Chapter 132 Improved again
Xu Zimo was a little baffled when he received Xu Xiaosi's call.

Aren’t you trying to make money in the wilderness area?
Why did the Law Enforcement Division arrange for people to come to the wilderness area to distribute some supplies?

Just queue up and get it?

Then, Xu Zimo inexplicably became a temporary employee of the Law Enforcement Department.
"I am a doctor at the Legion General Hospital. Isn't this just a repetition?"

"No delay, just finish checking in here and then go to work at the legion headquarters. But if both sides have something to do at that time, just coordinate it yourself!"

Xu Zimo:? ? ?

This is too easy to talk about!
And the Legion General Hospital really passed the review for her.

Anyone who joins a formal unit like this needs to be reviewed and approved by the original unit.

The Legion General Hospital approved her application very quickly.


When the director of the Law Enforcement Department learned that Xu Zimo was a mid-level doctor, he wanted to confess her.

Mid-level doctors, they still need to make appointments when they go to see a doctor, and they often make thousands of appointments!

It's troublesome. Now that we have it in the Law Enforcement Department, it will not be simple if we encounter such a thing in the future.

As for Xu Zimo's poor medical skills, the head of the Law Enforcement Department didn't even doubt it.

The Legion General Hospital has the best medical skills in the entire galaxy, how can you doubt it!
"What's going on? Instead of receiving supplies, why did you become a member of the Law Enforcement Department again?" Xu Zimo thought he was receiving supplies once a month as before.

She came to get it.

I didn't even take the signature or anything seriously, I had already received it once, and there was no routine.

But I didn't expect that what I received this time was different.

Xu Xiaosi took Xu Zimo aside and talked about recruiting people for the Law Enforcement Department.

"The fact that people from our team become temporary employees of the Law Enforcement Division does not affect each other."

"Many team members actually have formal positions in other units."

"Don't underestimate the Law Enforcement Department, it's very popular!"

The main reason is that the envoys of the Law Enforcement Department are not under the control of the major families, but are directly under the jurisdiction of the Interstellar Council of Elders and the Commander.

It is said to have direct jurisdiction, but in fact it is the Law Enforcement Department as its own entity.

The Board of Elders and the Commander are usually in charge of their own affairs, so that the Law Enforcement Department has become a party that obviously has two-way management, but in fact no one is in charge.

This time the Su family's affairs suddenly broke out, and the Envoy of the Law Enforcement Department was worried about any changes in personnel.

Instead of letting other families stuff people inside, it would be better for him to take the initiative to expand the staff.

If someone wants to plug it in, it will be another price!

The major families are already a little busy with the matter of magic pets, and the Law Enforcement Department has not yet reacted to the sudden recruitment.

He was arranged by the commander and his subordinates.

No, the wilderness area has arranged for people to come here to recruit, which shows that the scope of the Law Enforcement Department's recruitment is indeed quite wide.

Now that he said it like this, Xu Zimo finally understood!
It turns out that the Law Enforcement Department also wanted to avoid being fooled by those family members!
Especially for things like the Su family, if it really can't be saved, then just keep a few of the most useful ones.

People in units like the Law Enforcement Division are the safest.

Everyone knows that it is better to protect the short-term, and as long as it is stable, there will be no danger to life.

It can only be said that each unit understands each other thoroughly.

Xu Zimo: "Then you and your family agree to join?" "Of course I agree, just because my family reminded me." This kind of opportunity is usually used by the four major families.

If the demon pet incident hadn't happened so suddenly, the Xu family wouldn't have had the opportunity to join the Law Enforcement Department.

You must know that in the past, even he and Consolidation, the vanguard and temporary workers of the expeditionary force, couldn't grab it...

"That's it." Xu Zimo thought for a while and said, "Then I'll go talk to them and don't have any bad problems again."

For example, if she tried her best to reveal the Su family's affairs, it would not be impossible if the Law Enforcement Department would take care of her later.

Of course, Xu Zimo couldn't directly talk about this matter.

But you still have to ask politely.

"I'm with you!" Xu Xiaosi was also curious about the inside of the Law Enforcement Department.

I usually look at those law enforcement officers as being very powerful, but now that I have to join in, I am even more curious!

When the Director of the Law Enforcement Department learned that a mid-level doctor had been recruited, he was still in a formal position at the Legion General Hospital.

Forget about being happy.

Arrange subordinates directly. If this person has any questions, let him know.

Then, Xu Zimo's question was heard by the envoy.

Xu Zimo asked: "If I offend any family, how will the Law Enforcement Department handle the relationship between them?"

Just ask directly whether you are protecting yourself or your family?
As for who has reason to support whom?
That's all bullshit!
Reason has always been biased towards the side of power, responsibility, profit and benefit!

The Envoy of the Law Enforcement Department said directly: "Favor our own people. If it is really our own people who are at fault, then we should deal with the internal personnel after the partial treatment."

Of course, this is said under normal circumstances.

Xu Zimo was still very satisfied with this answer.

Until now, Xu Zimo still doesn't think he is at fault.

She just did something to put the facts in front of everyone. Of course she is not at fault~
"In addition to the army headquarters, I also have my own team, if your company doesn't mind!"

"I don't mind, you are welcome to join, teammate Xu!"

"Thank you for your acceptance, Sir Shishi!"

Xu Zimo's position as a temporary worker in the Law Enforcement Department was changed to a regular worker at that time!
Moreover, Xu Zimo’s personal information has also been updated in time.

Xu Xiaosi: ...It’s so successful!
He and Consolidation also submitted the materials together, and they are still under review.

However, the deputy chief Xu Zimo, who was a little later than the two of them, had already been approved and became a formal worker!

So, the official word has two meanings!

No one can control what you want to say!
Xu Zimo was very satisfied with the speed of the Law Enforcement Department.

Although it was unexpected for her to join, she was really satisfied.

Because from the time she became a member of the Law Enforcement Division, her profile has improved a step further.

He used to be an ordinary person, but now he has become: an S-class important public official!

When she became a mid-level physician at the Legion General Hospital, she had already been promoted to level A, and now she has been promoted again because she joined the Law Enforcement Department!

In other words, personnel with levels A and below cannot view her personal information!

This is too friendly for Xu Zimo!
According to the systematic introduction, except for the Gu family, the other three families in the central star are all A-level.

The Gu family is S-level!
In other words, among the four major families, only the Gu family has the right to access Xu Zimo's files. The other three families must submit an application if they want to view it!
Very beneficial!

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