Chapter 153: Collapse, get out
The rest of the elders also came over at this time: "Great Elder, didn't you just say that you just need to sign for small things?"

"Why are you still making trouble on the Star Network?"

“It’s also on the dark web!”

"...He did it!" Although the Great Elder felt that Dr. Su would not be stupid enough to do this.

But now it all points to him.

Although Elder Zai accepted a box of top-quality spiritual stones from Doctor Su to deal with this matter, he could not help cover it up now.

My brain is broken!

If he still insists on standing with the Su family, the people will vote for their group of elders!
I usually respect them as a body of elders, but now they are in conflict with the laws of the people. The people are not fools.

Already realized they had been lied to and played a trick on.

The body of elders is in trouble!
Surrender the Su family before they are in trouble, or there may be hope~
There are many people who have similar ideas to the elders.

Dr. Su:...

There is nothing Dr. Su can do!

He received a letter of expulsion from the Legion General Hospital: "In view of the fact that Su Shanliang's actions violated the purpose of the Legion, you are now dismissed from all positions. Please handle the handover within one day and return all relevant materials. Violators will be held accountable by the Legion's legal affairs !”

Xu Zimo 1.0 also received a similar letter.

However, Xu Zimo received a letter of approval for his resignation application:
"'Applicant's name: Xu Zimo,

Original physician qualification: Intermediate physician,

Former position: Attending Physician, Legion General Hospital,

Original recommender: Su Shanliang,

Original treatment: Enjoy the treatment of a formal doctor, with a monthly basic salary of 1000 spiritual stones, and the commission bonus is distributed according to the regulations of the general hospital;

There is no limit to the use of medicines made by oneself, and the cost of medicinal raw materials shall be borne jointly by the Legion General Hospital and the individual.

Other rewards: a foldable small house, a small car that is easy to carry, and a one-time reward of 500 million gold coins upon joining;
As long as there is no violation of law or discipline, he will be protected unconditionally by the legion. '

@You applied for resignation due to special circumstances. It has been reviewed and approved. Please handle the handover and leave the Legion General Hospital within one day. Thank you for your time and companionship.

Relevant materials do not need to be returned.

Violators will be held accountable by the legion's legal affairs. Thank you for your cooperation! "

Generally speaking, Xu Zimo resigned on his own and was more proactive than Su Shanliang.

Moreover, Xu Zimo had already submitted this matter before. She thought that if this matter broke out, she would also be implicated.

Xu Zimo submitted the application directly, but the Legion General Hospital gave her a consideration period.

Now that Dr. Su's matter has been exposed, the period of consideration is gone.

Processed directly together!

Obviously to avoid being affected by the extremely angry people!
Even so, people still complained to the Legion General Hospital.

Because many of Dr. Su's medicinal materials were obtained from the Legion General Hospital, otherwise it would not have been possible to create such a base for studying magic pets.

Legion General Hospital: ...still didn’t avoid it!

An hour later, Dr. Su was taken away by the Law Enforcement Department.

An hour and a half later, Su Shanliang confessed and was immediately executed.

Two hours later, Zongzhi Nao recovered.

"Hey, the interstellar intelligence brain has been updated, and the public is welcome to supervise it."

Every citizen has received this reminder.

When they recovered, the interstellar people discovered that the brain seemed to have changed.

Becoming more rational and demanding, of course, this is for the major families.

Every family's house has a small stone there, and it is placed there openly.

He also said hello specially. All the major families knew that it was a fantasy stone that could be used for recording and monitoring.

An existence even more extreme than the total intelligence!

But they couldn't refuse, because if they were uneasy, they would be deprived of the title of a first-class family immediately... But ordinary people felt that Zong Zhinao was more approachable.

Especially the transaction points provided, the prices are so affordable that it makes people cry.

All of a sudden, all the major families noticed something unusual.

The transaction volume of Zongzhi Nao's official store has soared, while the corresponding sales volume of each of their stores has decreased.

The result is that they earn less spiritual stones!
After the familiar incident was exposed.

Everyone knows this is a trap for all ordinary people.

Because those selected to be studied as magic pets are ordinary people who are capable, have good skills, or have good talents.

I originally thought that they were recruited by various companies to do big things. I haven't contacted them for a long time, but they can receive regular and generous rewards.

Only now do I know that many of them are dead, and the major families paid them large sums of money in order to silence them.

The most talented people from small families in various places are chosen to be developed into magic pets!

These people require huge resources and worship the four major families extremely.

Then, they came and never went back.

It wasn't until the incident broke out that I realized that some geniuses had been dead for more than ten years...

"Get off!"

"Fuck off!"


All the angry people finally started to vote out again!
The investment this time is to replace the members of the elders, change the commander, and reduce the resources of the four major families.

Because they don't deserve it.

For a time, public dissatisfaction aroused.

But at this time, Zong Zhi Nao took action.

If things go on like this, without ordinary people voting for them to step down, their own family will also be forced to surrender under such circumstances.

But as soon as the general move was made, all the major families panicked instantly.

At this time, Xu Zimo improved himself while watching the excitement:

"Xu Zimo,

Age: 20 years old,
Lifespan: 180+/100,

Occupation: Physician,
Level: Earth level (10000 can be upgraded),

Mental strength (5100 calories),

Active skills: Copy, Devour, Understanding is incredible
Passive skills that can be upgraded: simulation (earth level), Liujia Xingquan (earth level), teleportation skills automatically reach full level (earth level)

Medical skills, senior physician (can be promoted to special physician)
A perfect shot (earth level), mind reading (earth level), thunder skills (earth level),
The peak skill of controlling beasts, the peak skill of teleportation,
Light element skills, earth level,

Dark element skills, earth level..."

The Soul Puppet Skill (Earth Level) can disperse the soul power into several parts and place them in the puppets respectively. No one can see through this technique! "

Backpack storage: 4100/5000+,

Controlled beasts: 101 (cub status: Yellow level: 100.

Ground level: 1,
(It is recommended to feed them with spirit stones, or you can upgrade them with skill points. Each 1000 points will increase the level by 1 per animal),

Primary attributes: God-level copying, you can copy the opponent's skills after three seconds of contact.
Skill points:……"

As the overlord among the cubs, the dragon cub is also the most powerful and skilled.

"Dragon beast,
Level: Earth level,
Skills: water element and transformation,

Hobbies: Glittering treasures,

Others: You have opened the ghost domain, please go to the Shanhaijing plot to explore..."

Xu Zimo:......

Seeing that the familiar broken soul wood, amethyst hidden gold mine, earth amethyst flower, unicorn fruit, blood bamboo, and even lightning strike wood were all in zero stock, Xu Zimo felt distressed!

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