Chapter 89 The Clown
Mother Lu scolded Mother Liu a hundred and eighty times in her heart, but on the surface she was stunned and didn't dare to say a word.

When everyone came to the table to eat, Father Lu had no intention of scolding Lu Hang.

This was the first time that he favored Lu Hang between Lu Xing and Lu Hang.

The reason Lu's mother gave Lu Xing this name was because she wanted her to replace Lu Hang. At first, Lu Xing's character was indeed pronounced "hang", but after returning to the Lu family, Meng's father felt that this was inappropriate, so It is pronounced as xing.

Lu Xing always felt that Lu Hang had robbed him of his name, and he often framed Lu Hang in various ways in front of Lu's father.

Although Lu Hang is precocious, he is still just a child after all. How can he compete with Lu Xing who has Lu's mother making suggestions behind his back?

Therefore, Lu Hang's impression in front of Lu's father is getting worse and worse, and the relationship between Lu Hang and Lu's father has completely broken down. He even refuses to attend the monthly family gathering.

The time to sit and eat together quietly like today is extremely rare.

During the meal, Lu Xing kept staring at Lu Hang fiercely, wishing he could cut him into pieces with his eyes.

Lu Xing really couldn't understand why Lu Hang, who had been at loggerheads with Lu's father before, suddenly seemed to be a different person.

What happened next that shocked Lu Xing even more was that Lu's father actually took the initiative to give Lu Hang a piece of meat. He also said with great relief: "You have worked hard during this period, please eat more."

Lu Hang slowly put the meat into his mouth under Lu Xing's murderous eyes.

He also cast a sultry look at Lu Xing.

Lu Xing was so angry that he broke his chopsticks.

But when he broke the chopsticks, Father Lu said impatiently: "If you don't want to eat, go back to your room!"

Lu Xing felt even more angry.

What kind of ecstasy soup did Lu Hang feed to Father Lu? Why did Father Lu's attitude towards him completely change?

In the past, even though he had brought so much trouble to the company, Father Lu still doted on him even though he was angry.

But now everything has changed.

And his mother didn’t know what was going on today. She hadn’t said a word since he entered the door.

Even when Father Lu scolded him just now, he didn't defend himself. You must know that Mother Lu had always protected him in the past.

Now, in just a few days, everything has changed.

Lu Xing couldn't accept it for a while.

I immediately decided to drop my chopsticks and go upstairs.

But when he saw Lu Hang sitting opposite him, he continued to sit down.

If he left now, wouldn't it just be what Lu Hang wanted.

Lu Xing gritted his teeth and continued.

But looking at Lu Hang's proud look across from him, he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Finally, Lu Xing suddenly stood up and said to Father Lu: "Dad, guess who I met today?"

"Oh, who?" Father Lu's expression was calm.

"Zong Xichuan." Lu Xing said very proudly.

He had already thought about how happy Father Lu would be when he found out, but Father Lu still ate calmly.

Lu's father's attitude was unexpected by Lu Xing. After all, Lu's father had always wanted him to get to know Zong Xichuan through Meng Xia.

But now that he said that he had met Zong Xichuan, Father Lu actually looked calm. What on earth was going on? Lu Xing felt that Father Lu still didn't believe what he said, so he said to Father Lu: "I met Zong Xichuan when I went to dinner yesterday and talked a lot with him. He is very optimistic about our Lu Group."

Lu Xingzai was talking nonsense seriously.

He had already thought about it, so what if he was lying, Father Lu and the others didn't know if he had really seen Zong Xichuan.

And he will definitely let Zong Xichuan and Lu cooperate. All this is just a matter of time.

He just told the results in advance.

But after he finished speaking, Lu Hang laughed out loud before Father Lu could speak.

Hearing Lu Hang's laughter, Lu Xing said angrily: "Why are you laughing? People like you may not be able to say a word to Zong Xichuan in their entire lives!"

"Ah Xing, don't be rude to your brother." Mother Lu scolded Lu Xing.

When Lu Xing said these words, she had already seen the dissatisfaction in Lu's father's eyes, so she spoke first.

Lu Xing felt even more uncomfortable when he saw Mother Lu actually protecting Lu Hang.

"What I said was the truth. You are still protecting him. Who is your son?" Lu Xing roared at Mother Lu.

Mother Lu glanced at Lu Xing with hatred, and before she could say anything, Lu Hang laughed out loud again.

Everyone looked at Lu Hang.

Lu Hang coughed lightly and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold it back."

Lu Xing slowly clenched his hands, wanting to cut Lu Hang into pieces.

In Lu Xing's murderous eyes, Lu Hang said unhurriedly: "You are right, I really don't deserve to say a word to a person like Zong Xichuan, and I only deserve to sign a contract with Zong Xichuan's assistant." It’s just a contract.”

When he heard Lu Hang's first words, Lu Xing's smile began to slowly rise: "Humph, I told you..."

But when he heard the second half of Lu Hang's sentence, Lu Xing's smile suddenly froze on his face.

"Wait a minute, what do you mean you signed a contract?"

Lu Xing couldn't believe what he heard. How could this be possible?
"You must be talking nonsense about how you can sign a contract with the Zong Group!" Lu Xing was still trying to deny it all.

But what Father Lu said next completely shattered his last bit of happiness.

"Your brother did sign a contract with the Zong Group. You can't learn from your brother. Your brother built his own company from scratch, and now he has signed a contract with the Zong Group. When will you be like him? !" Father Lu looked at Lu Xing with blame and dissatisfaction in his eyes.

If he had heard Lu Xing say that he met Zong Xichuan before, he might have been very happy, but with Lu Hang in front of him, Lu Xing seemed so insignificant.

Moreover, Father Lu even suspected that this was just nonsense that Lu Xing was talking about to please himself.

After all, even when Lu Airlines signed the contract with Zong, only Zong Xichuan's assistant and other people from the company went there, and Zong Xichuan was not even seen in person.

How could Lu Xing meet Zong Xichuan by such a coincidence.

"Dad, maybe this is just a method he used to deceive you. How could he sign a contract with the Zong Group so easily." Lu Xing still refused to believe it.

All of this must be false. How could Lu Hang, a loser who started from scratch without anyone's help, sign a contract with the Zong Group?

He should sign the contract with the Zong Group on behalf of the company.

Seeing Lu Hang jumping around like a clown, Lu Hang was in a good mood and ate an extra bowl of rice.

(End of this chapter)

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