Chapter 185 Global Freeze 7
It's freezing cold and the world is covered in ice.

The sky is gray, and even the sun hanging in mid-air does not feel the slightest warmth.

The sun's light is cold.

There are also snowflakes falling from time to time, slowly falling in the air.

On the ground, all the buildings were covered in ice. What was once bustling and noisy was now only icy silence.

The cold wind was biting, making people shiver involuntarily.

In this frozen world, only a handful of skilled people are active.

They walked on the frozen streets, each step seemed heavy and slow.

Suddenly, a low roar broke the silence, it was an attack from other skilled users.

They drew their weapons and began to attack each other, but their movements were not urgent, but very calm, and each step was calculated with great precision.

The battle between them was like a calm chess game, without any panic.

In such an environment, everyone is alone.

There was very little communication between them, or even none at all.

Everyone is immersed in their own battles and has no extra time to think about other things.

If you look carefully, there are a few special people in these battles.

They were also fighting, but as they fought, they would jump over one or two people.

"Hey, I'm from the Dragon Kingdom. Do you want to form teammates?" Players from the Dragon Kingdom will receive a prompt whenever they meet someone who is also from the Dragon Kingdom.

There will even be a location annotation.

And the other party will also give hints, so that just as they are talking, two people suddenly look at each other.

"Make teammates!"

"Fight first, then talk!"

Survive first before talking about anything else, otherwise it will be nonsense.

Then the two men attacked their companions at the same time.

The result is that the more people are beaten, the fewer people are beaten, and the more they are beaten, the more chaotic they become.

It was originally a two-party fight, but after the fight ended, it became a three-way fight.

Xu Zimo couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth when he looked at all this excitement.

She asked the system to send those messages. She was not involved. She only indirectly asked Tongzi to send a message. What happened?
Can anyone prove that she did it?

Can anyone prove that she is partial?


Because there is no evidence!

What wrong did she do?
She just wants the real person to be tempered. If she dies, it will be useless, right?

Xu Zimo stood there and watched, looking at the snow-covered world around him, as if thinking about something.

She knew that this battle was only temporary.

There will never be true peace in this frozen world.

The buildings on the street are all carved into strange shapes by ice, giving people a strong and solemn atmosphere.

As the players from the Dragon Kingdom recognized each other as friends, the tacit understanding between them improved quickly.

It was as if those skills were drilled into their minds, and they quickly mastered various skills.

Under the indifferent eyes of those around him, he acted like a machine, fighting, killing, and getting hurt.

Skilled players face each other in the square, waiting for players to participate in the battle.

"Lord, what should we do with those who are alone?" Consolidation appeared next to Xu Zimo covered in blood.

He is a space skill user, which is the most convenient for teleportation and the like.

If there are any important things in the team now, he will be asked to run errands~
Xu Zimo: "Injured?"

"No, it's someone else's, hehe, it's so enjoyable." Jiancheng said with a smile.

This ghost land suddenly has a frozen land, which is very friendly to a space skill user like him.

"Bring them here. They are friends, not enemies. If they don't listen after I tell them my name, give them a good beating and then bring them here. Just don't kill them." Xu Zimo said calmly.


With a flick of the brush, the solid figure disappeared.

Xu Zimo is not cruel, but in a game of doomsday catastrophe, seeing blood is essential.

She is here to help this time, but what about other disaster dungeons next time?

The main thing is to be strong yourself!

Ji Niang brought Xu Zimo's words to him, and after a while, the people fighting at the scene became two groups again.

The Ghost King is going to be depressed to death!
There were two groups at first, then they became three groups, and now they have become two groups.

The two groups came to beat him, and several of them were accomplices who were following him.

"King of Ghosts, are these guys really going to kill them?" The weirdos were also confused.

Those few ghosts who usually follow the Ghost King the most are unexpectedly turning to fight with them now.

The Ghost King scratched the ghost's head: "Save your breath, I want to see what they ate and how dare they betray me!"


The weird people also discovered it, and since the Territory Lord came back, the Ghost King has become less timid!

Extremely small!
I don’t even dare to kill the disobedient kid!

