Chapter 75 Love Brain

As Meng Xia's fingers gently moved, a melodious tune flowed out of her hands.

The sound of the piano rises and falls, just like the sound of soldiers fighting on the battlefield.

The ups and downs of the sound make people feel as if they are actually there.

In an instant, everyone seemed to have entered a war. At this time, they seemed to be soldiers defending their home and country, fighting desperately for the country.

The song is over.

There was silence.

After a long time, Yang Yin took the lead and led everyone to applaud.

Yang Yin finally had a smile on her plain face: "You're playing House of Flying Daggers, right?"

Yang Yin looked at Meng Xia with eyes full of admiration.

Meng Xia nodded.

Everyone looked at Meng Xia in shock. Although they didn't know much about the guqin, they could still tell whether he played the guqin well or not.

Even though Lin Jin didn't want to admit it, Meng Xia did play well.

Lin Jin now felt that Meng Xia was a scheming girl. He thought she was just a simple white rabbit, but she didn't expect that she was actually a fox, and she was hiding so deeply.

They hadn't noticed it at all before, and they had been fooled around by Meng Xia.

Lin Jin now even suspected that Meng Xia had deliberately pretended to do so in order to make Lu Xing take the initiative to terminate the engagement and make Lu Xing the fault party.

Then she successfully gained the sympathy of the entire network, and then hooked up with Zong Xichuan.

No wonder Meng Xia agreed to appear on a military variety show before. What a scheming person! ! !

Lin Jin now wanted to cut Meng Xia into pieces.

"Have you ever learned Guqin before?" Yang Yin asked curiously.

But even though it was a question, she was already sure that Meng Xia had definitely learned it.

And the learning time is not short.

Otherwise, Meng Xia's technique would not be so standard, and the most important thing is that this song "Ambush from Flying Daggers" is not something that ordinary people can play.

What's more, someone like Meng Xia can play to express artistic conception.

"Well, I have been practicing for several years." Meng Xia admitted directly.

After all, it would be unrealistic to say that she learned it on the spot.

"Xiao Xia, when did you learn the guqin? I remember you said when you first debuted that you don't know how to play the instrument." Lin Jin looked at Yang Yin who was very cold towards them but was now so enthusiastic towards Meng Xia, and deliberately said in a strange way. .

There are many people in the industry who know about Meng Xia's failure in his debut.

After all, Meng Xia's slogan when he debuted was: There is another vase in the entertainment industry.

The eyes of others looking at Meng Xia began to change.

Just like Lin Jin, everyone now feels that Meng Xia is very scheming.

When I debuted, I first labeled myself a loser, and then took off this label when I started recording the show to create a sense of contrast.

Facing everyone's scrutiny, Meng Xia's expression did not change at all.

"At that time, the company said that as long as you look good, nothing else matters." Meng Xia said calmly.

Meng Xia's words are indeed true.

When she first entered the entertainment industry, the boss of Haitian Entertainment did tell her that all she needed to do was look good, and nothing else mattered.

The original owner didn't say anything at that time, mainly because he really didn't know anything.

But fortunately, the original owner didn't say that he didn't know anything, or that he knew something.

This left such a loophole for Meng Xia.

Lin Jin still didn't want to let Meng Xia go, and continued: "Xiao Xia, you hide it quite deeply. I always thought you really didn't know anything?"

Lin Jin must let Meng Xia confirm her identity as a scheming girl.

But how could Meng Xia get what he wanted? Meng Xia looked at Lin Jin and said directly: "You didn't even ask me if I knew how to do it."

Lin Jin:......

Lin Jin's face looked a little ugly.

But there is nothing to say.

Especially looking at Meng Xia's calm look, Lin Jin became even more angry.

Next we went to Zong Nishikawa and started playing.

When Zong Xichuan learned the guqin, it didn't surprise anyone. It was perfectly normal.

Zong Xichuan played a well-known piece of music, and his performance was naturally excellent.

But since everyone had already expected it, they were not shocked by this.

After everyone's performances were over, Yang Yin took everyone to learn some knowledge about the guqin.

At the same time, what they had previously filmed began to be released on television.

Although it was previously revealed that Meng Xia only had a high school degree, after the show was broadcast, some people were still using this to attack Meng Xia.

[No, a person with a high school degree can become a star. Are you really not afraid that he will teach the children bad things? 】

[Are the entertainment industry’s requirements for stars so low now? A person with a high school degree can make a debut, and the entertainment industry is really hungry. 】

[Although academic qualifications cannot determine everything, I think as a public figure, having too low academic qualifications will have a bad impact. 】

Things about Meng Xia's academic qualifications began to spread all over the Internet. Almost all of them said that Meng Xia's academic qualifications were too low and had a bad influence.

But some people began to become curious about the reason why Meng Xia dropped out of school.

After all, Meng Xia's family went bankrupt when Meng Xia was about nineteen years old. It stands to reason that Meng Xia had already taken the college entrance examination by that time. Even if he said that he could not go to a good university, at least he would not drop out of school directly.

The paparazzi began to take notice.

It didn't take long for the paparazzi to uncover everything about Meng Xia's past.

Meng Xia attended an aristocratic high school.

The admission rate of this high school is as high as 98%. It can be said that as long as you enter this school, you can get a minimum of one or two.

Moreover, the paparazzi revealed that Meng Xia's grades in high school were actually pretty good.

Although it is not top-notch, it is at least average. There is no problem in getting into a better university.

Now netizens are even more curious.

Since Meng Xia's grades are so good, even though her family is bankrupt, she still has enough money to go to college.

So why did Meng Xia drop out of high school?

The paparazzi began to continue investigating.

This investigation revealed some incredible things.

Meng Xia's college entrance examination scores were exceptionally good, and she could even pass 985 or 211.


Meng Xia's college entrance examination application was actually only applied to one junior college! ! ! !

And it’s a particularly bad one! ! !

Everyone thought Meng Xia was crazy.

[No, there must be something wrong with Meng Xia's brain. This kind of rubbish school also reports. 】

[Meng Xia, you are really hungry. 】

[Meng Xia must have lost her mind when she went to sign up. Even if she applied to any school, it would be better than this one. 】

[Don’t scold Meng Xia, after all, the death of both parents is indeed a big blow. 】

Although many people can understand Meng Xia, most people still think that there is something wrong with Meng Xia's brain. Otherwise, how could he choose such a school.

(End of this chapter)

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