Doomsday disaster, she went crazy after awakening

Chapter 188 Frozen, give up the complex of helping others, respect the fate of others 3

Chapter 188 Frozen, give up the complex of helping others, respect the fate of others 3
Frozen, give up the complex of helping others, respect the fate of others 3
Xu's mother never dreamed that the grandson she thought was not the grandson.

She had been deceived for so many years, and she found out because of an accident.

Xu's mother was so hungry at night that she went out to drink water, only to see her daughter-in-law eating secretly on the balcony.

She came over to share a bite, but this time her daughter-in-law didn't dare to make a big fuss.

He also told her that the food was hidden outside the window, and she could eat it by opening the rope and pulling it up.

Without thinking much, she opened a small gap and saw a rope.

Xu's mother concentrated on getting the rope, but was pushed down from behind by her daughter-in-law.

The noise was actually quite big, but the Xu family's cold-blooded and indifferent attitude was as if they hadn't heard it.

She died, and the man who knew about it actually told her that she was looking for supplies.

There is no extra food at home. With one less mouth, others can eat more.

With this young woman taking care of him, eating and sleeping, and the old woman dying, Xu's father didn't think much about it, let alone feel any distress...

As cold-hearted as Xu's mother was her younger brother standing aside.

He hadn't eaten enough for two days and was hungry and thirsty.

The wife who was waiting on the left did not come, and the wife who waited on the right did not come back either.

He came out on his own, and when he found the balcony, he saw a man and a woman entangled with each other on the balcony. ?
A son is not a son? !
The pain is as painful as the eyeballs, and the wife who is reluctant to let her do any work is a broken shoe! !
His mother, the only one who was good to him, died, and his sister probably froze to death as well.

Gritting his teeth, he quietly returned to the house, and saw the sleeping child lying on the bed, with fierce eyes.

Xu's father ate the supplies that his son and daughter-in-law had gone out to find, and his mouth was full of grease: "Finally, I have something decent to eat. This is what people should eat."

"That's right, people should eat it."

"Why don't you eat?" Xu's father couldn't help but asked when he saw his daughter-in-law just looking at her and not eating at all.

"I, I'm not, not hungry. Vomit!" Sister Xu covered her mouth and went to the bathroom, vomiting non-stop.

Xu's father's eyes lit up: "Is she pregnant? It must be the case. I am getting more and more hopeful as the days go by."

Xu's father thought that the child was still his, and the food tasted even better.

"Indeed." Brother Xu still agreed.

But there was no warmth in the smile on his face.

"Grandpa, I still want to eat." The only child of the Xu family is loved very much by his family. Adults can live without him, but as a child, he can eat as much as he wants every day.

"Here, give it all to you."

Xu's father tore off a piece of the tenderest meat and gave it to the child. He appeared to be his eldest grandson, but in fact he was his youngest son.

It hurts to the core of my heart.

The three men ate most of the meat they brought back.

The others were put outside to freeze, planning to eat them at the next meal.

Xu's sister-in-law didn't eat at all. All the other food in the house was gone. She would rather go hungry than eat.

Xu's father only thought that she couldn't eat meat because she was pregnant. The previous one also couldn't see meat and vomited at the sight of it.

I ate this large piece of meat for two days.

Although the meat is a bit sour, it is still meat and it can fill your stomach.

"You two go look for supplies. After eating this little meat, there will be nothing left to eat." Xu's father asked his son and daughter-in-law to go out to look for supplies, while he looked after the children at home.

As soon as Xu siblings heard this, they went to the bathroom and vomited.

Brother Xu said irritably: "Forget it if you don't go. I'll go find some delicious food myself and then come back. I'll starve you to death!"

"Dad, I'll go too." The child ran over and hugged Brother Xu's legs and said coquettishly.

Eat well and eat delicious food.

No matter which one, it is the biggest temptation for children.

"No." Brother Xu and Brother Xu said at the same time.

When Xu's father heard this, he was not happy: "Why don't you take it with you? You will be full after just a few mouthfuls. Let's take it one piece at a time."

I asked my son to take my younger son out, and he happened to be able to do it~
At the insistence of the old and the young, Brother Xu and the children went out wearing thick clothes.

When he came back, brother Xu brought most of the meat.

This time the meat was more tender than last time and it was still well grilled.

As soon as you enter, there is a special fragrance.

Xu's father immediately drooled with greed: "This is a good place for you to find supplies. Such good meat has never been seen before."

