Chapter 57 Calligraphy Level
Master Li was interrupted by the director, and his face looked a little unhappy.

But after all, I had already agreed to cooperate with the recording of this program, so it was rare that I didn't lose my temper.

"Let me see what level you are at first." Master Li looked at everyone and said impatiently.

With Meng Xia in front, whoever starts now will definitely not get Master Li's praise, so no one in the group moved.

Master Li was already very impatient, but now that everyone was pushing him away, his mood became even worse, and his whole face darkened.

Seeing Master Li's face getting increasingly ugly, the director quickly winked at the guests.

Lin Jin and Ou Ruoruo were unmoved. After all, there was someone behind them, and the director couldn't say anything even if he was dissatisfied.

Liu Yi, who had no background, sighed and was about to step forward.

Unexpectedly, Zong Xichuan stepped forward first.

Liu Yi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although his calligraphy is not bad, after all, there is Meng Xia in front who performs so well. It would be a bit embarrassing if he happened to be behind her.

At least it wouldn't be so embarrassing if Zong Nishikawa was in front to make the transition.

But Liu Yi will soon regret his idea.

Zong Xichuan stepped forward and took the brush, ready to start writing.

Master Li looked at Zong Xichuan with admiration and said, "Let me see if your calligraphy has deteriorated."

Meng Xia also looked at Zong Xichuan very curiously. After all, Zong Xichuan was the heir to a scholarly family that had been passed down for thousands of years. Generally speaking, as an heir, he must have learned these things.

Meng Xia was very curious about how successful Zong Xichuan could be in calligraphy.

For some reason, Meng Xia felt that Zong Xichuan's achievements in calligraphy would definitely be high.

Zong Xichuan began to write.

Everyone watched Zong Xichuan's movements attentively.

With one stroke and one stroke, the pen is as startled as a giant, and the movement is like running water.

The pen falls.

Master Li took the lead in applauding and looked at Zong Xichuan with a smile: "I thought you had forgotten all this after you went to the army. I didn't expect that you are still so good."

Zong Xichuan smiled politely.

As the future head of the Zong family, he naturally has these things engraved in his bones.

Meng Xia also looked at Zong Xichuan with great appreciation. Zong Xichuan's handwriting was indeed very good.

"Young Master Zong is worthy of being a member of the Zong family. His handwriting is really good." Ou Ruoruo walked up to Zong Xichuan and deliberately approached him.

Lin Jin was not to be outdone and said: "Master Zong's calligraphy is so good, can you teach me someday? I have always been interested in calligraphy, but I have never had a suitable teacher. If possible, I would like to ask Master Zong to be my teacher." teacher."

Hearing Lin Jin's words, Ou Ruoruo glared at Lin Jin.

Damn scheming girl!

Why didn't I think of such a good excuse just now?
Before Zong Xichuan could speak, Master Li raised his eyebrows and said unceremoniously: "You are really shameless when you ask the future head of the Zong family to be your calligraphy teacher."


Aurora couldn't hold back her laughter for a moment.

All eyes turned to her.

Aurora quickly adjusted her mood and said, "I'm sorry, I just thought of a funny thing."

Lin Jin's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Immortal thing!

Isn't it just that I can write a few bad words? What's there to be proud of!
Lin Jin glared at Master Li fiercely where the camera couldn't see him, wishing he could tear this old man into pieces who had repeatedly done bad things to him.

Master Li felt the eyes on him and looked up in the direction of the eyes. Lin Jin didn't expect Master Li to look over suddenly, and he almost lost control of his emotions.

Fortunately, many years of hard work in the entertainment industry have allowed her to develop the ability to change her face quickly.

The moment Master Li looked over, she immediately smiled: "Master Li is right, I was indeed rash."

Lin Jin's actions just now were all seen by Ou Ruoruo.

Looking at Lin Jin's vain look, Ou Ruoruo couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "You can really pretend."

Ou Ruoruo deliberately avoided the microphone when she muttered. Although her voice was very small, Liu Yi who was standing next to her heard her clearly.

Liu Yi: The friendship between women is so scary. In the beginning, the two of them were just like sisters, but just one day later, everything has changed.

Liu Yi originally thought that after Zong Xichuan's transition, at least he would not be so embarrassed when he waited, but he did not expect that Zong Xichuan would perform so well.

With the two of them in front, it would be even more embarrassing if I didn't write well.

Liu Yi was immediately heartbroken.

But what came had to come, and Liu Yi was forced to start performing.

In fact, his calligraphy is relatively good in the entertainment industry, but with Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan in front.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

In comparison, Liu Yi's calligraphy is a bit inferior.

But what was rare was that Master Li didn't say anything to him, and Liu Yi felt a little relieved.

After Liu Yi, only Ou Ruoruo and Lin Jin were left.

Ou Ruoruo couldn't help but feel a little guilty. She didn't know any calligraphy at all. She only participated in this program to highlight her academic qualifications and establish herself as a female academic master.

I never thought there would be such a thing.

"Xiao Jin, why don't you come first." Ou Ruoruo said to Lin Jin with a smile.

She knew that Lin Jin, a scheming girl, must have practiced calligraphy in advance, but no matter how hard Lin Jin practiced, she did not believe that Lin Jin could really write better than the previous three.

Needless to say Zong Xichuan and Meng Xia, Liu Yi's calligraphy is also relatively famous in the circle.

Lin Jin naturally knew what Ou Ruoruo was planning, and originally she didn't mind letting Ou Ruoruo stay behind.

But when she thought about what Meng Xia said about Ou Ruoruo having thoughts about Lu Xing, she immediately didn't want to let him go.

So he excused himself and said, "I heard Ruoruo, didn't you learn calligraphy before? You should come first."

Ou Ruoruo wished she could give Lin Jin a slap.

When did she learn calligraphy?

Lin Jin said that if his handwriting is not good later, he will be laughed at by netizens.

He immediately refuted the rumor and said: "Xiao Jin, where did you get the news? I have never learned calligraphy. But I heard that Xiao Jin, you seem to have learned it."

Lin Jin didn't expect that Ou Ruoruo would dare to confront her directly, and looked at Ou Ruoruo with an unkind expression.

Aurora glared back unwilling to be outdone.

At the beginning, she really didn't dare to offend Lin Jin.

But it's different now. Even if she doesn't say anything now, Lin Jin will definitely not let her go after the show is over.

If that's the case, then why should I endure it any longer?

The two looked at each other in the air for several rounds, neither of them willing to admit defeat.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more tense, someone finally spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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