Chapter 138 The real secret realm


Just when Xu Zimo was debating whether to go over or not, he saw the dragon cubs rushing in with the hundred monster cubs.

As soon as these guys got in, they were all wet.

As soon as the fur touched, Xu Zimo even smelled the fragrance.

Burnt smell!
Meaty flavor!
These little monster cubs won't be cooked like this, right? !
System: "Hey, host, please follow us as soon as possible, be careful that the entrance is closed!"


Xu Zimo was a little confused by Xu Zimo's reminder, but her feet were faster than her brain.

When she started running, the temperature around her started to rise.

You won't be burned too, right?
"Ahhhhh, I'm going to burn to death!"

"Dragon cub, take me for a ride!"

But the dragon cub didn't seem to hear it. He ran and disappeared.

Those monster babies will soon be out of sight.

Xu Zimo was surprised: ...where did he go?
Xu Zimo was shocked for a moment, and then she realized that the dragon cub, the cub who had made trouble for all the four major families in the central star, disappeared into a seemingly ordinary wall.

Her eyes were fixed on the wall, as if she wanted to see some mystery in it.

She recalled the system's instructions that she needed to get close to the wall and stay within ten meters.

She couldn't help but wonder, was there any secret hidden behind this wall?

Just when she was about to check herself to see if it was burned due to the netherworld fire just now.

An unexpected situation occurred.

Xu Zimo suddenly felt dizzy, as if the whole world was spinning.

She closed her eyes hastily and tried to keep her balance.

However, all his mental power was mobilized into his hands and legs, and it was too late to reach for weapons.

All she can do now is to protect herself as quickly as possible.

When she opened her eyes again, she found that she was standing in a completely unfamiliar place.

Xu Zimo was surprised by the scenery here.

The surrounding full of the breath of spring.

Just like the air in the real world, the surroundings are filled with the fresh smell of flowers and earth.

The warm sunshine shone on her body, making her feel extremely comfortable.

This was in sharp contrast to the depression and darkness she had felt before in the Netherworld.

Xu Zimo couldn't help but take a deep breath, trying to imprint this new environment into his mind.

She looked around, trying to figure out what was so special about this place.

Although the scenery here was beautiful, what made her even more curious was that she did see a wall just now.

In the blink of an eye, I changed places.

And it was able to bring her to this completely unfamiliar place, which had to make her cautious and cautious.

When Xu Zimo entered the game, he had a very good habit: come and come!
There's no way to go back, so of course we have to deal with it here.

Xu Zimo's heart was full of doubts and curiosity, and she decided to continue exploring this mysterious place to find the answer.

Only in this way can we find our own doubts and find the way out.

She took a step forward and walked forward, looking forward to the next secret realm.

"System, what on earth is going on?" Xu Zimo asked in his mind.

System: "Detecting, please wait."

Xu Zimo was stunned for a moment. This was the first time the system had said such words.

A little strange. But it can only wait a moment.

Although there were only monster cubs around, Xu Zimo did not mutter to himself.

If someone peeks at it, wouldn't the matter about your system be exposed by you?

At this time, Xu Zimo's eyes were as big as bells, and her face was full of disbelief.

She clearly remembered that she was about to be swallowed up by the raging fire. How could she end up in this refreshing and beautiful place in the blink of an eye?

Could it be that the often-talked-about legend of "you can go to heaven after you die" is actually true?

Looking around, the scenery of this paradise is truly breathtaking.

The golden sunshine shines down, illuminating a piece of green grassland, with towering mountains in the distance, shrouded in clouds and mist, like a fairyland.

Xu Zimo felt as if he was in a beautiful painting, so beautiful that it made people enchanted.

However, Xu Zimo's mood did not become easier.

She remembered that she had returned to this game after her last death. The feeling of being cheated was still fresh in her memory.

This time, she came to a strange place again, and her heart could not help but be filled with vigilance and doubts.

"System, you don't want to drag me back into another game, do you?" Xu Zimo looked around vigilantly, looking for possible clues.

However, apart from the beautiful scenery, she didn't notice anything unusual.

At this moment, a soft voice sounded in her ears: "Welcome to the real paradise, Xu Zimo.

This time, you will have true freedom and happiness. "

Xu Zimo turned around suddenly, only to see a flash of light.

Then the clear voice of the system rang in Xu Zimo's ears: "Congratulations to the host, you have finally entered the real secret realm."

Xu Zimo was stunned, and her eyes widened, as if she wanted to dig out more information from the system's words.

"The real secret realm? The one before..." Her words were full of confusion and curiosity.

The system patiently explained: "The Illusion Stone, as its name suggests, what it creates is just a mirror image, an illusion.

Only through this illusion can you come to the real secret realm. "

Xu Zimo's heart felt as if a huge stone had been thrown into it, causing a storm.

She never thought that she could actually step into this legendary secret realm.

This is really a big surprise!
She looked around and found that everything here seemed so gentle and harmonious.

The sunlight shines on the ground through the gaps in the leaves, forming patches of mottled light and shadow.

The air is filled with the fresh aroma of grass and trees, making people feel extremely comfortable.

Xu Zimo also saw that the dragon cub was busy with the monster cubs.

Yes, they are working.

On the dragon cub's back hung a shining storage ring, which Xu Zimo had given to it before.

At this time, those little monster cubs were seriously pulling weeds and throwing them into the ring.

Seeing this scene, Xu Zimo's heart was filled with relief and joy.

She knew that although these little monsters were huge in size, their hearts were full of innocence and kindness.

Under the leadership of the dragon cubs, they are making some contributions within their capabilities in their own way.

For example, if you let yourself dig these natural and earthly treasures, it would be very laborious.

The dragon cubs and these more than a hundred monster cubs picked up speed together!

Xu Zimo took a deep breath and felt the unique atmosphere brought by this secret realm.

She knew that this place was not as peaceful as it seemed.

Or the danger has come somewhere that you don't know...

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