Chapter 84 Enemies meet on a narrow road
After Meng Sheng finished speaking his suggestion, he looked at Meng Xia expectantly.

He felt that his proposal was actually quite good. After all, money came in really quickly in the entertainment industry.

When the money is almost earned, the two siblings will take back the company.

What a great offer.

But when Meng Sheng looked at Meng Xia, he only received Meng Xia's retarded look.

Meng Sheng felt a little aggrieved. He really thought this proposal was a good one.

Meng Xia felt helpless when she saw Meng Sheng's aggrieved expression: "Do you think a gambler who used to gamble a lot can be allowed to make a debut by the higher ups?"

Meng Xia was really helpless. He, a person from ancient times, could figure it out, but Meng Sheng, a modern person, couldn't figure it out.

Meng Sheng was very embarrassed by what he had done before.

He had indeed forgotten about this matter just now. He always thought that he was still the noble and flawless young master of the Meng family.

Meng Sheng didn't dare to look at Meng Xia. Since he couldn't enter the entertainment industry, he really didn't know what he could do.

Although he majored in finance in college, it’s like he can’t enter the entertainment industry. Which company would want him now?
Meng Sheng was a little frustrated. He now hated his former self who had no brain at all.

As the saying goes, there is no regret medicine in the world, and it is already too late to say anything now. .

Meng Xia also began to help Meng Sheng think about what he could do.

It seems that there is really no suitable job for Meng Sheng.

Is it true that Meng Sheng can only be asked to move bricks?
Just when Meng Xia was considering whether to send Meng Sheng to move bricks, Zong Xichuan, who had been silent beside him, said, "Why don't you let him follow me to work at Zong's family? I happen to be short of an assistant now."

Hearing Zong Xichuan's words, Meng Xia was stunned for a moment, and then rejected Zong Xichuan directly: "Squad leader, you have too many suggestions to help me. We can figure out our own solutions to work matters."

Meng Xia knew that the reason why Zong Xichuan asked Meng Sheng to be his assistant was just to help them, even though he said the proposal was a good one.

After all, there were so many people trying to get into the Zong family, but she owed Zong Xichuan too many favors, and she didn't want to trouble Zong Xichuan any more.

Although Meng Sheng wanted to agree, he didn't say anything more when he saw that Meng Xia rejected Zong Xichuan's proposal.

After experiencing these things, Meng Sheng knew that the only person in the world who really cared about him now was Meng Xia.

From now on, if Meng Xia asks him to go east, he will never go west, and if Meng Xia asks him to sit, he will never stand!

Meng Xia still didn't know that Meng Sheng had changed from the rebellious boy before to a sister-controlling one.

Zong Xichuan's rejection of Meng Xia was unexpected. He knew that Meng Xia was not someone who liked to trouble others.

It could be seen from the time when he invited Meng Xia to dinner before and was rejected that there was really nothing he could do about Meng Sheng's matter if it weren't for Meng Xia. Zong Xichuan believed that Meng Xia would never let him help.

As for wanting Meng Sheng to be his assistant, although part of it was because he was Meng Xia, it was mostly because he valued Meng Sheng's ability.

"Meng Sheng has always been among the best in the business school before. I can send him back to the business school to continue his studies. After he gets his diploma, I will personally interview him. Whether he can enter the Zong family will depend on his ability." Zong Nishikawa told all his plans.

Meng Sheng previously studied at the best business school in Beijing, and his grades were indeed excellent while in school.

It's a pity that Meng Sheng dropped out of school immediately after being cheated by Nan Qingyi.

And now Zong Xichuan is willing to give him this opportunity.

Before Meng Xia could say anything, Meng Sheng bowed deeply to Zong Xichuan: "Thank you, Mr. Zong, for your trust. I will never let you down."

Meng Sheng was very moved. He really never thought that he could continue to complete his unfinished studies in his lifetime.

This time he will definitely cherish this hard-won opportunity!

Zong Xichuan's proposal had considered everything clearly, not only making Meng Xia owe him a favor, but also giving Meng Sheng a chance to change himself.

In any case, it was Zong Xichuan who helped him, so Meng Xia decided to treat Zong Xichuan to a meal. Zong Xichuan did not refuse.

It's just that there is an extra light bulb, Meng Sheng.

On the way to the restaurant, Meng Sheng kept talking to Zong Xichuan about his gratitude.

Zong Xichuan's ears were about to get calluses when he heard this.

But Zong Xichuan still listened patiently.

Mainly because Fu Yuze told him that if he wanted to catch a girl, he could start with the people around her.

Meng Xia didn't have any special friends, and his only relative was Meng Sheng.

Naturally, Meng Sheng became the only target to please.

"Young Master Zong, don't worry, I will never let your efforts be in vain. After I graduate, I will work for you, even if it means going up mountains of swords and seas of fire, I will not hesitate..." Meng Sheng was rambled on. Said.

Meng Xia couldn't bear it anymore and said coldly to Meng Sheng: "Shut up!"

Meng Sheng shut his mouth obediently.

Suddenly Zong Xichuan felt that his world was quiet.

The restaurant where we ate was chosen by Meng Sheng. Meng Sheng knew very well which restaurant in Beijing had delicious food.

Before the Meng family went bankrupt, he often followed some friends to taste delicious food everywhere.

Meng Sheng specially chose a restaurant that he often went to before.

"Sister, let me tell you, this restaurant not only cooks good food, but it is also very private. You don't have to worry about paparazzi." After arriving at the restaurant, Meng Sheng began to introduce the restaurant to Meng Xia.

Meng Xia nodded, very satisfied with what Meng Sheng had done this time.

But she immediately regretted it after entering the restaurant.

Because as soon as they entered the restaurant, they saw an uninvited guest.

Lu Xing was actually in this restaurant.

Lu Xing saw Meng Xia and the others as soon as they entered the door, with a trace of disgust flashing in his eyes.

But thinking about what Father Lu had told him before, he calmed down his emotions and walked up to greet Meng Xia and the others with a smile: "Xiao Xia didn't expect you to come here to eat too."

As soon as Lu Xing changed his normal appearance, Meng Xia immediately knew that he must have some small calculation.

So I didn't intend to pay attention to him and just prepared to move forward.

But how could Lu Xing let go of this rare opportunity?

Lu Xing directly blocked Meng Xia's way.

Meng Xia frowned displeased: "Get out of the way."

Lu Xing was very dissatisfied with Meng Xia's tone, but he thought of his own purpose and endured it. He smiled and said to Meng Xia, "Are you just the two of us coming to dinner, Ah Sheng?"

Zong Xichuan didn't come in with Meng Xia and the others because he had to park the car, so he lagged a little behind.

Naturally, Lu Xing could hear Meng Xia's obvious test, and Meng Xia was very unhappy with people like him who inquired about other people's private affairs.

"Master Lu, I feel that who I am eating with has nothing to do with you, so please get out of the way."

(End of this chapter)

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