Chapter 45 Brothers settle accounts clearly
The next day.

Meng Xia took Meng Sheng out early in the morning.

"Why did you bring me out?" Meng Sheng said impatiently.

As a person with severe morning sickness, Meng Sheng was in a really bad mood when he was woken up early in the morning.

"Weren't you worried that I couldn't find a job yesterday? Today I will take you to meet my new boss." Meng Xia said unhurriedly.

Meng Sheng looked at Meng Xia in surprise, and his tone was incredulous: "You actually found your next home?"

Meng Xia did not answer Meng Sheng's question.

Meng Sheng realized a problem when he was about to arrive at Changhong Entertainment.

Why did Meng Xia take him with her when she came to meet her new boss?

What does this have to do with him?
But before Meng Sheng could ask, the car had already arrived downstairs at Changhong Entertainment.

After getting off the car, Meng Sheng looked at the building in front of him and was dumbfounded: "The new company you are talking about is Changhong Entertainment?"

"Yeah." Meng Xia hummed very calmly.

Ignoring Meng Sheng's shock, he took him directly into the office building of Changhong Entertainment.

Meng Xia told the front desk her name, and someone immediately came to take them upstairs.

Meng Sheng had a lot of questions he wanted to ask, but because there were other people present, he could only endure it.

Since Meng Xia had made an appointment with Fu Yuze before, they were taken directly to the president's office.

The second before he was about to step into the office, Meng Sheng couldn't help but speak: "Are you serious?"

Meng Sheng really couldn't believe that the new company Meng Xia mentioned was actually Changhong Entertainment, the leader in the entertainment industry.

He originally thought that even if Meng Xia could find a new company, it would definitely be a small and inferior company.

Unexpectedly, Meng Xia used a big move in a low voice.

Before Meng Xia could answer his question, the office door opened.

After entering the office, Meng Xia took Meng Sheng and sat on the sofa together, while Fu Yu also got up from his desk.

"Who is this?" Fu Yuze looked at Meng Sheng and asked curiously.

As a qualified younger brother, he must help his good cousin find out which members of the opposite sex are around his future sister-in-law.

"This is my brother Meng Sheng."

Fu Yuze was relieved when he heard Meng Xia's words. Fortunately, he was just his younger brother.

Fu Yuze stretched out his hand towards Meng Sheng: "Hello, I am Fu Yuze."

Meng Sheng also got up from the sofa and shook hands with Fu Yuze: "Hello, Mr. Fu."

Meng Sheng looked unusually embarrassed. If he had known that Meng Xia was bringing him to see Fu Yuze, he would definitely take care of himself.

But Meng Sheng's worry was obviously unnecessary, because Fu Yuze didn't pay attention to him at all.

After greeting Meng Sheng, Fu Yuze talked to Meng Xia about signing the contract.

Fu Yu took out a contract from the drawer and put it in front of Meng Xia: "This is the contract drawn up by the company. Take a look and see if there is anything that needs to be changed."

Meng Xia took the contract and read it carefully.

After seeing this contract, Meng Xia finally knew what kind of contract the original owner had signed with Haitian Entertainment. The benefits were not a small improvement.

And importantly, it is clearly stated in this contract that there will be no hidden rules or forcing artists to attend any receptions.

Although Haitian Entertainment said the same thing, saying it and writing it are two different things.

It can be said that Changhong provides artists with a sense of security. Meng Xia closed the contract after reading all the contents, and then said to Fu Yuze: "It's about the contract, but I have a small request."

"You said."

"I want Meng Sheng to be my assistant."

Fu Yuze thought that Meng Xia would put forward some conditions, but he didn't expect that it was just such a small matter. He agreed without hesitation: "This is no problem. I told you before that anyone can ask for an assistant."

Seeing the two of them finalizing their work, Meng Sheng was stunned.

No, what's going on, asking him to be Meng Xia's assistant?
Meng Sheng didn't react for a while.

It wasn't until Fu Yuze asked his secretary to print out the contract for the assistant that he suddenly realized: "No, when did I say that I was going to be Meng Xia's assistant?"

After hearing Meng Sheng's words, Fu Yu looked at Meng Xia with some confusion: "This?"

Meng Xia said very calmly: "This matter is settled."

When Meng Sheng heard that Meng Xia had made a decision for him, he became angry and said angrily to Meng Xia: "Why do you make a decision for me!"

"Just because you still owe me fifty million." Meng Xia put a piece of paper in front of Meng Sheng.

When she went out, she knew that Meng Sheng would definitely not agree to be her assistant, so she took this thing with her.

Meng Sheng picked up the paper and read it.

The more he looked at him, the darker his face became.

Because it was written on the paper that Meng Xia loaned him 50 million to pay off his gambling debt.

The key point is that the word "borrow" is not to give, but to borrow, which means that the 50 million must be repaid.

If he doesn't pay it back, Meng Xia will be able to take legal proceedings by then.

"Meng Xia, you lied to me!" Meng shouted angrily.
Meng Xia looked at him innocently: "What did I lie to you about? It's natural to pay back debts."

Meng Sheng was speechless.

Meng Xia specially signed such an IOU when she helped him pay off his debt.

At that time, Meng Sheng didn't think that Meng Xia would really ask him to pay back the money, so he signed his name without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, Meng Xia would mention this matter at this time.

"I'm your brother. As a sister, why don't you help me pay back some money?" Meng Sheng said confidently.

Before Meng Xia could speak, Fu Yuze spoke first: "As the saying goes, brothers settle accounts. So what if she is your sister? She has no obligation to raise you."

Fu Yuze originally did not intend to interfere in the affairs between the two siblings, but when he heard that Meng Sheng actually wanted to morally kidnap Meng Xia, he really couldn't hold it in anymore.

Meng Sheng's face turned blue and white, and Fu Yuze was so stunned that he was speechless.

In the end, Meng Sheng obediently agreed to be Meng Xia's assistant.

After signing the contract, Fu Yuze went out of his way to comfort Meng Sheng: "Don't be discouraged. Our company pays assistants a monthly salary of 7,000, which is only 50 million. You may be able to pay it off if you work hard."

Meng Sheng: That's a good comfort. Don't comfort me next time.

After settling the contract matters, Meng Xia suddenly asked: "Mr. Fu, who is my agent?"

Meng Xia still wants to get to know his new agent first, hoping that he won't meet someone like Ye Fang.

"She will add you to WeChat when the time comes." Fu Yuze did not directly tell Meng Xia who her agent was because he was afraid that Meng Xia would be too excited.

When Meng Xia heard what Fu Yuze said, he didn't say anything more.

(End of this chapter)

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