Doomsday disaster, she went crazy after awakening

Chapter 162 A fierce ghost is coming, don’t turn around 1

Chapter 162 A fierce ghost is coming, don’t turn around 1
"Sir, these are not allowed." Ghost energy can only be used by impermanent people like them.

If all the Yin spirits could swallow and use ghost energy, wouldn't the ghost realm be in chaos?

Xu Zimo: "That's it. Next time if there is anything you are not allowed to do, please tell me in advance and don't do it later!"

Black and white impermanence: "..."


The group of Yin spirits that had just gathered together had disappeared in a moment, especially after hearing Black and White Wuchang's words, they ran faster.

There were originally many ghosts wandering around in this chaotic ghost realm, and their figures appeared and disappeared, flickering in and out.

Some ghosts murmured in low voices, their voices eerie and eerie.

In this underworld scene, every corner is full of weirdness.

But at this time, it was clean.

"Where's the Ghost King?" Xu Zimo wanted to know how to get out of this ghost realm as soon as possible. With all this gloominess, she was even happier if she wanted it.

Black and White looked at each other: "It is inconvenient for the Ghost King to have guests!"

"Huh, guest? Am I the Territory Lord, or do you actually not welcome me as the Territory Lord? In that case, let the Ghost King report the number, how about I sell him the Territory Lord position?"



Suddenly a thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit Black and White Wuchang on the top of his head.

Hei Wuchang is already dark, but now it is impossible to see it in the dark night.

Bai Wuchang wasn't much better either. His white skin was made of special material and it wouldn't be affected if he was struck by lightning. However, his face and body were miserable. He could smell the burnt smell even if he didn't have a good piece of skin.

Xu Zimo hid behind him: "What are you two doing that is so outrageous?"

"..." The night was as dark as ink, and there was deathly silence in the ghost realm.

The black and white impermanence makes me depressed to death.

They didn't do anything. What they wanted to say was that this was against the rules.

The results of it?
Before they could finish speaking, thunder from the sky came down and struck them.

And these words were not what they said. Why didn't the thunder and lightning strike at the other party, the new domain lord, but at them?

Xu Zimo raised his eyebrows, didn't this ghost realm look as useless as he seemed?

Black and White Wuchang had been trying to avoid going to see the Ghost King, so she said that on purpose.

The bottom line of the ghost realm is this thunder, right?
Do you want to try again?
As a young and newly appointed domain lord, Xu Zimo should try all possible methods to find the Ghost King, right?

"This position of Territory Lord..."

"We will take you to find the Ghost King." Hei Wuchang said immediately.

He discovered that before the man had finished speaking, the sky thunder not far away began to gather again.

Although I don’t know whether the domain lord deliberately wanted to kill them with thunderstorms, or whether the weird people in their ghost domain were targeted by heaven, anyway, I can’t let this new domain lord speak out anymore.

The next thunderstorm coming down will definitely hit them.

Territory Lords have died several times, and they are the ones who are punished every time. Obviously they are just...indirectly killed, but the way of heaven is getting harder and harder to fool!

"Lead the way! Unless you want to trick me?"

"...Please!" Hei Bai Wuchang wanted to point to a place for Xu Zimo to go by himself, but now that Xu Zimo had stopped him, they could only lead the way.

Xu Zimo followed behind with his mouth twitching.

This dark sky is full of ghosts, and it is really a great experience to let the black and white impermanence lead the way!

Anyone else would be frightened in such an environment!
"Go to hell!" After walking a few hundred meters, Bai Wuchang suddenly shot at Xu Zimo.

Hei Wuchang also waved the guiding stick in his hand.

These two Wu Chang want to kill Xu Zimo by force!


The sky thunder was indeed coming, but Black and White Wuchang thought that no matter how fast they could take action, they would not be able to take action.

Xu Zimo sneered: "I am becoming more and more jealous of you!"

If they don't take action directly, it won't be easy for them to take action themselves, right?
After coming to the Ghost Realm, why haven't you released your skills yet?

"Ah!" Bai Wuchang screamed as he was hit by a spiritual force.

Hei Wuchang was stunned for a moment, and then another burst of spiritual power hit him: "Ah~"

A twisted scream also rang out from Hei Wuchang's mouth.

They thought that Xu Zimo would be frightened by this, or that she would slip and fall into the ghost river next to her.

Even if the Territory Lord falls into this ghost river, he will be eaten up by the demons and fierce ghosts inside.

