Doomsday disaster, she went crazy after awakening

Chapter 151 The Demon Pet Trap is Exposed

Chapter 151 The Demon Pet Trap is Exposed

"Well done, keep up the good work!"


Doctor Su couldn't help but feel disgusted when he looked at Mi Zhixuan's fake face, but he still praised her against his will.

Although he was temporarily paroled because of his status as a senior physician at the Legion General Hospital, the Su family's affairs this time were a bit tricky.

Dr. Su has been looking for connections these days.

I want to rescue other members of the Su family.

The head of the Su family is already dead. It can be said that he was afraid of the crime, or that he was deliberately thrown out to take the blame by the group of elders.

But everyone else in the Su family had to be there, otherwise everyone would be gone, even if it was just him, it would be useless.

Although Mi Zhixuan wants nothing, it doesn't matter.

I can't count on my brain skills at all, but I'm lucky to be obedient.

And now, under his promotion, Mi Zhixuan has adapted well to the role of a military physician.

Except for not being able to see people, everything else was pretty good.

Xu Zimo 1.0 inherited all the memories of Mi Zhixuan provided by Xu Zimo, and when imitating them, he looked more like her than herself.

Moreover, there was the memory of Xu Zimo's special arrangement. Even Dr. Su only thought it was his ability and did not think that the core in front of him had been changed.

"Master Hang, I agree to what you said, but I beg you to rescue the Su family ten, not six, just six people." Dr. Su did not avoid Xu Zimo 1.0 and contacted people there to go out. Get people.

And the head of the Hang family is one of them.

It's just that in the past, the Hang family's requests were too excessive, and he never agreed.

There was nothing he could do now.

Those guys in the Council of Elders and the Central Star are acting more and more unconventionally.

Doctor Su was worried that if he acted too slowly, the Su family would be completely dead.

"Don't worry, six people are enough for you. The Ji family and the Yu family have arrangements as well."

The other party didn't know what he said, and Doctor Su's face became particularly ugly.

But he still said with a gloomy face: "The Gu family has long since ignored these things and will not refuse. Just ask someone to come over in an hour. That's it."

After hanging up the phone, Dr. Su smashed everything in the office.

When the robots were cleared out, Xu Zimo 1.0 was also driven away by Dr. Su: "It's the same as before. When they come, you go and accompany them. Don't say you don't want to. Who else can you count on now besides me?"

"Hmph!" Xu Zimo 1.0 turned around and left.

Mi Zhixuan's actions were exactly the same as when she was angry before.

If Dr. Su looks carefully, he will see some abnormalities. This is a completely imitated action that only robots can have.

But Doctor Su is now focused on saving the Su family.

So I didn’t pay attention at all.

The four major families have privileges.

Not only in terms of skills, but also in daily life.

For example, if the Su family's man-made demon incident follows the interstellar taboo laws, everyone in the Su family who comes into contact with this matter will be executed.

But as long as Dr. Su convinces the heads of the four major families, they can jointly provide names without liability.

Furthermore, each family can keep up to ten people out.

The Gu family has barely taken care of anything since the Jing family's incident. Even if they showed up, it was just to gather a few people.

In order to persuade the Hang family, Yu family, and Ji family, Doctor Su lost more than half of the contacts and materials he had accumulated over the years.

But as long as the Su family rises, he will still have these things!
after an hour.

Inside the commander's office.

The heads of the four major families in the central star, the heads of the Yu family, the Ji family, and the Hang family, really had a relaxed look on their faces.

As for the head of the Gu family, his face was as calm as expected, as if nothing could move him.

He was stunned for a moment when he saw Xu Zimo 1.0 behind Dr. Su, then lowered his head and ignored him.

No matter what they said, the head of the Gu family remained completely silent as usual. As long as the three family heads agree, he will agree.

Ask nothing.

And this is what Dr. Su wants!

Dr. Su showed his sincerity.

In front of the fourth elder, the heads of the four major families, and the commander, each placed a box of top-quality spiritual stones.

Very sadly:

"The four major families share the profits of the magic pet, and now my Su family is in charge of this pot.

I just ask you to release a few other people from the Su family.

Just a few will do.

They will still have to deal with the matter of the demon pet in the future.

You guys are still the same as before, you are only responsible for paying dividends, and you don't need to get involved in these.

These are apologies!

It’s causing trouble to everyone! "

Dr. Su is very low-key and sets his position very low anyway.

After all, he is asking for help!

Although he has already passed the gas, he still does a good job in this matter.

Everyone present looked at each other, and the head of the Yu family said: "Okay, but you must be more attentive to this matter in the future!"

Head Ji: "We can't be discovered anymore. The next wave of magic pets is about to take action. You haven't even finished half of it, and you've caused such a big fuss. If we don't keep up with the progress, I'm afraid the delivery will be delayed."

Elders: "Delay is not enough, liquidated damages will be huge. Whoever is responsible will bear the liquidated damages when the time comes!"

Dr. Su's face turned gloomy. Didn't he just want to get benefits without paying liquidated damages?

It's not impossible to make normal deliveries. All four major families have used people and materials to build bases.

But obviously they can't do this again. They have developed bad habits over the years.

It’s best to just take money and not do anything!
"That's it, everyone, please sign the bail certificate. Thank you very much!" Doctor Su bowed humbly and thanked him.

Not sincerely!
Everyone present pretended to say a few words, and then wrote their names on the bail certificate.

This is a cutscene.

Other families also come here like this when something goes wrong.

When the last person was left, Dr. Su and everyone present were stunned.

The head of the Gu family pushed the bail certificate far away: "Your demon pet plan has nothing to do with my Gu family, I can't sign this!"

Doctor Su's face suddenly turned gloomy: "Master Gu, when we made this plan, it was your Gu family who didn't want the dividends, and now you want to get a share of it!"

If it had been in the past, he wouldn't have said a word, and he would have given the dividends over the years to the head of the Gu family.

But not now, he has no money!
What I gave out today are all his own private collection.

The things belonging to the Su family were obviously hidden in the private vault, but when he went to get them, he found that they were empty.

The head of the family died and the others were imprisoned.

He is the only one who can move freely outside, but his things are gone!
He had been searching secretly but could not find it.

Therefore, Dr. Su was a little anxious because the head of the Gu family wanted to get dividends.

The head of the Gu family stood up directly: "Twenty years ago, my Gu family didn't interfere, and I don't interfere now. Your affairs have nothing to do with our Gu family."

After saying that, the head of the Gu family left directly.

"But if you don't sign, my Su family won't be able to get out!" Dr. Su yelled.

He spent all his money!
Patriarch Gu: "What does it have to do with me!"

The head of the Gu family is gone.

Dr. Su's eyes were red with anger, and he looked like he was going to be possessed.

At this time, the entire interstellar was about to burst into excitement...

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