Doomsday disaster, she went crazy after awakening

Chapter 104 Make money and gain profits, who doesn’t?

The relationship between the Law Enforcement Division and the major families is complex.

When there is nothing wrong, it is like a gentle breeze and drizzle, and the greetings and greetings between each other always seem so harmonious and close.

However, when the real turmoil arises, when conflicts and tests come, the Law Enforcement Division will show its selfless side.

At that moment, they were no longer good friends, but became the embodiment of justice and fairness.

They will wave the sword of power without hesitation and ruthlessly clean up the darkness and evil hidden behind the family.

With thunderous momentum, they pulled down those once aloof and self-righteous families from the pinnacle of power.

How can we demonstrate the majesty and impartiality of the Law Enforcement Division without peeling off a layer of their skin?

How can it be worthy of the three characters "Law Enforcement Department" on the gold-lettered signboard?
Making money and profit, who doesn’t? !

Law Enforcement Division, be fair and aboveboard!

Under the cover of night, the four-person team carefully arranged by Dr. Su sneaked into the sea of ​​fire silently, like ghosts in the night.

Some passers-by caught a glimpse of this scene, but chose to turn a blind eye. They secretly speculated in their hearts, but did not dare to ask more questions.

However, some observers were curious and quickly followed him, wanting to find out.

"Ah!" As soon as they stepped into the blazing fire, the two of them seemed to disappear into nothingness and lost their trace.

The remaining two people were frightened, as if their lives had been ruthlessly sentenced to death.

Are they facing the threat of death as soon as they step into this fire scene?
Do they still have a chance to escape from this sea of ​​fire?
The fear in their hearts spreads like fire, but they know that now they can only find a glimmer of hope by moving forward bravely.

The answer is: no!

Xu Zimo knocked two of them unconscious and dragged them aside, and took off the clothes of one of them.

Then she appeared in the middle of the fire scene wearing this dress. Compared to before, she could only kill people who came into the fire scene secretly.

The appearance of this outfit undoubtedly brought her a lot of convenience.

She already knew in her heart that it was Dr. Su who quietly took over the tasks related to her in the dark world of the Internet.

Everything seemed to be changing quietly, and she was quietly waiting for the next storm.

Then it wouldn't be too much to let the people he sent in die, right?

Among the major families, an undercurrent of competition is taking place.

Xu Zimo had already launched a fierce counterattack against those members of the major families who had sneaked in to snoop for information, and other families were not to be outdone.

On this special battlefield full of hostility, once someone other than our own race is discovered, a life-and-death fight will immediately ignite.

The battles between the major families are becoming more and more fierce. The competition between them is not only a contest of wisdom and strength, but also the defense of family honor and dignity.

Anyway, if you don’t want to die, you have to fight!
There is nothing they can do. If they don't take the initiative, they may encounter a fierce counterattack from the other party.

And the root of all this must be attributed to Xu Zimo.

Xu Zimo is like a restless meteor, always causing waves in various families.

She has a special hobby, which is to deliberately find trouble. It seems that this is the only way to satisfy her restless heart.

What's even more troublesome is that she changes her face every time she appears, as casually as changing her clothes, making her true identity and purpose unpredictable.

Her behavior is always so unexpected, like a time bomb ready to detonate at a certain point in the story.

Occasionally, her cunning eyes would always sparkle with provocation.

She took off a piece of clothing from each family, wore it in rotation, and killed the members of those families in rotation.

Then, Xu Zimo deliberately left one or two people behind and let them fight with each other like a chess game. The fire was raging, like a furious beast, devouring everything around it.

These people struggled in the sea of ​​​​fire, trying to find out the secrets hidden behind the flames. However, they had to deal with the more pressing crisis at hand first - battle.

The flames reflected their determined faces, and the light of the fire and the light of the sword intertwined, creating a thrilling scene.

They have already experienced several life-and-death battles in this sea of ​​fire. However, the outcome of the battle is still confusing.

I don’t even know who the opponent is, so I just keep fighting!
It's hot, tiring and roasting, and you'll die faster!
Xu Zimo saw that the fire was much smaller, and there were fewer people from these families.

Xu Zimo stopped fighting and it was time to find an exit.

I thought I would just light the place on fire and leave, but I didn't expect that special trackers were installed around it.

As soon as she leaves the Liu family's house, she will be located by the trackers, because the trackers track her based on the time she spends in the house.

Obviously, apart from the Liu family, Xu Zimo, the mastermind behind the scenes, must be the one who has been behind it for the longest time!

This was also the reason why Xu Zimo didn't leave immediately.

At this moment, the mechanical sound of the system suddenly sounded:
"Hey, a limited-time escape route has been detected and will disappear in one minute. Do you want to go?"

"I hope you can last longer!"


Xu Zimo did not hesitate any more and must leave immediately!

Once the fire is under control, if someone notices her abnormality or is tracked here, her identity on the central star will be completely exposed.

At this moment, there was no time to delay, and she had to act quickly to ensure her own safety.

She didn't take out the dragon egg again.

It only showed up once and attracted so many people. It seems that this dragon egg is more valuable than I thought!

Dragon Egg: ...I thought you let me out for a breath of fresh air, but you just wanted to know if it was valuable?

Xu Zimo guessed that the limited-time escape route provided by the system should be the path to clear the level.

If burying the Liu family doesn't work, then do we have to bury the entire Central Star?
Xu Zimo ignored the family members who were still busy searching for clues at the fire scene and left the chaotic scene.

The moment she turned around decisively, several figures immediately gathered where she was standing.

Several people were on guard against each other, as if they would start fighting in the next second.

Before the fight, they exchanged meaningful glances with each other, as if they were silently communicating some kind of tacit understanding.

Several people made the same gesture in tacit understanding.

Okay, family!

Then, as if they had a tacit understanding, they turned around and left in unison.

They followed the faint breath, but still found nothing.

Could it be that they really had the wrong target?

If they can't find it again, they will have no choice but to retreat.

As the night wore on, the fire continued.

The Liu family, which is full of mysteries, has disappeared. I can only look forward to the chance to meet again next time...

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