Several former domain masters were like this.

However, what they did not expect was that Xu Zimo, who encountered the trap of black and white, would be prepared for it.

Xu Zimo smiled brightly: "It is said that you two impermanent brothers are famous for your scheming. Now it seems that the rumors are true!"

"Nah, nonsense!"

It is true that Black and White Wuchang often uses his identity to do evil in the ghost realm.

They took a fancy to a certain power in Xu Zimo, and tried to use it to subdue her so that she would hand it over voluntarily. It would be better if the position of Territory Lord could fall on them, as long as they could achieve their goals.

But Xu Zimo followed them all the way to find the Ghost King, but he didn't trust them at all.

Because if she trusts her even a little bit, she will accidentally fall into the trap of black and white.

Hei Wuchang: "No, you can actually use spiritual power?"

Bai Wuchang, who was beaten first, immediately said: "Spiritual power? Impossible!"

No one in the ghost realm can use their own spiritual power.

You can only use weird skills in this ghost realm. Here, spiritual power is just like ordinary strength and cannot be used at all. Moreover, even if a little spiritual power leaks out, it will put the soul in extreme danger. middle.

Spiritual power can attract the attention of Yin spirits more than ghost energy!
But now, the arrival of Xu Zimo broke their trap and defeated the two black and white Wuchang.

Black and White Wuchang was caught off guard by Xu Zimo's sudden counterattack. They were surprised to find that this seemingly ordinary soul could actually use spiritual power in the ghost realm.

This is something unprecedented!
They looked at each other, confused and frightened.

Bai Wuchang retorted directly. He didn't want to believe that Xu Zimo could really use spiritual power.

This is even more terrifying than the fact that they can't defeat the new domain lord in front of them!
Xu Zimo couldn't help laughing when he saw their frightened expressions.

She said calmly: "I am the Territory Lord, isn't it normal to use spiritual power?"

Black and white looked at each other in confusion. They couldn't understand why this young new domain lord was so confident?

They have seen countless domain masters. No matter how powerful the opponent is, one of them has even reached the earth level skill, but they still cannot use spiritual power in the ghost domain.

The Xu Zimo in front of them was simply a being even stranger than them.


Do not!
They don't admit it, this is an insult to their inconsistency!

Xu Zimo looked at their surprised looks and couldn't help but shook his head.

She said calmly: "This is my own business. I don't need you to take care of it. Go to the Ghost King, otherwise I will beat you."


Xu Zimo turned around and motioned for them to continue leading the way. Black and White Wuchang's heart was full of doubts and fears.

They knew that this new domain lord was no ordinary person.

Her strength and wisdom are extraordinary.

And he can also use spiritual power. You must know that even the ghost king cannot use spiritual power in the ghost realm.

They knew that from this moment on, they would have to re-evaluate the power structure in the Ghost Domain.

And the name of Xu Zimo, the newly appointed Territory Lord, must be quietly spreading throughout the Ghost Territory!

Xu Zimo did not stop her pace because of this episode. She knew that the Ghost King had great power in the ghost realm, and she could tell by looking at the black and white attitude.

The more this happens, the more Xu Zimo must find him. Only in this way can he solve the long-standing mystery.

Only by finding the Ghost King can one truly control the Ghost Domain or sell the Territory Lord's position.

What's the use of being a domain lord in the game? It's better to sell it.

The benefits are only the benefits you get in your own hands, everything else is blank!

This is Xu Zimo's true thoughts.

From a black and white perspective, this Territory Lord is too scheming!
Xu Zimo: I was beaten lightly just now, but you still dare to doubt yourself!
In the vast night of Ghostland, ghost shadows are longing and the wind is low.

Black and white are impermanent, but the two messengers who represent the Yin and Yang world look troubled at this moment.

They felt inexplicable fear towards Xu Zimo and the others in front of them.

Their eyes flashed with hesitation and uneasiness, but even though they were frightened, Black and White Wuchang still did not dare to go against the Ghost King's wishes easily.

They knew that the Ghost King had always coveted the position of Territory Lord and wanted to control more power.

But this battle between the domain masters does not seem to be as simple as it seems. It is more like an undercurrent battle between the ghost domain and other high-level officials.

This can be seen from the recent rise of new domain lords.

They were intimidated by Xu Zimo's power and did not dare to respond easily.

Black and White Wuchang looked at each other and secretly decided in their hearts that since the Ghost King hadn't sent anyone here yet, they would have to use that method.

