Chapter 47 Familiar People
Meng Xia then read the information Bai Murong sent to him. After seeing this, Meng Xia admired Bai Murong even more.

Bai Murong actually summarized all the routines that have appeared in this variety show, large and small, and also listed several routines that the program team likes to use the most. As long as these routines are understood, there will basically be no problems. .

Meng Xia began to read the information Bai Murong prepared for her seriously.

Since Bai Murong was so considerate, he naturally couldn't live up to his kindness.

While Meng Xia was reading the information, Changhong Entertainment also began to deal with online matters.

Changhong Entertainment directly took out a pile of lawyer's letters and handed them to those who were talking nonsense on the Internet one by one.

Those people were still fighting hard, but after receiving the lawyer's letter, they immediately turned into quails and quickly posted an apology.

After issuing the lawyer's letter, Changhong Entertainment began to deal with the comments that maliciously guided netizens and directly released the IP addresses of these comments.

Then netizens saw that the IP addresses of these comments were all the same.

Now everyone knows that these comments are paid trolls.

After dealing with this, Changhong Entertainment also posted a Weibo post on its work account to clarify everything. He also emphasized why Meng Xia was chosen as the heroine of the new drama.

When netizens learned that Meng Xia was initially chosen because of his performance in the military, they immediately understood.

After all, Meng Xia is a person who has received the Soldier's Medal.

When Lin Jin saw this, his face turned green with anger. After all, she was the one who asked Lu Xing to get Meng Xia on that variety show. If it weren't for Meng Xia, all of this should be hers.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now.

"Even if she performed well in the previous variety show, I don't believe that a person with a high school degree can be in the limelight this time!" Lin Jin has already thought about how to make Meng Xia look embarrassed in the new variety show. She wants to pay it all back!

Things on the Internet were quickly calmed down. Although some people still felt that Meng Xia was not worthy of signing a contract with Changhong Entertainment, they only dared to talk about it in private.

After all, everyone is afraid of a warning letter from a lawyer.

After reading almost all the information Bai Murong sent to him at home, Meng Xia had to go to the variety show.

The night before departure, Meng Xia suddenly thought of something: "I don't know if the squad leader has retired from the army."

Meng Xia took out his phone and started looking at the friend application, but it was still empty.

When she was in the military camp, she gave Zong Xichuan her phone number, but she forgot to ask Zong Xichuan for his phone number.

Now we can only wait and see whether Zong Xichuan will take the initiative to add himself.

Just when Meng Xia was about to log out of WeChat and sleep, she suddenly received a friend request.

The other party's remarks were just three words: Zong Xichuan.

Meng Xia immediately approved Zong Xichuan's friend application.

After passing it, Meng Xia immediately sent a message to Zong Xichuan.

Meng Xia: Squad leader, have you retired from the army?
The other person responded quickly.

Zong Xichuan: Yeah.

Meng Xia: Have you found a job now?
Zong Xichuan smiled when he saw the news about Meng Xia. He suddenly thought of what Meng Xia Shou said about finding him a job.

The corners of his mouth began to rise unconsciously.

Fu Yu, who was next to him, saw him giggling there and secretly moved his head over to see what Zong Xichuan was talking about.

It's a pity that Zong Xichuan discovered it.

Zong Xichuan stood up and walked to the other side.

Fu Yuze looked at Zong Xichuan's movements and couldn't help but complained in a low voice: "You forget your loyalty when you see sex!"

But Zong Xichuan ignored Fu Yuze at all, walked aside and started to reply to Meng Xia.

Zong Xichuan: Found it.

Meng Xia looked at Zong Xichuan and said he had found a job, and was very happy for him.

Meng Xia: That’s good. Remember to contact me if you need anything.

Zong Xichuan: Yeah.

Meng Xia: Squad leader, are you still staying in the capital?
Zong Xichuan: My home is here. Meng Xia: That’s good. We can meet again when we have the opportunity in the future.

Looking at this news, Zong Xichuan thought of the invitation he had just received.

He replied: Soon.

Meng Xia only thought that Zong Xichuan's quick words were just polite words and did not think deeply about it.

After Zong Xichuan and Meng Xia chatted for a while, Meng Xia went to rest.

Fu Yuze saw Zong Xichuan put down his mobile phone and immediately walked to his side and said jokingly: "Hey, let's see if you can have any potential with your ecstatic expression."

Zong Xichuan just glanced at Fu Yuze, who immediately shut his mouth.

"I said you participated in this show because of her." Fu Yuze suddenly said.

Zong Xichuan said nothing, but Fu Yuze already knew the answer.

"If grandpa knew that you took the initiative to go on the show to chase the little girl, I'm afraid he would beat you to death." Fu Yuze said with gloating.

Zong Xichuan said expressionlessly: "I don't know if I will be beaten to death, but I know that if your aunt finds out about you going to the bar, she will definitely beat you to death."

Zong Xichuan said the most vicious words in the calmest tone.

Fu Yuze looked at Zong Xichuan in disbelief: "You actually want to file a complaint! The relationship between us for so many years has been wrongly paid after all!"

"When did we have feelings for each other?" Zong Xichuan's tone was still very calm.

Fu Yuze: "You ruthless bitch, I curse you to never find a partner in your life!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fu Yuze felt a chill on his back.

It's bad, and I accidentally told the truth.

"I see that you haven't had enough exercise lately. It seems like I have to give you a good workout." Zong Xichuan's tone was very cold, and his fingers crackled when pinched.

"Haha...what...I still have something to do...I'll leave first." Fu Yuze stepped back as he spoke.

He was about to leave.

As a result, Zong Xichuan grabbed Destiny's neck.

After a while, an earth-shattering wailing sound could be heard throughout the villa.


Soon it was time to participate in a variety show.

Meng Xia directly handed Meng Sheng over to Bai Murong for help. With Bai Murong, Meng Xia didn't worry at all that Meng Sheng would do any bad things.

Meng Sheng, on the other hand, didn't care about Bai Murong. She was just a girl, how could she control him.

But he would soon pay a heavy price for this idea.

When Meng Xia arrived at the recording site of the variety show, he immediately saw Lin Jin standing in the C position.

Lin Jin snorted coldly when he saw Meng Xia and continued talking to other people.

The other people were obviously handed over by Lin Jin, and no one went to talk to Lin Jin.

This variety show is in the form of a recorded broadcast, so they don't even bother to pretend.

After all, these directors would definitely not dare to release it.

When Meng Xia first arrived, he was told by the director that there were other people who had not arrived, so he could only sit aside and wait.

Although no one spoke to her during the whole process, she was quite happy and at ease.

About half an hour later, the last guest finally arrived.

When the director announced that people were coming, Meng Xia looked up.

Her eyes widened when she saw the person coming.

(End of this chapter)

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