Doomsday disaster, she went crazy after awakening

Chapter 196 Your favorite Bai Yueguang came to you pregnant with someone else's baby. Why are y

Chapter 196 Your favorite Bai Yueguang came to you pregnant with someone else's baby. Why are you crying? 3
"Huh, you really don't know?"

Xu Zimo suddenly stood up from his seat, his figure swept across the ground like a gust of wind, and slowly walked to Liu'er.

There was a sharp light in her eyes, like an ice blade in the cold winter, making people shudder.

She lowered her head and looked down at Liu'er with sharp eyes like a hawk, as if she wanted to see through all the fear and uneasiness in her heart.

"Do you naively think that guy Zhao Wuji can protect you?"

Xu Zimo's voice was cold and disdainful.

Like a curse coming from the depths of hell, Liu'er's heart instantly sank into an ice cellar.

She slowly raised her hand and tapped the air with her fingertips. Every movement revealed unquestionable majesty and ruthlessness.

"Let me tell you, in this world, anyone who I, Xu Zimo, hates will not have an easy life for them." After saying that, Xu Zimo glanced at Xiao Tao.

Xiao Tao suddenly pounced on Liu'er as if she had received an order.

Her palms were raised high, with a sharp wind sound, and she hit Liu'er's delicate face fiercely.


A crisp slap sounded, accompanied by Liu'er's painful exclamation.

Xiao Tao's strength was so great that with one slap, half of Liu'er's face instantly became red and swollen, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

Liu'er covered her face, her eyes filled with fear and helplessness.

She couldn't believe that this normally gentle woman would treat her so cruelly.

And he slapped her in the face!

Xu Zimo, on the other hand, stood aside indifferently, as if all this had nothing to do with her.

The atmosphere in the entire courtyard suddenly became tense.

There was a suffocating sense of oppression in the air, as if an invisible hand was strangling everyone's throat.

Xiao Tao's breathing became rapid, and her eyes shone with excitement and fanaticism, as if she was enjoying the pleasure of this violence.

Liu'er has been unhappy with this for a long time!

Liu'er was huddled on the ground, shivering.

She knew she had nowhere to escape and was at the mercy of these people.

However, the unwillingness and anger in her heart continued to rise. She vowed to find an opportunity to kill Xu Zimo and all the servants in the imperial concubine's palace.

Xu Zimo is obviously a bitch who looks like him, why would he dare to hit her?

She was lying on the ground, her clothes were torn, and there were still blood stains on the corners of her mouth, but her eyes were burning with unyielding fire.

"Xu Zimo, I curse you, the emperor's wrath will come, and you will not die well!"

Although Liu'er's voice was weak, it was full of determination and hatred.

Her voice echoed in the empty palace, as if even the air was trembling.

Xu Zimo stood in front of her, with no expression on his charming face, like a cold statue.

She stared at Liu'er quietly, as if examining an insignificant gadget.

"Does Zhao Wuji know about the child in your belly?" Xu Zimo's voice was low and cold, as if coming from the depths of hell.

This sentence was like a needle, piercing into Liu'er's heart.

She trembled, a trace of panic flashing in her eyes.

She actually knows her secret?

How much does Xu Zimo know?
Xiao Tao stood aside with no expression on her face, just quietly waiting for Xu Zimo's next instruction.

The whip in her hand didn't know when there was another whip, which belonged to the guard in the palace courtyard.

Now Xiao Tao has borrowed it, and plans to use this when he smokes Liu again later.

This thing leaves even bigger traces!
Xu Zimo's eyes roamed around Liu'er's face, as if he was looking at a worthless item.

Then, she said calmly: "Xiao Tao, take her to the queen's palace."

Liu'er's heart sank suddenly.


The woman who held a distinguished position in the palace, but was equally scheming.

Is Xu Zimo going to deliver himself into the hands of the queen and let her suffer all kinds of torture in the hands of the queen?
Liu'er felt a sense of despair.

She knew that she might really be doomed this time.

However, she was not willing to be played by Xu Zimo like this.

She struggled to stand up, but was kicked to the ground by Xiao Tao.

