Chapter 54 Familiar Words

Ou Ruoruo walked to Meng Xia and said deliberately: "Hey Meng Xia, I heard that you had an engagement with Lu Xing before, right? It's a pity that even if you have an engagement, you are still no match for Lin Jin. It's really pitiful."

The cameras are now with Lin Jin and Liu Yi, so Ou Ruoruo has no worries when speaking.

What Ou Ruoruo said was a double entendre. It not only reminded Zong Xichuan that Meng Xia was just a woman Lu Xing didn't want, but also told Meng Xia that even if she was with Zong Xichuan now, she might not be able to keep it.

Meng Xia glanced at Ou Ruoruo, and then said seriously: "You are so concerned about Lu Xing and me, do you like Lu Xing?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Ou Ruoruo was so angry at Meng Xia's words that she shouted directly at her.

Just at this time, Lin Jin and the people from the program team came up.

Meng Xia said directly to Lin Jin: "Ou Ruoruo said she likes Lu Xing."

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Damn it.

Is this something we can listen to?

When he heard that someone was thinking about his man, Lin Jin's expression suddenly changed and he looked at Aurora gloomily.

Ou Ruoru panicked immediately: "Don't listen to her nonsense, there is no such thing!"

"But if you don't like Lu Xing, why do you care so much about him?" Meng Xia continued to say innocently.

Lin Jin's face turned completely dark now.

Even if she has a crush on Zong Xichuan now, it doesn't mean that she can let others compete with her for Lu Xing.

Lin Jin looked at Ou Ruoruo with an increasingly evil look.

The director quickly asked the photographers to stop filming. This scene of two men competing for a woman must not be broadcast.

Ou Ruoruo noticed the way Lin Jin looked at her and became even more panicked: "Meng Xia, what nonsense are you talking about! When did I ever care about Lu Xing?"

Meng Xia still looked innocent: "But you were obviously concerned about his affairs just now, right monitor?"

Meng Xia glanced at Zong Xichuan.

Zong Xichuan looked at Meng Xia and nodded lovingly.

"Master Zong, how could you help her wrongfully accuse me?" Ou Ruoruo felt even more uncomfortable when she saw Zong Xichuan actually helping Meng Xia target herself.

But no matter how she explained it at this time, Lin Jin would definitely not believe it.

Lin Jin glanced at Ou Ruoruo fiercely.

Ou Ruoruo knew that she and Lin Jin were completely at loggerheads. When they fought for Xichuan, the two of them competed fairly.

But now Lu Xing is Lin Jin's boyfriend.

What makes Ou Ruoruo most uncomfortable is that all this is not what he said at all! ! !
Ou Ruoruo was almost driven crazy by Meng Xia.

When Meng Xia said it at first, Lin Jin was a little suspicious of whether Meng Xia was sowing discord.

But when Zong Xichuan nodded, Lin Jin had completely believed Meng Xia's words.

Lin Jin felt that even if Zong Xichuan had a crush on Meng Xia, he would not lie for Meng Xia.

Zong Xichuan did not lie.

After all, Ou Ruoruo did mention Lu Xing just now.

How can this not be regarded as concern?

Ou Ruoruo wanted to explain to Lin Jin, but at this time Lin Jin couldn't listen to any of her words.

Both her and Meng Xia were considered a thorn in the side.

Aurora was aggrieved. She didn't say anything, but she was put in a big pot like this.

I still can't get rid of it no matter how hard I try.

Angry! ! !

In the end, Ou Ruoruo could only glare at Meng Xia fiercely.

But Meng Xia didn't care at all. As the saying goes, I will not offend others unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will retaliate a hundredfold.

She didn't want to meet Aurora, but it was Aurora who kept causing trouble for her.

Ou Ruoruo really wanted to cause trouble for Meng Xia, but the show had already started recording, and Zong Xichuan had always been by Meng Xia's side, so she had no chance of getting close to Meng Xia.

After a simple adjustment, the program team took everyone to the home of this legendary master.

This master's home is like a farmhouse, with a quiet environment that makes people feel happy.

The program team led Meng Xia and others to knock on the master's door, and then waited outside together, with a very respectful attitude, for fear that the master would not cooperate if they were not careful.

After all, this master's temper is notoriously bad.

It took about three minutes.

The door finally opened.

An old man wearing a Chinese tunic suit walked out from inside.

The first moment everyone saw this old man, they felt that this person was not easy to get along with.

"Master Li, hello, my name is Lin Jin. I am the student who is learning from you this time." Lin Jin took the lead and reached out to Master Li, trying to leave a good impression on Master Li as soon as possible.

Ou Ruoruo secretly scolded Lin Jin for his scheming.

Master Li looked Lin Jin up and down, then snorted and said, "I never accept students."

Lin Jin's hands were awkwardly hanging in the air. She didn't expect that Master Li would not give her any face.

Aurora burst into laughter.

Lin Jin's face became even more ugly.

But before she could say anything, she heard Master Li say to Aurora: "Do you think I'm funny?"

"Master Li, I definitely didn't mean this." Ou Ruoruo didn't expect that the flames of war would suddenly affect her, and she quickly began to apologize.

Master Li snorted: "What I hate the most are you frivolous people. People with unstable minds like you, why do you practice calligraphy? You can just go home and pick shit."

Master Li's words were very unpleasant, and everyone's expressions changed.

I thought the show crew was just exaggerating when they said Master Li's temper was not very good, but I didn't expect it to be really bad.

Master Li looked at them one by one, but at a glance there was no one that satisfied him.

These people look impetuous at first sight.

Master Li continued to look over, and finally his eyes stopped on Zong Xichuan's face.

Everyone looked at Master Li nervously, fearing that he would speak against Zong Xichuan next moment.

After all, neither of these two people can afford to offend anyone.

Master Li quickly walked to Zong Xichuan's side and raised his hand.


Everyone's eyes widened. Master Li was probably going to take action directly.

The show crew only said that he had a bad temper, so he probably beat people, right?

The staff of the program team were also very upset. What if Zong Xichuan was really beaten?
Can this show continue to be filmed?
Everyone stared closely at Master Li's hand, watching his hand fall slowly.

Then... he gently rubbed Zong Xichuan's head.

Everyone:? ? ?
What's happening here.

There seems to be something wrong with the development of things.

Then he saw that Master Li, who had always had a stern face just now, turned into a flower with a smile.

Then everyone saw Master Li patting Zong Xichuan on the shoulder and saying, "I hugged you when you were little."

(End of this chapter)

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