Chapter 113 Knock on the door
It's just a clone. You can't transfer your qualifications to another clone.

It's that copy that's a little less than perfect!
Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to value Hang's father so much and let him get so many resources from the Hang family.

Do you really think these resources are provided by your family?


If you don’t give anything in return, you definitely want more!

"Master, do you still need to bring the two sisters from the Hang family?" The previous plan was to send Hang Heng's two sisters to the buyers.

Yes, that's the buyer.

Hang Heng's two sisters have been sold like commodities.

It’s just that their clients don’t know it!

"No need to bring it, just send it directly to the buyer, so we can get two more waves of help!"

Those two waves of buyers were not ordinary people.

Those who can buy items from him, Hang Tianxiong, must at least be of high quality.


As Hang Tianxiong's order was issued, the conspiracy of the Hang family's main house was launched again.

A bloody and cruel power struggle is about to take place.

Hang's father and others must not have expected that their master would be so impatient to kill them.

late at night.

In the hazy night, in the shadow of the Hang family mansion, cars roared away one after another.

An unknown conspiracy is quietly unfolding.

Hang Heng, the child of the Hang family’s clone.

In front of outsiders, he, Hang Liu, is an unreasonable third-generation rich man who only knows how to play.

But at this time, Hang Heng had a stern face, and his eyes were filled with anger and unwillingness.

Only then did he find out that it was someone from the Hang family's main house who was going to kill him today.

"Trying to put me to death is so cruel!" Thinking of what this uncle said about the whole family at the previous family meeting.

It seems like a big joke now!

Hang Heng's heart was full of anger and unwillingness. He had previously planned to pretend to find the mastermind behind the scenes and seek justice for himself.

However, what he didn't expect was that the people in the Hang family's main house could no longer hold back so quickly.

And when he knew about it, he actually found his attending physician Xu Zimo.

Xu Zimo: "I didn't expect that they would come to me!"

They are inextricably linked, but Xu Zimo originally just wanted to win over a central star's connections.

Who would have thought that this connection would be so unreliable.

"What did they say?"

"Give me a large sum of money, 1 million for each of your heads, as long as I don't interfere!"


All I can say is that he is really generous.

The head of the Hang family used huge sums of money as bait, trying to get her to betray Hang Heng and stop interfering in the affairs of the Hang family and his son.

"I, Xu Zimo, am not the kind of person who is easily swayed by money, so I refused directly!"

"Thank you!" Hang Heng was very moved.

If it were another person, he might be impressed.

"..." Actually, it's not necessary!
Faced with the coercion and inducement from the Hang family master, Xu Zimo firmly rejected them.

She told those people that no matter how much money she gave, she would never betray Hang Heng or give up her principles.

She spoke as a physician.

At that time, his eyes flashed with determination, which made the people in the Hang family's main house shocked and helpless.

The look in her eyes made me want to kill her on the spot~
After Hang Heng learned all this, a warm current surged in his heart.

He did not expect that in his most difficult moment, Xu Zimo would stand by his side so firmly and face the difficulties with him. This strengthened Hang Heng's determination to solve the matter.

Only when you stand at the highest point can you see higher and farther!
The night is getting darker.

Hang Heng and Xu Zimo stood side by side, facing the darkness of the Hang family's main house.

They know that a storm is coming, but they are ready. No matter what difficulties and challenges they face, they will go on firmly until the moment the scars are revealed.

"Come to see a doctor!"


Xu Zimo's words echoed in the air, and Hang Heng's eyes shone with a deep light, as if carrying endless thoughts.

He turned around, as if every step carried a heavy decision, and walked towards the main house of the Hang family.

"Master Hang, I have something to discuss with you." Hang Heng's voice was low and firm, revealing an unprecedented seriousness.

The head of the Hang family did not expect that Hang Heng would have the courage to come directly to the main house.

But he also knew that those who were sent out would definitely come up empty-handed.

"What's the matter? Why don't you come in and talk about it!"

The head of the Hang family seemed to welcome him.

Hang Heng raised his head and his eyes met Xu Zimo's. He could feel the fluctuations in the other person's heart and couldn't help but frown slightly.

He knew that Xu Zimo never showed such an expression easily, and there must be a major reason behind it.

"How much do you know about the Inner Territory's demon pet?" Hang Heng asked tentatively, his voice revealing a sense of sensitivity and caution.

"you wanna die!"

The head of the Hang family was angry.

Xu Zimo nodded, a complex and panicked emotion flashing in his eyes.

now it's right!

Hang Heng took a deep breath, as if to focus all his thoughts on this moment.

"So you are not just an ordinary Inner Territory person, you... also want to be a demon hunter. Are you crazy?"

"Hang Heng, you are crazy. Do you know what you are talking about?"

These words were like thunder, exploding in Hang Heng's mind.

That means that the Hang family will have abilities that are different from ordinary people, and may even have the power to change the entire situation.

Hang Heng's eyes flashed with shock, but more of it was trust in Xu Zimo and curiosity about the unknown.

"Why are you here? What is your purpose? You said we are a family, why is this happening?" Hang Heng blurted out a series of questions, his voice full of tension and expectation.

Although he knew that his master wanted to kill him, Hang Heng still wanted to know the reason.

Xu Zimo was silent for a while, as if he was sorting out his thoughts.

But Hang Tianxiong still asked: "I don't know what you are talking about, but I can clearly say that her appearance is not simple.

We need to deal with it carefully, and it's best to kill as many as possible! "

Since you can't use it for yourself, it's best to die!
Hang Heng nodded indifferently, with a firm light shining in his eyes.

"You will help me, Brother Mo, and we will face this challenge together!" I will listen to whatever you say from now on!
The two people's eyes met in the air, as if forming an invisible tacit understanding.

They know that the road ahead will be full of unknowns and dangers.

The night was getting darker, but Xu Zimo and Hang Heng's hearts were extremely bright.

They know that what they want will be achieved soon.

Hang Heng wanted his family to live.

And Xu Zimo wanted to see if there was any relationship between the Hang family and the demon pet?

Obviously, it can be determined by Hang Tianxiong's appearance that it is related.

It's just that Hang Tianxiong is a little reluctant to say it...

This can be regarded as an adventure about players and the inner realm unfolding at the same time, right?

Xu Zimo will also reveal more secrets in this adventure!
And those new legends will be written by myself!
I just don’t know if that guy will be able to find me next time I see Thunder!
Xu Zimo has already made plans. This time she is obviously helping Hang Heng, but in fact she is handling things for herself...

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