Chapter 177 Hidden Attributes

Xu Zimo asked several people who knew the ghost domain to come over.

When they learned what Xu Zimo meant, everyone present was not calm.

"It's just that the legendary place is not recommended for development." The head of the Hang family said.

Xu Zimo: "Who heard the news from the Hang family?"

"To tell you the truth, it was Hang Heng who mentioned it. I said he was just thinking nonsense, and he never mentioned it again."

Xu Zimo smiled softly: "Oh, this must be a joke. Head Hang can go out!"


"Of course I'm going out to work. Will the elders be free?"

"...Ma, I'll go right away!"

Before leaving, Xu Zimo asked him to call Hang Heng over.

As a result, the head of the Hang family almost cried: "Ever since you blocked him, he has never come back. Commander, can you return him?"

Xu Zimo: ...What a mess.

I finally found the terminal from my system and installed it back in front of several people.

"There was no power before."

"..." What a reason for lameness!

I can't make up a more reasonable one.

"There are no missed calls. You can contact them yourself. It doesn't matter if you can't find them. Just go out." Xu Zimo was now looking forward to a year when these elders would be rated and the last one would be eliminated.

People like the head of the Hang family who don't care about big things and push out small things will definitely be the first to be eliminated.

There is still a little bit of expectation.

The head of the Yu family also stood up: "Commander, I heard what Yu Chen said. He saw that I didn't understand anything and didn't mention it again. Do you need me to contact him?"

"Thank you." Xu Zimo likes to deal with smart people.

"You're welcome. I'll go out and be busy first. Yu Chen said he'd come over in a while. If you have anything to explain, you can explain it later."

"it is good."

The head of the Yu family also got up and went out.

Only one old Jing was left.

This recovery is not recognized.

"It's too dangerous to go to the Ghost Realm, you can't!" Mr. Jing, as a victim of being imprisoned in the Ghost Realm for many years, knows very well how special it is.

If you're careful, you'll die.

Xu Zimo actually wanted to set up a guard there, and he also wanted to make something black and white.

When others expand their power, they place their own people in various positions. Why do you still send people to die?
The main reason they wanted to stop him was to send their own people around the commander.

But if you are going to die, should you die or not?

"So I'm going to find something that's life-threatening. Your family can also arrange it. If you don't want to arrange it, just ignore it."

Mr. Jing: "How likely is it to survive?"

Xu Zimo stretched out two fingers and shook them.

Mr. Jing's figure has aged several years: "2%, that's too low. They are all the children of my Jing family. Anyone who lets them go will be cutting off my flesh!"

Xu Zimo:......

He is indeed an old guy who can clean up the entire Central Star family!

He pretended to be so similar that he almost deceived her.

If you don't have the ability to read minds, let Mr. Jing pretend to be able to do it.

What Mr. Jing was thinking was completely different from what he said: "I need to get more benefits. After I came back, I realized that resources were too hard to get.

The casualty rate for following the commander shouldn't be that high, about half, so that's about the same.

But I can't let her see it, and I can still take care of some family members.

By then, most of the extra good things will go to the Jing family. "

It can only be said that Mr. Jing’s plan is very good.

It's a pity that I met Xu Zimo who also has mind-reading skills!
As soon as Xu Xiaosi and the others arrived, they were brought over by robot guards.

Xu Xiaoshang, Jiancheng, Bai Xiaobai, Hang Heng, who the head of the Hang family said could not be contacted, and Yu Chen, who had become a lot of blackmail.

Several people were very happy to see Xu Zimo: "Hello, captain!"

"Sit anywhere you want!"

"Thank you Captain!"

Several people happily found a seat and sat down.

"Mr. Jing, do you have anything else to do?" Xu Zimo asked Mr. Jing who was sitting beside him.

Mr. Jing sighed: "I envy young people. What I like most at this age is seeing these energetic children. In my family..."

"Turns out I'm homesick. This is easy to handle. Someone comes and arranges a car to take Mr. Jing back to Jing's house. Don't be lazy!"

"Yes, Commander!"

Mr. Jing was sent out.

No matter how hard he struggled, he didn't stop the door of the commander's office from closing slowly.

He couldn't knock it open. The robot guards strictly followed the commander's orders.

Unless Mr. Jing is killed.