How this dispute over the domain owners will be settled has nothing to do with their black and white.

They can't control it, but they know that if they don't follow the Ghost King's request, the next Black and White Wuchang will come and take their place at any time.

Because this is how the two of them took over the previous one, Black and White.

Arriving at a door, Black and White Wuchang stopped: "We have to contact the higher ups."

There was a hint of helplessness and apprehension in Black and White's voice.

Xu Zimo smiled coldly, with a sharp flash in his eyes: "Please do it, but don't make me wait too long, my patience is limited."

Although her voice was calm, there was an undoubted threat in it.

Black and White Wuchang's heart trembled, he didn't dare to say more, he had already seen it.

Black and White Wuchang immediately turned around and entered the door, leaving Xu Zimo standing alone in front of the empty door in the Night Ghost Realm.

Xu Zimo's figure looked even more lonely in front of the door.

The corners of his mouth curled up, and he clenched his fingers into fists, wondering if he should bomb this place?
It just so happens that Liu Jiaxingquan has never really seen its power since it was promoted~
At this moment, the door in front of him suddenly opened.

Xu Zimo's vision went dark, and the next moment, she was in front of a gloomy door.

The three characters "Ghost King's House" are engraved on the door. The characters are twisted and seem to carry some strange power.

Anyway, this feeling made Xu Zimo uncomfortable, and he always felt like he was being watched.

"Is this the Ghost King's residence?"


Black and white Wu Chang stood on both sides of the door with expressionless faces. They seemed to have been accustomed to the horror here.

Xu Zimo took a deep breath. She was originally calm, but when Hei Wuchang said the word "yes", she became nervous again.

Every time Hei Wuchang speaks, there is a trap.

If Xu Zimo steps through this door this time, he always feels that it will not be so easy to see the Ghost King.

"Knowing that I have a bad temper, whether it's a person or a ghost who lies to me, it will be miserable!"

"..." Hei Wuchang's dead face froze for a second.

"Please come in." A rough voice came.

The next moment, Xu Zimo felt an icy cold wind blowing towards his face.

The door is wide open, and the dark wind is blowing out from inside.

At a glance, it seemed that there were countless eyes staring at her secretly, which made Xu Zimo feel a little chilled down his spine.

However, the moment Xu Zimo stepped into the threshold, the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

The place that was supposed to be the place where the Ghost King's mansion was conducting his insidious tests has become distorted at this moment.

This weird and unpredictable appearance is not a ghost king's house, it is a spooky copy.

Xu Zimo was stunned, his heartbeat accelerated instantly, and an uneasy feeling surged into his heart.

System: "Hey, you got the ghost core in the dungeon, which can be used to trade for real life span. Come on, host!"

Xu Zimo:......

The sound of the system confirmed Xu Zimo's guess.

Where's the promised ghost king's house?
Is this Tema another copy?
She couldn't help but curse secretly in her heart, feeling angry at this sudden turn of events.

Xu Zimo had already thought about selling the position of Territory Lord, and she really meant it, but Black and White Wuchang actually tricked her again.

It seems that the attack just now was too light and the lesson was not taught enough!
A mechanical voice came: "Welcome player Xu Zimo to the hidden copy: The Fierce Ghost Attacks."

"Copy Keyword: Don't turn around."

"Getting three ghost cores means you have passed the level. Have a good time!"

Xu Zimo: I would like to greet you, the eighteenth generation of cheap ancestors!

This time the reminder is not of Xu Zimo’s Tongzi, but of the real National Game.

It's actually a hidden copy, which is simply outrageous.

The name of this copy is called "The Fierce Ghost Attacks", which sounds chilling.

Xu Zimo looked around and saw darkness all around him, as if everything was swallowed up by darkness.

There was an indescribable strange smell in the air that made people feel uncomfortable all over.

She couldn't help but feel her heartbeat speeding up, as if something was peeking in secretly, making her want to take a big breath. If she didn't breathe, it felt like she would suffocate in the next second.

"Huh!" He opened his eyes as if he were drowning.

Then, Xu Zimo cursed: "Fuck, so ugly!"

He slapped that ugly face away.

The person being photographed covered his face with disbelief: "Xu Zimo, I think you want to die, but you dare to call me ugly!"

Damn it, you actually dared to take action. It was amazing to faint once!
Xu Zimo was willing to take anything, even the slightest loss, so he immediately retorted: "...I have scolded you, you are ugly to begin with!"

It’s not like he was called ugly!


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