Chapter 70 The person you like
After returning to Yushui Bay, Meng Xia planned to go home directly after getting off the car, but was stopped by Zong Xichuan.

"Meng Xia."

Meng Xia looked at Zong Xichuan with some confusion: "What's wrong with fourth brother? Is there something wrong?"

Zong Xichuan said in a very calm tone: "You come to my place for dinner tonight. After dinner, I will tell you about your brother."

When Meng Xia heard Zong Xichuan ask her to come over for dinner, she was going to refuse, but she still nodded after hearing Zong Xichuan's next words.

Zong Xichuan took Meng Xia to his villa.

Meng Xia's first thought after entering the villa was that it was too similar. The layout of Zong Xichuan's villa and hers were really exactly the same.

But Meng Xia didn't think much about it and just assumed that all the villas in Yushuiwan had this layout.

Zong Xichuan asked Meng Xia to sit on the sofa, got up and got a bottle of milk for Meng Xia.

"You drink first, and I'll cook." Zong Xichuan handed the milk to Meng Xia, then walked to the kitchen and picked up the apron belt nearby.

Meng Xia looked at Zong Xichuan with some surprise. She originally thought that Zong Xichuan wanted to treat her to a meal but also ordered takeout, but she didn't expect that Zong Xichuan actually cooked the food himself.

Meng Xia was quite surprised that Zong Xichuan could cook.

In her previous life, men didn't know how to cook.

Although men in this era can also cook, Zong Xichuan is the heir to a large family, so he must have someone to take care of him since he was a child.

It stands to reason that it is not an exaggeration to say that with his status, he is completely untouchable.

Unexpectedly, Zong Xichuan could cook by himself.

Meng Xia felt even more that Zong Xichuan was an excellent person, capable both in the hall and in the kitchen.

In today's terms, it means twenty-four filial piety to a good husband.

Meng Xia felt that when she came to someone's house to eat, she couldn't do nothing.

So he got up and walked to the kitchen.

At this time, Zong Xichuan was chopping vegetables.

Looking at Zong Xichuan's method of chopping vegetables, even though she didn't know how to cook, Meng Xia could tell that Zong Xichuan's method was very standard.

At first glance, he is someone who cooks frequently.

Zong Xichuan was a little surprised when he saw Meng Xia: "Why did you come in?"

"Let me help you wash the vegetables." Meng Xia said and took the vegetables aside to wash.

But a second before her hand was about to touch the dish, a pair of big hands grasped her wrist.

Meng Xia was startled by Zong Xichuan's sudden movement. She subconsciously took a step back, but accidentally touched the plate behind her.

Just as the plate was about to fall, Zong Xichuan quickly held it in place.

"I'm sorry, I originally wanted to help you, but I didn't expect it to be helpful." Meng Xia's face turned red because of shyness.

Zong Xichuan looked at Meng Xia and couldn't help but patted Meng Xia's head: "Nothing, just go out and do your work. My family doesn't have the habit of letting women cook."

Meng Xia lowered his head and left the kitchen like a little quail.

Seeing Meng Xia's appearance, Zong Xichuan subconsciously raised the corners of his mouth.

Meng Xia sat on the sofa and waited for Zong Xichuan to cook.

It didn't take long for Zong Xichuan to have all the meals ready.

"Wash your hands and get ready to cook." Zong Xichuan stood at the door of the kitchen and said to Meng Xia.

Meng Xia looked at Zong Xichuan.

The tall figure wears an unsuitable apron, and every gesture reveals a noble and elegant temperament.

It didn't look like he was cooking, but rather like he was performing some kind of ritual.

Meng Xia got up obediently and washed her hands, then helped Zong Xichuan bring the dishes to the table.

Originally, Zong Xichuan asked Meng Xia to sit aside and rest, but Meng Xia was really embarrassed to eat for free.

Only after Meng Xia's repeated insistence did Zong Xichuan agree to Meng Xia's help.

However, he kept watching Meng Xia's movements, fearing that Meng Xia would hurt him. Meng Xia was a little helpless. Did he really look so reckless?
Although there were only two people, Zong Xichuan still made two simple dishes and one soup.

Meng Xia looked at the dishes on the table and said to Zong Xichuan from the bottom of his heart: "Fourth brother, you are so awesome."

Zong Xichuan did not answer, but gave Meng Xia a piece of meat: "How about trying it."

Meng Xia put the dish into his mouth.

Then give Zong Xichuan a thumbs up from the bottom of my heart.

Zong Xichuan's craftsmanship is indeed good.

In her previous life, as the mistress of a high-ranking family, Meng Xia had eaten countless delicacies.

Zong Xichuan's cooking skills were actually on par with those of the chefs Meng Xia had tasted in his previous life.

Meng Xia is almost certain that Zong Xichuan cooks often, and this skill is the best proof.

"Fourth brother, you really seem to be capable of anything." Meng Xia said sincerely.

She said this from the bottom of her heart.

Zong Xichuan is a soldier, and he can also calligraphy and even cook. He is really outstanding.

Even in his previous life, Meng Xia rarely met someone as outstanding as Zong Xichuan.

Again, if Zong Xichuan had lived in that era, he would have been famous for thousands of years.

"Of course I can't do it either." Zong Xichuan said unhurriedly.

Hearing Zong Xichuan say that he still doesn't know how to do it, Meng Xia's curiosity immediately aroused: "What can the fourth brother not know?"

Meng Xia's little face was full of curiosity.

She was really curious that such a powerful Zong Xichuan could not do it.

Zong Xichuan looked at Meng Xia and said with burning eyes: "I don't know how to chase girls."

"Cough cough cough." When Zong Xichuan said this, Meng Xia happened to be drinking water and accidentally choked.

Meng Xia raised his head and looked at Zong Xichuan, who still looked calm.

Meng Xia took another sip of water to calm down and whispered, "But Fourth Brother, you don't seem to have to learn these things at all."

Meng Xia was telling the truth. With Zong Xichuan's status, there was no need for him to chase girls personally, as countless girls would swarm him.

Just like Ou Ruoruo and Lin Jin.


Meng Xia looked at it. Although this was a bit inappropriate, Meng Xia still wanted to say that even if Zong Xichuan did not have the status of the heir of the Zong family, his appearance would still attract many girls.

"I want to chase the girl I like." Zong Xichuan said lightly again.

Meng Xia almost squirted again.

Meng Xia looked at Zong Xichuan in shock: "Fourth brother, do you have someone you like?"

Zong Xichuan nodded.

Meng Xia was a little curious about what the person who could be attracted by Zong Xichuan and actively pursue him looked like.

"Then fourth brother, have you confessed?" Meng Xia asked curiously.

Zong Xichuan looked at Meng Xia.

It's a pity that Meng Xia was thinking about what kind of girl Zong Xichuan would like at this time, and she didn't notice the tenderness in Zong Xichuan's eyes at all.


Hearing Zong Xichuan's answer, Meng Xia said to Zong Xichuan seriously: "Fourth brother, actually I think you can just confess your love and try, maybe others will accept it. There should be no one as good as you." Will refuse."

After coming to this world, Meng Xia gradually accepted everything in this world.

In this era, men and women can confess their feelings directly to each other. They no longer have to listen to their parents' orders and matchmakers like they did in my time.

(End of this chapter)

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