The mistress was reborn in the entertainment industry, starting with military variety shows

Chapter 43 The younger brother studying at the construction site

Chapter 43 The younger brother studying at the construction site

However, Meng Xia did not notice Fu Yuze's capital attitude. Instead, she felt that Fu Yuze was a good boss.

"By the way, how about your manager? If it's okay, I can pry her over to take care of you."

"forget it."

Meng Xia thought of Ye Fang's attitude and rejected Fu Yuze's suggestion without hesitation.

Fu Yuze didn't say much. He just felt that if Meng Xia's previous manager was okay, let her take care of Meng Xia exclusively. This would be better for Meng Xia's development.

After all, artists and managers have to get along day and night. If the relationship is not good, it will affect the work.

But since Meng Xia didn't want her previous manager to take care of her, he would just arrange a new one for Meng Xia.

Anyway, Changhong Entertainment has quite a few agents.

"If you're an agent, I'll ask the company to make arrangements for you. If you're an assistant, you can do it if you have a suitable candidate. If not, the company can also make arrangements for you."


Meng Xia and Fu Yuze chatted for a long time before leaving.

When leaving, Fu Yuze specially sent Meng Xia to where she lived.

Meng Xia did not refuse. After all, there was no one around her now. It would be bad if she was photographed by the paparazzi.

After arriving at the community where Meng Xia lived, Fu Yuze looked at the surrounding environment and said to Meng Xia: "The privacy of this community is not very good. If possible, you should change your place to live."

Fu Yuze actually wanted to say that I can give you a house, but he felt that if he really said that, Meng Xia might regard him as a gangster.

If you want to complete the task assigned by your cousin, you still have to think of other ways.

"This house is only for temporary rent. The previous house was sold and I have been looking for a new house recently." Meng Xia agreed with Fu Yuze's words. It is true that you cannot live here permanently.

Fu Yuchuan's heart skipped a beat.


He only thought about letting Meng Xia go to the villa in Yushui Bay, but he forgot that Meng Xia's original villa was sold to pay off her brother's debt.

If I tell Meng Xia these things now, isn't it hurting others?

Damn me!
Fu Yuze looked at Meng Xia with a guilty look on his face. He was about to apologize to Meng Xia, but found that Meng Xia didn't seem to care at all and seemed to think what he said was reasonable.

Fu Yuze finally calmed down.

"Mr. Fu, I won't invite you up. Goodbye." Meng Xia said goodbye to Fu Yuze politely.

After all, she only lives alone. It would still be inappropriate if a grown man like Fu Yuze were to come up.

But even if Meng Xia really invited Fu Yuceze to come up, he wouldn't be so bold!

If Zong Xichuan knew that he had entered Meng Xia's home, he would not be allowed to chop him up and feed him to the dogs.

Fu Yuze quickly said goodbye to Meng Xia and drove away in his car.

After Meng Xia returned to the house, he simply washed up and went to rest.

Before falling asleep, she suddenly felt that she had forgotten something.

At this time, Meng Sheng, who was far away at the construction site, was eating his lunch box pitifully.


Regarding the termination of Meng Xia's contract with Haitian Entertainment, Lin Jin knew about it in the evening.

"That's really stupid. Does she think that after she leaves Haitian Entertainment, another company will dare to hire her?" Lin Jin said with disdain.

Lin Jin felt that Meng Xia was simply seeking death. Who in the entertainment industry didn't know what happened between Meng Xia and Lu Xing.

Anyone who dares to sign a contract with Meng Xia now is going against the Lu family.


Lin Jin suddenly thought about what Lu Xing told her about the young master of the Fu family who asked Meng Xia to play the heroine in his new drama. Could it be that Meng Xia really fell in love with Mr. Fu?

But Lin Jin quickly rejected this idea. If Meng Xia really knew Fu Yuze, how could she have sold the only villa left to her by her parents in order to pay off the debt. Thinking of this, Lin Jin suddenly relaxed.

I called Lu Xing and told him about this.

That night, all entertainment companies received news from Lu Xing.

No one is allowed to sign Meng Xia, otherwise they are going against the Lu family.

The bosses who originally wanted to sign Meng Xia to their own companies suddenly stopped thinking.

Of course this does not include Fu Yuze.

The termination of Meng Xia's contract with Haitian Entertainment soon became known to the media.

Netizens didn't understand after knowing that Meng Xia and Haitian Entertainment had terminated their contract.

After all, although Haitian Entertainment is not as good as Changhong Entertainment, it is still one of the leaders in the entertainment industry.

Meng Xia's Weibo is full of comments questioning her.

[No, I said sister, what are you doing? You finally got a little bit popular, but you terminated your contract with the company at this time? 】

[Sister Di, forget it if it’s another company. Do you know that this is Haitian Entertainment? How many people want to get in can’t get in, but you just leave like this? 】

[I originally thought I could witness the rise of a new star, but now it seems that it has already cooled down before it even rises. 】

There are also some people who are acting strangely.

[It seems that people feel that Haitian Entertainment is not good enough for her, and it started to fade away as soon as it became popular. 】

[I would like to see where she can go after leaving Haitian Entertainment. 】

Almost everyone thinks that Meng Xia is ungrateful, and they all think that Meng Xia will definitely not be able to survive in the entertainment industry.

Meng Xia didn't pay too much attention to things on the Internet. She was on her way to pick up Meng Sheng.


Meng Xia finally remembered her brother who was far away at the construction site.

After Meng Xia arrived at the construction site, he went directly to the person in charge of the construction site from last time.

The person in charge of the construction site recognized Meng Xia at a glance and stepped forward with a smile: "Are you here to pick up your brother?"

Meng Xia nodded: "How is he doing at the construction site?"

The person in charge of the construction site smiled awkwardly.

The meaning is already obvious.

However, Meng Xia was not too surprised by this. After all, how could a young master who was accustomed to living in fine clothes and fine food endure the hardships of a construction site?

As long as he doesn't gamble anymore.

The person in charge of the construction site took Meng Xia to where Meng Sheng was.

Looking from a distance, Meng Sheng was wearing a top hat and working with a group of workers on reinforcing steel bars.

The person in charge of the construction site asked someone to call Meng Sheng over.

The first time Meng Sheng saw Meng Xia, tears fell down.

The person in charge of the construction site was immediately at a loss: "Why are you crying? We didn't abuse you."

After speaking, he turned to Meng Xia and said, "We really didn't abuse him. Even the job we assigned him was the easiest."

But the most relaxing work on the construction site is something this young man has never experienced before.

This was the first time that Meng Chang had experienced such hardships at this age. Even if his family had gone bankrupt before, he could still make a living by selling Meng Xia's things.

Unexpectedly, Meng Xia actually sent him to the construction site. The more Meng Sheng thought about it, the more aggrieved he felt.

Meng Xia looked at Meng Sheng's pitiful look and handed him a piece of paper: "Wipe your tears and let's go back."

(End of this chapter)

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