Chapter 93 Shady story
"Then please give me some advice, senior." Meng Xia agreed.

She hadn't played Go for many years, and she wanted to know if her chess skills had deteriorated.

She has never played chess with others since she came out of the cabinet. On the one hand, she was busy dealing with the affairs of the government, and on the other hand, there was no one to play with her.

When she was not in the cabinet, besides practicing martial arts with her father, she also studied the art of war with her father.

At that time, her father used Go to teach her the art of war, using the chessboard as a battlefield and the chess pieces as soldiers to fight on the chessboard.

In the beginning she would lose to her father every time and was very frustrated.

Until her father told her that as long as she could defeat him one day, he would take her with him to fight.

So she began to practice hard at chess, just to be able to defeat her father, and then go to the battlefield with her father to kill the enemy and protect her family and country.

Unfortunately, before she and her father could decide the outcome, her father died, and she married into the Duke's Mansion for the sake of the family's honor.

She has never played chess with anyone since then.

Meng Xia felt a little sour in her heart when she thought of her father.

But he quickly regained his composure.

The program team brought them a chessboard.

The two sat down and started playing chess.

Master Liu pushed Heizi in front of Meng Xia: "Little girl, you are younger than me, so you should go first."

Meng Xia didn't refuse. He took the black piece and started to chop off the falling piece.

The history of Go in this world is different from Meng Xia's era.

In the era where Meng Xia lived, Bai was respected.

White is yang, black is yin, and the seat represents the balance of yin and yang.

According to people's thinking at that time, men are yang and women are yin, the top is yang and the bottom is yin, the sky is yang and the earth is yin.

Yang precedes Yin, so White, representing Yang, has the right to go first.

But in the current era, after a long evolution, it has become the sunspot first.

Meng Xia and Master Liu were left one by one. Both of them were extremely serious and seemed to have entered a state of selflessness.

Others were watching around them. Although it was boring, they could only watch.

It looked like he was studying, but in fact he didn’t even know where his mind was going.

Lin Jin and Ou Ruoruo naturally wanted Meng Xia to lose quickly. They really didn't want Meng Xia to continue to be in the limelight.

But as the saying goes, whatever they fear will come true. The more they thought about it, the better Meng Xia's performance became.

The appreciation in Master Liu's eyes has gradually turned into admiration.

He has been studying Go for decades. If he can be called a master, his chess skills are naturally relatively superb.

And Meng Xia was actually able to be on par with him, and even had the potential to overwhelm him.

Master Liu became serious.

It's been a long time since he met such a powerful opponent.

Zong Xichuan, who was standing behind Meng Xia, looked at the chessboard and nodded appreciatively. From the chess game played by Meng Xia, he could see that Meng Xia also used the art of war.

After what happened before, Zong Xichuan was not surprised by this. Meng Xia was indeed very good.

As for the initial remarks about Meng Xia being nothing more than a vase, Zong Xichuan felt that perhaps Meng Xia was deliberately concealing his strength.

Zong Xichuan was a little lucky that he had discovered such a treasure girl. Meng Xia really shocked him from time to time.

At the beginning, the two of them were moving very fast, but gradually their speed slowed down.

After Master Liu made a move, Meng Xia did not make a move immediately, but began to think.

When Ou Ruoruo saw Meng Xia's look, she thought she couldn't stand anymore.

He mocked: "If you don't know how, just admit defeat and don't waste everyone's time..."

Before Ou Ruoruo finished speaking, she received two scoldings: "Shut up!" The two voices were Meng Xia and Master Liu respectively.

The most taboo thing when playing chess is for others to criticize you, especially at this critical moment, Ou Ruoruo deliberately seeks scolding.

Ou Ruoruo didn't expect that she would be scolded for just saying a word. Just as she was about to retort, she saw the director wink at her.

Only then did he give up.

The director was very helpless.

He really couldn't understand why Aurora was so blind.

I was really rushing to scold him.

Meng Xia and Master Liu are still playing chess.

At the same time, the previous program was almost finished.

Meng Xia's performance once again shocked netizens.

[Damn it, no, Meng Xia can actually play the guqin. Damn it, she must not be proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. 】

[Awesome, I thought it was shocking enough that Meng Xia knew calligraphy, but I didn’t expect that she could even play the guqin. I just want to know what else she can't do. 】

[Actually, it’s normal for Meng Xia to do this. Don’t forget that Meng Xia’s family used to be a top wealthy family. As the eldest daughter of a wealthy family, it’s not surprising for her to do this. 】

[I have become a fan of Meng Xialu. Who can resist being a fan of such an outstanding idol? 】

【Powder +1】

But among the comments praising Meng Xia, a comment suddenly popped up questioning the show's crew.

[I think this show is deliberately praising Meng Xia. She stole all the limelight in these two shows. 】

[I also think that when you look at how Zong Xichuan treats Meng Xia and other girls, the difference is too obvious. I wouldn't believe it at all if there was no inside story. 】

【Shadow! A complete shady story! 】

Under the guidance of these people, many people began to become suspicious.

Is it really the show crew who deliberately flatters Meng Xia?

If the program team knew what netizens were thinking, they would really laugh.

Who would have thought that not only did he not intend to praise Meng Xia at the beginning, but he also deliberately targeted Meng Xia.

As a result, it now seems as if the program crew is praising Meng Xia.

This is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

There was no way, who made Meng Xia perform so well?

But there are still some people who still choose to believe that all this is Meng Xia's efforts.

Meng Xia's fans have increased again, and now she is somewhat famous in the entertainment industry.

Meng Xia and Master Liu were still playing chess on the show. Nearly an hour had passed. The speed of the two began to get slower and slower, but they still could not decide a winner.

Looking at the boring game of Go, Ou Ruoruo was very upset.

But with her previous experience, she didn't speak this time.

It's just that his expression is ugly.

Ou Ruoruo scolded Master Liu hundreds of times in her heart.

There is really something wrong with this old man and he insists on competing with Meng Xia on some chess skills.

There was only so much time for recording the program, and most of it was taken up by him and Meng Xia. The program could not be recorded yet.

You can't just keep watching them play chess here, right?

Aurora went straight to the director on the pretext of going to the toilet.

"Director, are you going to let us keep watching the two of them play chess here? This show is not going to be recorded yet!" Aurora said to the director angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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