Chapter 91 Framed
Mother Lu suddenly thought of something and said to Lu Xing, "Have you broken up with that little star?"

Lu Xing said nothing, and his eyes began to dodge.

Seeing his appearance, Mother Lu didn't understand anything.

I can't wait to get slapped again.

How could she give birth to such a brainless son.

"I tell you, you must break up with this little star. Tomorrow I will arrange for you to meet with the lady from the Li Group." Mother Lu directly gave Lu Xing an ultimatum.

Lu Xing said nothing, his eyes looked a little tangled.

Under Lin Jin's sweet words these past few days, he had become a little reluctant to break up with Lin Jin.

Seeing Lu Xing's look, Mother Lu became even more angry: "Have you not seen the situation clearly yet? Let me tell you, if you don't listen to me again, then you will just watch the company become Air Force's.

Lu Xing, do you have the backbone to give up the company for a woman? Think about it for yourself. If your father really hands over the company to Lu Hang in the future, after everything the two of us have done to him over the years, do you think we will be able to reap the benefits by then?
If you can get the company, what kind of woman will you want in the future? Can you use your brain? "

After Mother Lu's punishment, Lu Xing's heart, which had been persuaded by Lin Jin, became firm again.

"Mom, I understand." Lu Xing said firmly.

Mother Lu was still a little worried and continued to tell her: "No matter what method you use during this period, I must capture Miss Li. As long as you successfully capture Miss Li, we will have a powerful assist."

Lu Xing nodded.


As time passed, the recording of a new program began again.

At the same time that the recording of the new program starts, the previous program also starts playing.

It's still the same familiar people.

Meng Xia stole the show in two consecutive episodes, and Ou Ruoruo and Lin Jin looked at Meng Xia very unhappy.

Before the recording of the program started, Lin Jin found Ou Ruoruo privately.

"Ouroruo, let's join forces." Lin Jin said directly to Ou Ruoruo.

Aurora looked at Lin Jin mockingly: "Why should I cooperate with you?"

Lin Jin was not annoyed or direct towards Ou Ruoruo. He looked at Ou Ruoruo and said seriously: "Are you willing to be suppressed by Meng Xia all the time?"

Ou Ruoruo's expression changed again and again. Of course she didn't want Meng Xia to keep suppressing her.

In these two episodes of the program, Meng Xia has always been in the limelight, and they have completely become Meng Xia's foils.

But this doesn't mean that she will believe Lin Jin.

After all, Lin Jin is not a good person.

Ou Ruoruo pretended not to care and said, "If you don't like Meng Xia, just take action yourself. I won't be your gunman."

Lin Jin was a little dissatisfied. She did want to let Ou Ruoruo be her gunman.

Unexpectedly, Aurora noticed it.

In this case, Lin Jin made it clear: "As long as you can work with me to drive Meng Xia out of the show, then we will compete fairly with Zong Xichuan."

Aurora snorted disdainfully: "Fair competition? I believe you."

Lin Jin was a little dissatisfied when he saw that Ou Ruoruo was still like this after he had already talked about it.

But he still suppressed his anger and continued: "Now our common enemy is Meng Xia. Are you willing to be Meng Xia's foil all the time? And as long as Meng Xia doesn't leave, we have no chance to get close to Zong Xichuan.

It will be difficult to get in touch with Zong Xichuan other than this show. You should think about it carefully. "This time Ou Ruoruo didn't rush to reject Lin Jin.

Lin Jin was indeed telling the truth. Meng Xia was the only one in Zong Xichuan's eyes now, and they couldn't get into Zong Xichuan's eyes at all.

And just like Lin Jin said, they won't be able to see Zong Xichuan at all after this show comes out.

If you miss such an opportunity, it will be too late to regret it later.

Ou Ruoruo thought for a moment and finally nodded: "Okay, I'll cooperate with you."

At this time, Meng Xia still didn't know that Ou Ruoruo and Lin Jin had joined forces to deal with her.

The theme of this program is chess.

Mainly to promote the traditional Go game of Xia Kingdom.

As always, the program team invited a famous master.

However, this master is not as unique as the previous ones. This master is still relatively amiable.

The program team began to introduce the origin of this master to the guests: "This is the famous Go master Master Liu. This time he will lead us to learn Go culture together."

Master Liu greeted everyone enthusiastically: "Hello, I'm glad that there are still people who are willing to learn Go. The old man will definitely teach you everything I know about Go."

After experiencing masters with different personalities in the past, it was the first time to see such an amiable master, and everyone was still a little unaccustomed to it.

After a brief introduction, today's official recording began.

Master Liu first explained to everyone the development history of Go, the rules of Go, etc.

Everyone listened very carefully.

After all, most people may play some chess, but there are really very few people who know how to play Go.

Master Liu obviously knew Zong Xichuan, and after introducing some things related to Go, he often asked Zong Xichuan some professional questions.

Zong Xichuan responded fluently.

Lin Jin and Ou Ruoruo looked at each other.

Ou Ruoruo smiled and said to Master Liu: "Master Liu, actually one of us is also very proficient in Go."

"Oh?" Master Liu was a little surprised.

It is normal for Zong Xichuan to be proficient in Go. After all, he is a young master from a scholarly family, so playing chess, calligraphy and painting are naturally a no-brainer.

Under the gaze of Master Liu, Ou Ruoruo slowly pointed her finger at Meng Xia and said gloatingly: "Master Liu, Meng Xia said that she is very proficient in Go. Before the show started, she told us that there was nothing she didn't know about Go. What about?"

After speaking, Ou Ruoruo glanced at Meng Xia deliberately. She deliberately gave Meng Xia a high hat. She wanted to see how Meng Xia would step down after the meeting!

Zong Xichuan immediately wanted to defend Meng Xia, after all, Meng Xia never said these words at all.

But he was stopped by Meng Xia, who looked calm and didn't seem to panic at all.

Zong Xichuan looked at Meng Xia's confident look and knew that she had her own plans, so he didn't speak again.

Lin Jin didn't notice Meng Xia's little move to pull Zong Xichuan. She only saw that Zong Xichuan wanted to speak for Meng Xia at first, but then suddenly closed his mouth.

Lin Jin's mood suddenly became happy. It seemed that Zong Xichuan didn't care about Meng Xia that much.

At the beginning, she was worried that Zong Xichuan would expose Ou Ruoruo's lies, but she didn't expect Zong Xichuan to be unmoved.

Lin Jin glanced at Meng Xia and thought to himself: So what if you can get in touch with Zong Xichuan, people didn't take you seriously at first.

(End of this chapter)

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