Doomsday disaster, she went crazy after awakening

Chapter 146: An unforgettable public face

Chapter 146 An unforgettable public face
Mr. Jing slowly took out a yellowed photo from his pocket.

The two people in the photo are smiling brightly.

In their eyes, it was as if the other person was the whole world.

One of them was Mr. Jing in his youth, handsome and flamboyant;
There is also a girl with a beautiful smile. Her smile is like the spring sunshine, warm and bright.

Xu Zimo stared at the girl in the photo, and an indescribable shock surged in her heart.

What Mr. Jing said was actually true.

The girl in the photo actually has a sixty-point resemblance to herself. The resemblance is not only in appearance, but also in charm.

She seemed to see her own shadow, and the intimacy became even stronger.

If I hadn't known that I was in a game, I would have thought I had found my family!

But if this happened in real society, Xu Zimo would be able to recognize his relatives on the spot!
A big family like the Jing family can only make a profit but not a loss if they admit it!
Unfortunately, in the game, there is no use in recognizing it!
"This is my wife." Jing Lao's voice was choked, and his eyes revealed a deep longing.

"She is the most important person in my life, but unfortunately she has already left this world."

Xu Zimo listened quietly, feeling the inexplicable sadness.

She seemed to be able to understand the pain and longing in the old man's heart. She felt the pain of losing a loved one.

Shaking his head, Xu Zimo felt that he was a little too into the drama.

"So kid, you are not a public face!"

Xu Zimo: "...You have been thinking for a long time just to refute what I said before. You really don't understand humor."


Next to him, Mr. Jing listened to her words, his lips twitching slightly.

But the smile on his face couldn't be suppressed, as if he was trying hard to suppress the smile in his heart.

If I hadn't suppressed it, I might have laughed out loud.
Mr. Jing knew in his heart that his wife had always been the undisputed No. 1 in the entire interstellar ranking of appearance.

Her beautiful face is as bright as the stars and is unforgettable at first sight.

However, in this girl's mouth, it turned out to be a "public face"!
He couldn't help but think that maybe this girl was too modest, or maybe she was deliberately teasing him.

But no matter what, it made him feel a little funny.

Jing Lao felt an urge to tease her.

He walked forward, patted her shoulder gently, and said with a smile: "Public face? Then let me, an old man, take a closer look."

He deliberately widened his eyes and studied her face carefully.

Then, he shook his head and said in a serious tone: "No, your face is not a popular face.

In my eyes, it's unique. "


After hearing this, Xu Zimo couldn't help but burst into laughter.

A bright smile made Mr. Jing laugh too.


She knew that Mr. Jing was teasing her.

But she was not angry. Instead, she found the interaction interesting.

Mr. Jing knew that this girl said this on purpose.

He was not angry, but felt that this girl looked very much like his old wife.

If you really have the chance to go back, you may contact the Xu family and ask this girl to come to the Jing family more often in the future~
The two of them just stood in the room talking.

People from the Jing family outside would occasionally cast envious glances, as if they were also infected by this warm and interesting scene.

The old man hasn’t laughed so freely in how many years!

Xu Zimo also learned from the old man's narration that there was an ancient and mysterious family hidden in the interstellar space - the Xu family.

They pass down extraordinary skills and unfathomable family secrets from generation to generation.

But he rarely appears to the outside world, like a hermit in the world. It is also called the hermit family.

The eldest daughter of the Xu family, named Xu Waner, is a bright pearl in the family.

She is not only outstanding in appearance, but also has innate intelligence and acumen.

He has a natural affinity with monsters, and was invited by the Star Elders to help in a new secret realm.

There I met Mr. Jing, who was young and frivolous at that time.

Mr. Jing never thought that one day he would fall in love with a woman, and she was someone he had only met once.

In order to be with her, Mr. Jing walked to the Xu family of a hidden family on foot to propose marriage.

It was also at that time that he realized that the Jing family's so-called first family in the interstellar world was a joke.

In front of the Xu family, others wouldn't let him in. He couldn't even find out which direction the door faced?

Xu Waner also fell in love with him at first sight.

Then she was even more moved by his persistence and married into the Gu family despite the opposition of her family.

However, under the arrangement of fate, the two met, got to know each other, fell in love, and finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

This proud daughter of heaven did not choose to immerse herself in the glory of the Xu family. Instead, she chose to live an ordinary life in company with the world.

In Interstellar, it is only known that the young master of the Jing family married an ordinary woman of unknown origin.

He has no skills, no elemental power, and he can't even walk a few steps without being out of breath.

No one can understand.

The marriage between Xu Waner and Jing Lao seems not a good match to outsiders.

Xu Waner is just an ordinary woman, how can she be worthy of the talented young master of the Jing family?

Once someone mentioned something wrong with Mrs. Jing, Mr. Jing went to fight with them.

They won't be taken back unless they're beaten and bruised and their faces are swollen.

Because when Xu Waner left the Xu family, she swore not to mention anything about the Xu family outside, and she also deactivated her skills.

Skills are a secret family inheritance of the Xu family, and can only be passed down to one person in each generation.

Xu Wan'er originally planned not to marry for the rest of her life, but to stay with the Xu family.

But I didn't expect that when I went out to help once, I would be seduced by a boy from the Jing family of the secular family.

If she leaves with her skills, the Xu family will inevitably become passive.

The family's cultivation of her over the years made Xu Waner feel very guilty.

Only after the skill is abolished can there be a second practice.

A person silently loses his skills.

She became an ordinary person, and then followed Mr. Jing to the Jing family and lived an ordinary life.

The Xu family has also lost contact with the Jing family since then.

Until Xu Wan'er's accident happened, there was no contact.

At that time, Mr. Jing was holding his breath, thinking about improving the Jing family and then taking his wife back to her parents' home.

Let them see that they are capable of making their daughter-in-law live a good life.

It's a pity that my wife is gone!

He sent people into this secret realm in waves just because he wanted to find Netherworld Grass to save his wife.

Because the elders mentioned in the secret letter that Netherworld Grass can bring the dead back to life.

It's a pity that he and the Jing family were all tricked into staying here, and they didn't find a single Netherworld Grass.

But the Jing family was almost wiped out by him!
Looking at the smiling woman in the photo, Jing Lao's heart almost broke.

He thought he had forgotten his wife, but it turned out that he had not, it was just that he had deliberately hidden it...

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