But the weird ones didn't dare to say it. The Ghost King could kill them...

Watching players quietly approaching each other on the street, holding weapons, preparing to fight to the death with other skilled users.

The cold air was filled with the fierce atmosphere of battle.

Whether it was Xu Xiaosi or the others, the weird ones led by the Ghost King, or the players from the Dragon Kingdom, they were all a little nervous.

Everyone's breathing became rapid.

The mixture of solemnity and silence made them dare not even speak out easily.

It stopped every time it hit, which was even scarier.

No one knows which side is going to use some special skills.

Sure enough, suddenly a beam of bright light spread out from the Ghost King's side.

"Damn it, those who are here to do it, kill them!"

"It's not certain who will die!" Xu Xiaosi and his men rushed into the Ghost King's team like crazy.

The players from the Dragon Kingdom who gathered together looked at each other and rushed over.

Although they didn't ask, the other party didn't say anything either.

But the people on Xu Xiaosi's side were obviously helping them, and they were sensible.

I am still too weak for now, so if I need cooperation, it would be better to find a collaborator who is more willing to help others.

Obviously, Xu Xiaosi had the upper hand in front of the Ghost King and Xu Xiaosi!

The Ghost King himself also took action.

Xu Xiaosi and Jiancheng faced him and tied.

The two sides started a fierce battle, using their own skills and weapons to violently attack each other.

The attacks of Dragon Kingdom players were a little slow in front of these guys, but they were noticeable.

If you really hit him with one blow, you would be either dead or injured.

After the player's skills consume mental energy, they only need to use spiritual energy to replenish it.

This is great for them!
Just smash out the skills coldly and let your spiritual power recover the rest.

In the frozen field, there were bloody people frozen in place from time to time. The skilled people and the weird ones were not to be outdone, shouting loudly and waving their weapons to fight back.

"It's so miserable!" Xu Zimo looked at it from a distance and sighed.

"Is there really no need to save him?" Bai Xiaobai wanted to take action, but Xu Zimo grabbed him back.

Xu Zimo said: "No, just look at it, it's so beautiful!"


Does it look good?
It's a bit annoying to look at him from a distance, but Bai Xiaobai still prefers to fight with his teammates on the field.

The battle continued, and some players were brutally knocked down by the skilled players. The cold statues exuded the bloody atmosphere.

But this did not make the other players afraid at all. On the contrary, they became even more fanatical, and each of them became ruthless, completely immersed in this endless battle.

Then, I watched someone advance on the spot.

Bai Xiaobai was stunned: "That's okay!"

"Where are you going?" Xu Zimo knew best.

The skill level of the people from the Dragon Kingdom is unknown, but they become stronger when they encounter ghosts!
This is the case in the real world, and it is indeed the same in the apocalyptic disaster drama.

It turns out that you can even improve your skill level when you are in battle, and you will become stronger when you encounter a strong one, which is great!
Bai Xiaobai watched it carefully, even took a camera, and occasionally took some photos and saved them.

This is so valuable!

As the battle continued to escalate, the entire scene was thrown into chaos.

Some of the fighting parties fell in the frozen world, and their corpses like ice sculptures remained, making the whole scene even more cruel and ruthless.

In this serious and silent world, people kill each other and export their power endlessly, without any rest and without any joy of victory.

At this time, Xu Zimo's voice came: "Have a rest."

Three words, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

The Ghost King angrily looked towards the direction of the sound: "Lord, it's unfair for you to do this. Two versus one shouldn't be done. If you have the ability to fight one on one!"

Xu Zimo: "This can be discussed. Ghost King Pudding will come over for a meeting tomorrow to discuss it!"

"..." The Ghost King's head shook.

Xu Zimo also said he would discuss it last time, and then he was beaten.

The meeting was held after the fight. You won’t want to hit yourself again this time, right? !

He really enjoyed talking about one-on-one duels!
It is true that Xu Zimo, the Territory Lord, is too unreasonable. He always plots against him, and he does so openly...

The Ghost King left first with his subordinates.

If he didn't leave, he was worried that Xu Zimo would let the crowd beat him up, or he would challenge everyone!

