Ou Ruoruo and Lin Jin were stunned.

Aurora didn't react for a moment, and screamed when she felt the wetness on her head.

"Meng Xia, you are seeking death!" Ou Ruoruo said and started to deal with Meng Xia.

It's a pity that as soon as her hand was stretched out, it was caught by Meng Xia's grasping hand.

Ou Ruoruo could only be helpless and furious: "Meng Xia, let me go!"

Seeing that Meng Xia showed no sign of letting go, Ou Ruoruo could only look at Lin Jin.

He said to Lin Jin: "What are you still looking at? Come and help me quickly."

Although Lin Jin was dissatisfied with Ou Ruoruo's commanding tone, she also wanted to teach Meng Xia a lesson, so she got ready to teach Meng Xia a lesson with Ou Ruoruo.

Lin Jin stepped forward and grabbed Meng Xia's hair.

Meng Xia frowned, let go of Ou Ruoruo, and then reached out and pinched Lin Jin's hand holding her hair.

"Ah." Lin Jin exhaled in pain and let go of the hand holding Meng Xia's hair.

Taking advantage of this gap, Ou Ruoruo picked up the bedside lamp and prepared to hit Meng Xia on the head without her noticing.

Just when she was raising the lamp and preparing to throw it down, Meng Xia swept away her legs.

It was too late for Aurora to dodge, and she fell onto her back.

The desk lamp accidentally hit Aurora's foot, and blood soon flowed out.

Lin Jin was also thrown to the ground by Meng Xia.

Both fell to the ground and howled in pain.

Meng Xia looked coldly at the two people who fell on the ground.

She has tolerated these two people for a long time.

Although Lin Jin and Ou Ruoruo had fallen to the ground, they kept saying harsh words.

"Meng Xia, I tell you not to be arrogant. What if you have Zong Xichuan as your backer now? When Zong Xichuan gets tired of you later, you will be the one to look good on!" Ou Ruoruo glared at Meng Xia fiercely.

"Do you think Zong Xichuan really loves you? Think carefully about why he never stood up for you if he really loved you." Lin Jin looked at Meng Xia with burning eyes.

She didn't believe that Meng Xia would not be affected by these words at all.

If Meng Xia really went to quarrel with Zong Xichuan because of these words, Zong Xichuan would definitely be impatient with her and abandon her.

Lin Jin is now waiting for Meng Xia to commit suicide.


How could Meng Xia do as she wished?

To be precise, Meng Xia didn't understand.

Why do these people still think of her as Zong Xichuan's wife?

Obviously she and Zong Xichuan really have no relationship at all.

And when did they see her and Zong Xichuan together.

Meng Xia really didn't understand.

"Why do you always think that I rely on Zong Xichuan for everything?" Meng Xia still asked her doubts.

Lin Jin and Ou Ruoruo both looked at them like idiots.

Lin Jin simply rolled his eyes.

Even now, Meng Xia is still pretending.

It's really tea.

Ou Ruoruo really couldn't stand Meng Xia's expression of pretending to be innocent even though she had already taken advantage of everything.

He said sarcastically: "If it weren't for Zong Xichuan, do you think you could really reach your current position? Meng Xia, you are really pretending. Your appearance really makes me feel sick."

Hearing Ou Ruoruo say that everything he had came from Zong Xichuan, Meng Xia naturally wanted to clarify.

"Whether you believe it or not, Zong Xichuan and I are just good friends. As for everything I have now, I rely on myself and never rely on others."

Hearing Meng Xia's words, Ou Ruoruo and Lin Jin snorted coldly.

He didn't believe a word of Meng Xia's words. They had gone to investigate and there was not even a female creature around Zong Xichuan, let alone a woman.

They felt that Meng Xia's words were simply a lie.

Meng Xia looked at the two people's unbelieving expressions and didn't explain too much.

No matter how many explanations she gave, these two people would not believe it.

Those who are clean will be clean by themselves.

Lin Jin and Ou Ruoruo got up from the ground and walked out of the room holding each other.

After all, Aurora's feet still have to be taken care of.

The two just opened the door.

The director who was at the door stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

The director touched his head in embarrassment: "What, let me see if you are asleep?"

In fact, he was mainly worried about whether these three people would fight.

It's a pity that the soundproofing of this hotel is a bit good. He listened at the door for a long time and didn't hear a word.

The director just breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lin Jin and Ou Ruoruo coming out.

But the next moment, when he saw Aurora's feet, he made a sharp explosion.

The director almost lost his balance and quickly found someone to take Aurora to the hospital.

Lin Jin stayed to talk to the director: "Director, Meng Xia injured Aurora's foot."

The director really wanted to roll his eyes, didn't he know? ! !

It can't be because Ou Ruoruo has a brain problem and did it on her own.

But the director felt that this was not impossible. Maybe it was Ou Ruoruo who wanted to seduce Meng Xia, but he accidentally suffered the consequences.

I have to say that the director accidentally revealed the truth again.

Seeing that the director was silent, Lin Jin immediately turned cold and said, "Director, are you trying to protect Meng Xia?"

The director was silent again.

The director sighed and said helplessly: "You said Meng Xia injured Aurora's foot. Do you have any evidence?"

Lin Jin naturally didn't have any evidence.

But when the director said this, Lin Jin was even more certain that the director was deliberately favoring Meng Xia.

He immediately became even more dissatisfied with the director: "There are only three of us in the room. Who else but Meng Xia would take action against Ou Ruoruo? Director, do you think Meng Xia can sit back and relax if she goes to Zong Xichuan?"

Do you think carefully about whether the Zong family will let an actor become the future mistress?

Are you sure you want to offend the people behind the Lu family and Ou Ruoruo because of Meng Xia? I advise you to think about it carefully. "

Listening to Lin Jin's threatening words, the director looked a little ugly. '

No matter who you are, you definitely don’t like to be threatened.

And Lin Jin's attitude is really annoying.

The director really wanted to tell Lin Jin that she, Meng Xia, could not marry into the Zong family, as if she could marry into the Lu family.

It's just because he and Lu Xing are still together now, so he can't show off.

When Lu Xing abandons her, she will be nothing.

And why does he favor Meng Xia? The police need evidence to arrest people. Lin Jin wants to convict Meng Xia in just one sentence, which is too good.

If we say that at the beginning, the director did not want to favor Meng Xia.

But now Lin Jin's attitude also makes him want to favor Meng Xia.

The director said directly to Lin Jin with a cold face: "Everything depends on evidence. If you don't have evidence, I can't handle this matter."

Lin Jin originally thought that since he said so, the director would definitely be on his side.

I didn't expect the director to have such an attitude, and his face turned cold.

Lin Jin gave the director a cold look and then left directly.

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