Doomsday disaster, she went crazy after awakening

Chapter 141: Expressing great shock

Chapter 141: Expressing great shock
However, at this moment, a violent vibration suddenly came.

Xu Zimo's body shook suddenly, as if he was struck by a huge force.

She couldn't help but scream in surprise, grabbing hold of everything around her.

There are rocks, branches, mist that looks like marshmallows, and howling ghost beasts.

The surrounding scenery began to distort and change, and Xu Zimo's vision became increasingly blurry.

She felt that her consciousness was beginning to fade, and her body's strength was rapidly losing strength.

She understood that this was a danger during the transmission process, or it was the warning mentioned by the system before.

However, Xu Zimo did not feel scared.

Take a deep breath, hold the rock in your hand tightly, and use all your strength to stabilize your body.

Just when Xu Zimo was about to lose consciousness, a powerful force suddenly poured into his body.

Her consciousness suddenly came to her senses, and her body's strength began to recover quickly.

She felt like she was surrounded by an invisible force, as if she were in a protective shield.

The distortion subsided.

The surrounding scene also began to stabilize.

Xu Zimo slowly opened his eyes and found that he had not gone back.

She was in a strange place now.

Looking around, I saw a vast forest with towering trees and lush branches and leaves.

There are also wooden houses not far away.

There are people around the cabin.

At this time, these people were surrounding her, looking at her with wide eyes.

"Yo, wake up hey!"

"Lao Jing, hurry up, this girl wakes up!"

"No, this girl is too fierce. She dares to break in by herself!"

"What can we do?"

"Throw it back?"

"You throw one and see!"

"I've been here all these years and still haven't found my way back, so you can brag!"


The sunlight shines on the ground through the gaps in the leaves, forming mottled light and shadow.

Xu Zimo smiled slightly, knowing that she had successfully passed the danger of teleportation.

Lao Jing!
If you heard me right, here is more interesting than going back.

"This girl doesn't look kind-hearted when she smiles!"

"Did you find anyone who was kind-hearted?"

"It's quite a bit!"

"Girl, can you stand up and take two steps?"

"Can two steps prove that she is a human or something?"

"At least it proves that it's not the half-demon from Interstellar who wants to break into us!"


In front of these nonsense people, Xu Zimo drank a tube of potion.

Then, he slowly stood up.

"Hello everyone, I can't walk, my hands and feet are a bit uncontrollable!" Although he could stand up, Xu Zimo felt as if his hands and feet were numb.

She couldn't walk, even if she was standing, it was because she borrowed strength.

The dragon cub whose skin was about to explode said: "..."

Xu Zimo looked at these people cautiously, thinking they would say something more.

Unexpectedly, one of the elderly people said: "Okay, the ones who were thrown in must be our own people. Let's disperse. It's time to rest. Don't worry about the storm coming and it will take a long time to find them again."

"Yes, yes, hurry back to the cabin."

The people surrounding him dispersed in a hurry.

Xu Zimo was helped and carried into the nearby wooden house.

The things in the wooden house are very complete and very retro.

How should I put it? At first glance, it looks like it is purely handmade.

Wooden tables, wooden chairs, wooden bowls and wooden spoons.

Even the drinking vessels are made of bamboo, which looks quite artistic. "This is my cabin. Let's have a drink first. If you have anything to say, wait until the storm passes."


"Well, you can see me soon."

The old man picked up a bamboo on the spot, cut off a piece, polished it, brushed it, poured water from the bamboo tube and put it in front of Xu Zimo.

Xu Zimo watched the whole process.

The bamboo tube also exudes the smell of bamboo, and it is quite refreshing to take a sip.

Just when Xu Zimo was about to say something, a loud noise suddenly came from outside.

The wooden house shook several times.

"Is this? An earthquake?" Xu Zimo was ready to lie on the ground.

The old man stood up calmly, closed the doors and windows, and blew out the oil lamp in the room.

He said calmly: "Storm."


Xu Zimo thought the old man was joking.

What kind of storms are like earthquakes?

Then, three minutes later, she finally saw the scene outside the cabin.

It was completely different from the vibrant woods we just saw. Except for the wooden house, everything around it was gone.


The old man was not surprised at all. Apparently, he had experienced such a scene many times.

The old man took things out of the house, a wooden shovel, a wooden shovel, and a piece of wood.

There are other people like the old man, all holding more or less things.

Xu Zimo's body also recovered its strength.

Watching these people go to the deserted place in unison and start working.

Some dig holes and some put seeds in them.

Some people fill holes and some water them.

There’s still money to be collected!

Yes, it’s a gain!

The seed that was just planted took less than a minute to grow.

There are grains, vegetables, and trees.

Xu Zimo saw these people quietly going from planting to harvesting without any pause at all.

Just silence her!

If it were all at this speed, how big would be the output of this grain!
"Can this be done a second time?"

"Think too much!"

"What's wrong?" It's harvested so quickly, and there's no impact in the second crop, right?
Then, Xu Zimo was pulled into the wooden house by the old man.

Just when Xu Zimo was still confused, he saw plants growing crazily where people had just planted them.

The place where the harvest had been completed was originally empty, but now it suddenly appeared.

And the speed is so fast that it can be seen with the naked eye!
After a while, it was already taller than the tree!
Have you ever seen a cabbage taller than a tree?
Xu Zimo has seen it!
Moreover, cabbage is still the shortest, and other crops grown are taller than cabbage.

This was exactly the same scene she saw when she came over.

It turns out that the vibrant scene is not a real forest, but the result of the crazy growth of these crops.

Xu Zimo said he was shocked.

What shocked Xu Zimo even more was that everyone had already avoided it without being surprised.

"Isn't it weird?"

came the old man's calm voice.

Xu Zimo nodded repeatedly.

Weird as hell, okay?
The old man looked into the distance and said slowly:

"It's all based on experience. When we first came here, we didn't know how special this place was. Many people were killed!"

"Died in that earthquake-like storm, blown away and never seen again."

"If you die among these wildly growing plants, they will not only grow wildly, but you will also be devoured if you get close."

"Some died on the way out to explore."

"When we came in, there were more than a thousand people, but now there are less than 200 left."

Xu Zimo: "!!!"

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