Mr. Jing: ...He just wants to help the young people of the Jing family to be promoted, and then arrange for more young people in the family to go to the ghost land.

There are many dangers there, but there are also many resources.

Jingjia's development has been slow for more than 20 years, and if it wants to catch up, it must be strong.

Well now, I was kicked out.

Xu Zimo: "If you are given the opportunity, you must seize it, otherwise it will have nothing to do with you after it passes."

"Captain, you can do anything you want."

"I've got something to do in the Ghost Realm. Now I have two official quotas. Anyone with ideas..."

"Yes!" Several people said in unison.

Even Hang Heng and Yu Chen said it loudly.

They all believed in Xu Zimo and trusted him completely.

Not to mention it's a ghost realm, even if she says it's for your own good to kill you, they won't hesitate.

Xu Zimo smiled, this is what he wanted.

"Heihei Wuchang is responsible for contacting other forces in the ghost domain. Others will look at the development of the situation. I am the one behind the scenes. If you need resources, you can trade with me. If you don't have it, trade with you. If you don't, I will snatch it and trade with you.

The materials you receive are up to you to discuss together, but you must not raise prices at will.

You can discuss the rest. "

"The candidate to command the Guards..."

"Look at the arrangements. I only have one request. Don't cause trouble for me. You and I will not be here often in the future. If you encounter trouble or are arranged by others, you and your family will More troublesome."

It's mutual after all.

The current Presbyterian Church does not care about the situation.

When they don’t want to be judged anymore, they are judged!

Xu Xiaosi: "Captain, why didn't you let us join the guard team just because we were the ones who arranged the guard team?"

"Any more questions, so to speak?"


"Then prepare yourself. The ghost domain is very dangerous and is more dangerous than the wilderness area. If possible, you hope that you can build the ghost domain into a second wilderness area."


That makes it clear.

It’s just a separate place with powerful resources!

They all know how good the bosses in the wilderness area are at talking, and they think that they may have such an opportunity in the future.

Everyone is looking forward to it!

The execution ability of Xu Xiaosi and others is still very fast.

It didn't take long to arrange the things at hand, and the guards and related reviews were quickly completed.

If there were some biased priorities before, now most of the ones they have chosen are relatively strong in overall strength.

Only in this way will they have nothing to worry about!
Xu Zimo was helpless.

When the next promotion was deemed a failure by the system, Xu Zimo's mentality was about to collapse. "Tongzi, I have enough skill points, enough lifespan, and everything is ready. Why can't I increase my level?"

Xu Zimo just planned to upgrade his level to heaven level, but failed twice in a row.

Another important point is that the skills spent on upgrading are not restored to her~
If Xu Zimo hadn't put in so much effort to improve his skills before, she would have wondered if the system was trying to take advantage of her!

System: "There is also a hidden requirement that the host has not been activated. It is not a restriction of this system. Please do not slander this system."

"What hidden requirement?"

System: "Please look for it yourself. This is a hidden request and you have no permission to view it."

Xu Zimo:......

Xu Zimo looked at his personal panel bit by bit, reading it more than ten times in a row.

Finally, she found a small question mark in her personal career.

"Xu Zimo,

Age: 20 years old,
Lifespan: 180+/100,

Occupation: Physician?
Level: Earth level (10000 can be upgraded),

Mental strength (5100 calories),

Active skills: Copy, Devour, Understanding is incredible
Passive skills that can be upgraded: simulation (earth level), Liujia Xingquan (earth level), teleportation skills automatically reach full level (earth level)

Medical skills, senior physician (can be promoted to special physician)
A perfect shot (earth level), mind reading (earth level), thunder skills (earth level),
The peak skill of controlling beasts, the peak skill of teleportation,
Light element skills, earth level,

Dark element skills, earth level..."

When you click on the small ? number behind the doctor, an extra line of gray text appears: Please correctly understand the attributes of your skills.

What is the attribute of the skill?
This made Xu Zimo look at the skills one by one. These skills were no problem!

There is no question mark after the first skill, so I just have to use a magnifying glass to assess the damage one by one!

no response.


No movement.


No prompt.


"Hey, congratulations on correctly recognizing the attribute of your skill. It has been activated. Do you want to upgrade it? You can complete the upgrade by clearing the special dungeon."

Xu Zimo:......



"Tong, am I a ghost?"

