actually see the stars.

Meng Xia found a stone and sat down, quietly admiring the stars in the sky.

Zong Xichuan, on the other hand, was sitting not far away from Meng Xia and watching her quietly. For some reason, Zong Xichuan always felt that Meng Xia now seemed to be showing a touch of sadness.

Zong Xichuan walked to sit on the stone next to Meng Xia and said, "Are you unhappy?"

Meng Xia didn't expect that Zong Xichuan would notice his emotions, and said softly: "I just remembered some things from the past."

In her previous life, Meng Xia had completely lost her freedom since she got married. In that era of strict requirements for women, she could only act in accordance with the requirements for women at that time.

Three obediences and four virtues, these four words carried out the life of women in that era.

It wasn't until she came to this world that she realized that women could do what they wanted without being bound by family interests or the world. Meng Xia couldn't help but think that if the era she lived in in her previous life could be like this, how happy the women of that era would be.

But Zong Xichuan didn't know Meng Xia's inner thoughts, and thought Meng Xia was thinking of his parents, so he comforted him: "Look forward in everything."

"Yeah." Meng Xia nodded, feeling that what Zong Xichuan said made sense.

Now that I have come to this era, I can just live my life seriously.

Although the two of them were not on the same channel, they were unexpectedly connected to the signal.

"Captain, why do you want to be a soldier?" Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan started chatting.

Zong Xichuan recalled his past events and whispered: "I was kidnapped when I was a child. A soldier rescued me. Since then, I have determined to become a soldier."

Meng Xia was shocked to hear that Zong Xichuan had been kidnapped: "Why would someone kidnap you?"

Meng Xia knew from the memory of the original owner that the laws of this era were very perfect, and kidnappings rarely happened.

Hearing Meng Xia's question, Zong Xichuan smiled slightly and said, "It's just for money."

"Fortunately nothing happened to you." Meng Xia said with emotion.

Zong Xichuan curled his lips.

In fact, he almost had an accident that year. If the soldier hadn't happened to come home on vacation and met him who was kidnapped, he might have been killed long ago.

What Zong Xichuan didn't tell Meng Xia was that those people were not only after money, but also wanted his life.

"The starry sky today is so beautiful." Meng Xia said while looking at the stars in the sky.

She couldn't even remember how long it had been since she sat down so quietly and admired the starry sky at night.

It should have been since she got married. Ever since she got married, she has completely lost her freedom. Every day, she is either taking care of things in the house or busy dealing with a group of ladies, and she has no time for herself at all.

Fortunately, everything is over.

The moonlight at night slowly shone on Meng Xia's face, covering her with a light layer of silver.

Zong Xichuan looked at Meng Xia quietly: "She is quite beautiful."

Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan chatted one after another, and soon it was time to change shifts.

The two of them got up and went back to rest.

Time passed quickly, and a night had passed before I knew it.

A new day is about to begin.

After dawn, Zong Xichuan led everyone away from here and began to search for the whereabouts of the blue team.

In the early morning, the mountain forest is filled with the freshness of morning dew, which is refreshing and refreshing.

Meng Xia was in a good mood, but some people were not in such a good mood.

Lin Jin on the other side returned to the military camp after being eliminated. After returning to the military camp, she started calling Lu Xing, hoping to get Lu Xing to take revenge on her.

But her phone kept shutting down after playing all night, which made Lin Jin start to feel a little nervous. Could it be that Lu Xing was abandoning her?

Fortunately, Lu Xing took the initiative to call the next morning and explained that the phone was turned off because he was on a business trip.

Lin Jin felt relieved after confirming that Lu Xing was not tired of him.

Although Lu Xing was very kind to her now, she still worried that Lu Xing would change his heart when there were so many Yingying Yanyans outside.

(End of this chapter)

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