"Isn't that right? Many people died, some died."

"It's okay to die. As long as we can fill our stomachs, is there any more? I'll get more next time."

"Yes." He glanced at Xu's father, who was eating deliciously, and slowly lowered his head.

Xu's father knew that there was still meat, so he didn't leave his stomach empty. The two of them actually ate this large piece of barbecue cleanly.

In the end, there was a little left, and Father Xu took out the wine again and ate it.

The two men also took out the hidden wine and drank it.

This way the meat can be brought further down~
After he was full, Father Xu remembered that there was a little figure missing from the table: "Where is the little one?"

"do not know."

"Maybe he was tired from playing outside and went back to the house to sleep as soon as he came back." Father Xu didn't think much about it. The two of them went out to find food, and he was also very busy at home.

After being tired for a long time, now that I had eaten and drank enough, I went back to the house and fell asleep.

These days are more comfortable than before.

A huge force caused Xu's father to suddenly feel pain in his sleep, but before he could cry out, he was completely dead.

His neck was severed by an ax stained with blood, and he died instantly.

Before he died, his eyes were wide open. He never thought that the person who attacked him would be his eldest son?
Sister Xu vomited again on the side.

Xu siblings regretted it.

She shouldn't have retaliated, nor should she have taken action.

Her mother-in-law was thrown down by her, and everyone in the family knew that she was the one who did it.

She was left at home, and she knew it when she saw the small piece of barbecue she got back.

"How could you not? It has to be delicious!"

"No, he is your son. You gave him and killed him?!" After reading these two words, she couldn't ask the question.

"I heard and saw what you and the old immortal said on the balcony, more than once."

Sister Xu's face suddenly turned pale.

In order to live a better life in this family, she suffered all kinds of hardships just for the sake of her children.

But now...

He did not refute, but said with disdain: "You are quite happy when you eat, aren't you?"

She had been tortured all day, and she felt guilty and very hungry at the same time. He gave her food and she ate it.

Did not expect it to be...

After vomiting out everything he had eaten, the irritated brother Xu hid aside.

So disgusting!
I took out a tissue to wipe it with, and then brought out a piece of paper with the words: three weeks pregnant.

"Are you really pregnant?"

", fake, fake, I lied..."


The body was divided into two parts.

It's not enough to lie to yourself once, you have to lie to yourself a second time.

Is he so easy to deceive and so stupid? !

Such a woman should not live.

If I had known, I would have let this bitch go out to find food and let my mother and sister stay at home and take care of myself.

It's a pity that they are all dead. The father of the head of the family was thrown out of the window by him. Soon someone knocked on his door again: "There is a dead man outside who looks very similar to your father. Go and have a look."

"No, my dad is fine at home."

"Are you sure? Then we won't care!" The people at the base are busy, and the bodies that are not claimed will be disposed of in a unified manner.

"Bring me some barbecue."

"Yes." The people at the base brought him another large piece of barbecue, and also took away the bodies of a woman and a man.

Brother Xu was killed by a hunter.

Their home was also occupied.

Half an hour later, the hunters were all dead.

A tragic death...

Xu Zimo did not touch the Xu family's things sent by people from the base: "It's too dirty, throw it away."

People at the base: ...a family of strange people.

System: "Hey, congratulations on completing the mission. Do you want to return?"

Xu Zimo said calmly: Go back.

Xu Zimo turned around and entered the frozen world. After a while, his figure disappeared from the spot. The hunter who followed him quickly followed him, but lost track of him.

One by one, they had to turn in one direction, planning to find someone else to follow.

Poof, poof!

There was a sound of daggers piercing bone and flesh, and the bodies of the hunters lay neatly on the snow-white ground.

The blood quickly dyed the ground red, and the hunters who lost their breath were covered by the howling wind and snow a moment later. These people were also sealed in the thick ice.

It was as if it had never appeared.

Zhou Qiang suddenly found that his partner had disappeared.

After all the people in the Xu family died, Taozi left a lot of things for him, one of which was a black jade pendant that he gave away.

This was what he gave after he was rescued: "Thank you for the gift. If I can help you in the future, just use this jade pendant to find me. I will do it on the knife mountain and in the oil pan."

The Xu family's lazy brother was killed by Zhou Qiang.

Then Xu Zimo returned the jade pendant to him. He said that it was just a small matter and that the jade pendant had great uses.