System: "In a physical sense, yes. When you completed the first game in the original reality, you were already a ghost after being eliminated."

Xu Zimo swallowed: "But I can let others see me!"

There are still people who can contact her, connect with her, and even sleep in.

“That is a special magnetic field, and the people inside it can have one soul or two souls.

The host exists as the parasitic soul of others, commonly known as twin souls.

What you see is what the soul of the original owner wants you to see.

When I don't want you to see it, I just need to put you to sleep. "

"What's in it for her?"

"For all the materials you obtain, she can get half of your materials as a reward in reality."

"She doesn't have to do anything?"

"No, you used half of her body, and she got half of your supplies. Strictly speaking, you entered the game by taking her class."


So if your past self dies, you can start over again.

And she still re-entered the game with her memory, because she was not a human at all.

A soul cannot die under abnormal circumstances.

Just like the Ghost King, no matter how many times he is scattered, he can condense into form.

Ghost King?
Xu Zimo's figure suddenly disappeared and appeared in the ghost realm the next second.

Ghost King Pudding had just finished his work and twisted his neck 720 degrees.

There are a lot of things going on in this ghost domain. Well, he hasn't seen the new domain lord since he took office.

Even if they wanted to trouble her, they couldn't find her. In fact, she was nowhere to be seen.

When Ghost King Pudding tried to turn his neck back, he was cut in half by a corpse!

The head was ripped off.

He raised his eyelids and saw Xu Zimo: "Lord, what are you doing? I just finished my work and took a rest."

What happens if an employee is caught fishing for fish?

His head and body were pulled with force, and then the body was separated!

Xu Zimo: "Are you happy to know that I am a ghost?"

The ghost king's black energy stagnated for an instant.

He didn't tell anyone about this, not even the ghosts closest to him. How did she know?
It is impossible for the Territory Lord to know if he is not recognized by Heaven. Xu Zimo should not know.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have wasted time chatting with him in the dungeon last time. So why would she say such a thing now?
Is it just a test?

Ghost King Pudding's body exploded.

A ball of black gas exploded!
After a while, it condensed again and exploded again.

One to condense and one to pinch.

Pudding and Xu Zimo had a great time playing.

Until Xu Zimo couldn't pinch it anymore, it turned out that Ghost King Pudding was hiding from a distance. He looked quite innocent at first glance.

"I can't recover from pinching anymore. I really don't dare to say it. If other fierce ghosts find out about this, it will be miserable for you and even worse for me!"

"The reason is that if you dare to lie to me again, I will kill you with my spiritual power!"

" are great, you are awesome, you will catch me and do it alone!"

"As long as it works well."


Pudding always felt that he had been unlucky for eight lifetimes before he thought that being a ghost king here was a good choice.

He was obviously working so hard and improving, but his skills couldn't improve and he couldn't even fight.

"I said it, I really said it!" When Xu Zimo pinched a piece of spiritual power to greet him, Ghost King Pudding did not dare to delay any longer.

He was just a ghost king, but he never thought about being a scapegoat.

If this thing were to greet him, he would lose his skills even if he died.

Xu Zimo looked at him, as if he had a feeling that he would die if he didn't explain clearly.

The Ghost King shivered and was a little scared.

But he still told what he knew.

Xu Zimo's face darkened as he listened.

She thought she had great good intentions, but what she knew now was completely different from what she thought.

Ghost spirits, who were once full-fledged heaven-level people or earth-level people at the top.

After being beaten to death, he does not enter the ghost realm and becomes a psychic on his own.

But the death energy and spiritual power in the body are not compatible, and if they are combined forcefully, they will explode.

Then, a profession appeared in the world: ghost controller.

Ghost controllers can achieve spiritual fusion, but they need a medium.

A willing person provides his body, and the ghost master seals all the death energy and spiritual energy into the medium person.

With the continuous improvement of spiritual power and ghost energy, consciousness is formed, which is a success.

If it is not formed, then it will passively become a lonely ghost and be carried by the world.

In order not to be discovered by heaven, the ghost controller will arrange a special magnetic field array, keep the ghosts in it, and provide some suitable memory when the time is right, and then instill some suitable consciousness.

Because it is man-made, it is called fake.

Or another way of saying it: pseudo-schizoid!
Xu Zimo is that fake personality...

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