"Want to run away? It's not that easy!" Xiao Tao sneered, stepped forward, grabbed Liu'er's hair, and dragged her up.

Liu'er screamed in pain, but Xiao Tao dragged her out of the palace mercilessly.

Xu Zimo looked at her back coldly, with a cruel smile on his lips.

She stood in the courtyard under the moonlight, the fighting spirit burning in her heart like a blazing fire.

She knew very well that this seemingly ordinary game had just begun. It was like a carefully laid out chess game, with secrets hidden in every step.

Isn't Liu'er just relying on the emperor's favor?

It just depends on whether she can escape from the clutches of the empress this time, right?

A sneer curled up at the corner of Xu Zimo's lips, and there was an unquestionable determination in her eyes.

If Liu'er didn't take the initiative to come to her door, she had plenty of patience and time, just like boiling a frog in warm water, slowly wearing away her will until she had nowhere to escape.

Death without a burial place.

However, what Xu Zimo didn't expect was that Liu'er would dare to take the initiative to attack her.

Her actions made her both surprised and angry. This woman dared to challenge her bottom line!

Those two little cats and dogs belong to the original body, and if you touch them, you touch yourself.

Even if it was to maintain her usual persona, she couldn't just sit idly by.

What's more, she has more important tasks to complete.

Liu'er gave her this opportunity, and she must seize it.

So, she quickly adjusted her emotions and decided to teach Liu'er a profound lesson.

"Send someone to speak to the queen first, so as not to scare her."

Xu Zimo ordered calmly.

Although her voice was calm, Xu Zimo knew that this game was getting more and more interesting, and she was the master of this game.

Then, she waved her hand and signaled her men to take Liu'er out. There must be many people in the palace who want to deal with this ignorant woman personally. It is better to enjoy it alone than to enjoy it all.

Let her know the consequences of challenging her.

Under the moonlight, Xu Zimo's figure looked slender, and her eyes sparkled with interest.

She knew that this game would be more exciting and exciting.

I just don't know if Liu'er can persist until then. This player seems to have a special mind.

"Yes, obey!"

Xiaotao's voice was soft but firm. She stepped forward without hesitation and grabbed Liu'er's arm.

Liu'er's face was pale, her eyes full of fear, and she tried to struggle, but Xiaotao's hand was surprisingly strong, and she couldn't break free at all.

"Ahhhh - Your Majesty, save me! Your Majesty -"

Liu'er's scream was sharp and harsh, echoing in the empty palace, as if it could pierce people's eardrums.

Her voice was full of desperation and pleading, but her calls went unanswered.

Xiaotao's face was expressionless, as if she didn't hear Liu'er's cry, and she dragged Liu'er out of the palace with all her strength.

Liu'er's scream gradually faded away, and finally disappeared completely, as if it was suddenly cut off.

Xu Zimo stood there, his eyes like knives, staring coldly at the dazzling pool of blood on the ground.

Those were the traces of life left by the two little ones who had just been killed by Liu'er. They were once lively and cute, but now they have closed their eyes forever.

In this palace, human life is not a big deal, let alone two small pets.

If Zhao Wuji knew about it, he would definitely protect that Liu'er, right?
I just don’t know what choice I will make after knowing that Liu’er is pregnant?
Continue to protect or continue to protect?
There was silence in the palace, except for the occasional sound of wind and the whispers of the palace residents in the distance.

Xu Zimo glanced around the palace, then turned and left.

She knew that this encounter would undoubtedly be remembered by Liu'er for a while, and she would never dare to offend her easily again.

This is not only a warning to Liu'er, but also a warning to everyone in the palace.

Deep in this magnificent palace, every inch of land is filled with the aura of power, and everyone is walking cautiously in order to survive.

She knew that the reason why she was able to win this contest was not only because of her ability and identity, but also because she had a true fear of death.

In this palace, everyone is afraid of death, but those who are truly not afraid of death can control their own destiny and become the winner in this power game.

She was a tool, so she couldn't help but die once, and her life span would be deducted!

Who is afraid of who?