Xu Xiaosi took everyone else on the field away.

Including players from Dragon Kingdom.

Players from the Dragon Kingdom finally know that this is a frozen world and a cruel world that makes people feel chilly.

Although I know this is in a game, the real sense of reality and pain during a real fight are not just for fun.

"Lord, what should we do with the dead and wounded?"

"Dispose of it yourself." Xu Zimo said softly.


Xu Xiaosi took the team to deal with it, leaving only the players who had been recognized by the Dragon Kingdom to stand quietly.

Bai Xiaobai sent a copy of the photos he took to Xu Zimo.

He himself followed Xu Xiaosi to consolidate and go out to work.

Although I don't know what's going on with these guys, but seeing that Xu Zimo treats them unusually, maybe he found new people from somewhere, right?

After Xu Xiaosi and the others left, Xu Zimo said: "There is food over there, let's talk after you finish eating!"

"Xu, Master Xu?" Someone had already found out Xu Zimo's name and called out tentatively.

"Well, you can call me Territory Lord here."

No one talked about the players, no one mentioned the doomsday game.

When they left the Dragon Kingdom, the base commander had already said not to mention these words.

Because he will die!
I originally thought that death was very far away, but who would have thought that I would encounter a huge melee just after arriving.

In fact, this is good for them, at least they will not be so conspicuous in such group fights from being unfamiliar to being skilled.

Knowing that Xu Zimo was one of his own, his guard was relieved a lot.

thump! thump!
The Dragon Kingdom players, who were completely out of strength, sat on the ground one by one.

Just now, there was no time to be scared or even cry, but now she could not help but start sobbing.

This battle will forever leave a mark in people's hearts that they will never forget.

Some of these young people from the Dragon Kingdom had thin faces, and some had tiredness and despair in their eyes.

But whether they appeared in the form of human shells or came with strange appearances, at this time they all had their hands clenched into fists and their bodies were covered in blood.

The rags on his body were already in shape, and his torn boots were stained with mud.

Their hair is messy and scattered on their foreheads, revealing a mysterious melancholy and sadness.

The pain on their faces seemed indescribable, but it trampled on their brave and tenacious hearts with overwhelming force.

If Xu Zimo hadn't suddenly called for a break, they might have died!
Yes, die!

It just feels like this.

Tired to death, or beaten to death!
"Go there to eat, maintain your fighting strength, improve your skills, and have a chance to survive."

"Or if you continue to sit here and cry, the next time the fight starts, just throw your life in and die!"

"By the way, this is the first meal. I'm in charge of it. From now on, you have to solve the problem of eating and drinking on your own. Good luck, everyone!"


Xu Zimo couldn't always control them.

In that case, it would not be a good thing for ghost realms and frozen dungeons.

She can take care of it, and so can other former veteran players.

The one who suffers in the end may be the weakest Dragon Kingdom!

It is impossible for a game of Doomsday Catastrophe to allow this big loophole of hers to exist forever. She must clear it herself before it is discovered.

Brush, brush!
The players of Dragon Kingdom hesitated for a moment, but still tried their best to walk towards the dining room pointed by Xu Zimo.

When they saw the familiar food, everyone shed tears.

In the past, at home, their parents asked them to eat quickly. In order to play with their mobile phones, they would quarrel with their parents, break things, or even run away from home and block their family members.

But now, after experiencing the first torture of the global frozen copy.

Only then did I realize how happy and carefree I was at home.

At this moment, that kind of happiness can only exist in memories!

A table full of food, no matter what it is, I shovel it into my mouth.

Eating this meal without finishing it is the most realistic portrayal of them at this time.

After they finished eating, Xu Xiaosi came over.

"Those who have ideas can join our team. Those who don't want to join can't stay here. Leave on your own. If you encounter us again, you will be enemies."

This is what Xu Zimo meant.

In the game, she helps as much as she can, but she must not be too kind.

These people in the Dragon Kingdom all need to improve themselves, and it is obviously impossible to improve optimally around her.

It is very appropriate to let them join Xu Xiaosi's team selectively.

As for whether they agree or not, it’s up to them to make their own choice!

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