Unexpectedly, that person suddenly disappeared and returned the things to him.

Zhou Qiang was very disappointed.

Without this partner, even if he found a lot of supplies, he wouldn't feel very happy.

If the hunter dared to come to him again, he was used to killing them immediately.

As a result, hunters would run away every time they saw him, and some would even offer him sacrifices to ask him not to kill them!

Soon Zhou Qiang became the hidden boss that hunters feared but dared not offend...

Xu Zimo takes some things very lightly.

Similarly, some people also take it lightly.

For example, she just came back from the dungeon and saw the Xu family who came to her door.

The Xu family is said to be the family of her mother whom she has never met.

When Xu Zimo returned from the dungeon, he thought he was returning to the Ghost Realm, but he didn't expect that he was actually at the Xu family.

"Finally got you back."

Xu Zimo looked around and frowned: "What ceremony are you doing?"

A room full of incense candles was lit, and they were made of paper figures and ghost coins, which was quite impressive.

It's good that Xu Zimo is the Domain Master of the Ghost Domain, but that doesn't mean she likes these things.

There were actually many people around wearing white hats and white cloths.

Dai Xiao? !
"Yes, you do know about this ritual.

Your mother did it for the family, and now it's your turn. It's your honor to die in the Xu family. "

"You can keep this honor for yourself, I don't need it!"


The middle-aged man standing in front of Xu Zimo looked in disbelief at the dagger that was suddenly shot at him, spinning it in front of his chest.

Xu Zimo looked at him with a smile: "I, Tema, have been without a mother since I was a child. Where I die has nothing to do with me."

"you you……"

"I have nothing to do with you. Since you want to kill me, why don't you go down together? You can still have a companion. What a nice weather!"

Xu Zimo is like the reincarnation of the killing god.

Every time the dagger in his hand flies, a life will be harvested.

Everyone else was dumbfounded: "What's going on!"

"Didn't you say that things will be handled well this time?"

"in the end……"

"Where did all this nonsense come from? Run away, you idiot!"

"I can't run away!" A beautiful and ridiculous smiling face in front of him blocked his way.


What answered him was a cold light from the dagger.

Something happened to the Xu family, a hidden family, on the day of the family's secret ceremony!
The whole clan sacrifices!

When the people from the Law Enforcement Department arrived, they saw the Shura Field without a single living person.

What the surveillance cameras captured was these people shouting into the air, and then one by one, they took weapons and moved against their own tribe.

One poke will kill one, and if it doesn't die, it will have to be touched a few more times.

When the last person was left, this one was more direct.

He grabbed his own head and hit it against the altar, bleeding like a pillar.

After a while, the Xu family was dead.

The person in charge of this case is the Law Enforcement Division: cannibalism, no external cause, case closed!
They are all dead and clean. Even if there is an external cause, it is of no use. What can be done if it is found out?

The Xu family is a reclusive family. When something happens to them, many families jump out and tell their law enforcement department to stay out of their own business.

Just like who wants to take care of it.

If someone hadn't made a redundant report, they would have just ignored it.

The Xu family was wiped out!

Although he said that he sacrificed himself, no one with any brains would believe this statement.

I have never heard of anyone sacrificing the entire clan and leaving no one behind.

The surveillance images of the Xu family were checked by many people, and no traces of alterations were seen after viewing them one after another.

The result is one: consistent with the facts.

Xu Zimo read the news in the newspaper with a smile on his face, but the smile did not reach his eyes.

Who knows?
I always thought that I was the chosen one who was reincarnated, but I didn't expect that he turned out to be an incorporeal soul.

The surveillance was indeed not fake, it was all true.

There was just a slight problem with the recording, and that was that the people from the Xu family finally found Xu Zimo's soul.

But he couldn't beat it!

Instead of sacrificing Xu Zimo, they sacrificed themselves.

I don’t know if the Xu family in another world would live so comfortably, or if they would never do such a cruel thing again!
I didn’t raise Xu Zimo for a day, and I opened my mouth to repay him. How shameless!
The surveillance camera captured the death of Xu's family, and also captured the action, but it did not capture Xu Zimo.

Those Xu family members just wanted to kill her, but she had to hide away.

If she can’t be photographed, it has nothing to do with her!
"Hey, congratulations on your random frozen copy. The mission is completed. The mission is completed: Reward Dragon Kingdom players with optional skills."

When the players of Dragon Kingdom received this news, they were instantly excited~

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