Xu Zimo took a deep breath, knowing that she had to be careful and not let anyone see her true intentions.

She carefully put on a sick make-up, and her face was pale and haggard, as if she was really seriously ill.

She chose a plain dress and wore it, looking simple yet elegant.

When they arrived at the palace gate, Xiao Tao was waiting there with Liu Er.

Liu'er's face was pale, and her eyes were filled with fear and unwillingness.

When she saw Xu Zimo coming, she sneered at the corner of her mouth and said, "Xu Zimo, do you think you won? If Zhao Wuji knows about this, she will definitely destroy you!"

Xu Zimo stopped and looked at Liu'er calmly, with a mocking smile on his lips, "Really? I'll wait."

"You..." Liu'er tried to speak, but her throat seemed to be blocked by something, and her words became intermittent.

Her eyes were full of shock and confusion, and she couldn't understand why she was treated like this.

However, before she could finish her words, a swift palm wind struck her.

Xiao Tao's slap hit Liu'er's face hard like the autumn wind sweeping down fallen leaves, making a crisp sound.

Liu'er felt as if her cheeks were being burned by fire, and the burning pain spread throughout her entire face.

Her body shook involuntarily a few times, as if hit by an invisible force, and her whole body became a little dizzy.

Xiao Tao stared at Liu'er coldly, her eyes revealed a cold and sharp light, as if it could penetrate people's souls.

The corner of her mouth curled up with a hint of disdain, and she said in a cold and sharp voice: "My Majesty didn't let you speak, so what kind of status do you have, yet you dare to talk too much!"

Liu'er covered her cheeks, tears welling up in her eyes.

She looked at Xiao Tao's cold and contemptuous eyes, and felt an indescribable grievance and anger in her heart.

She didn't understand why she suffered such humiliation and blow.

She was asking for this in a hurry!
Xiao Tao looked at Liu'er's swollen half of her face, but there was no trace of pity or guilt in her heart.

She believed that Liu'er was just an insignificant palace maid and was not qualified to talk in front of the empress.

In her heart, only the empress is the supreme being. Anyone who dares to challenge the authority of the empress will be severely punished.

Liu'er's heart was filled with anger and unwillingness, and she vowed to find a chance to seek justice for herself.

Liu'er covered her burning cheeks, tears of grievance flashed in her eyes. Her voice was trembling, but she still tried to maintain some dignity: " dare you hit me!"

Her hands grasped the skirt tightly, as if she wanted to find some strength in it, but in fact she was afraid.

If Xiao Tao really kills her at once, then it will be useless even if Zhao Wuji really wants to avenge her.

She just couldn't understand why Zao Wuji liked her because of her face, but why was it Xu Zimo, a fake, who had been favored for so many years!
She was obviously a crown princess but got nothing good, but she, a fake, became a noble concubine. This made Liu'er very jealous!
Xiao Tao looked at her coldly, with a disdainful smile on her lips: "So what if I get beaten? Who do you think you are? A little palace maid with no rank, how dare you talk to me like this?"

Her words were full of contempt and ridicule, as if Liu'er had no weight in her eyes.

Xiao Tao is the confidant of the empress Xu Zimo, so her status in the palace is naturally high.

And those women who had been favored by the emperor on a whim, but didn't even have any rank, were just insignificant existences in Xiao Tao's eyes.

Liu'er originally thought that although she was just a palace maid, she had served the emperor after all, so she should have some weight.

But now under Xiao Tao's fierce offensive, she realized that she was just a joke.

She recalled those palace maids who had once been so famous. Their names once resounded throughout the palace, but now they were all just empty names, and even their names were about to be forgotten.

The glory and favor they had once seemed so ridiculous and sad now.

Xiaotao looked at Liu'er's lost and desperate eyes and felt even more proud.

She knew that the most indispensable thing in the palace was this kind of self-righteous woman.

They always thought that just because they were pretty, they would be favored by the emperor, but they didn't know that in this deep palace, the real winners were never the insignificant little characters like them.

Liu'er endured all this silently, knowing that she could not change the situation and could only endure the humiliation and pain silently.

When the emperor comes, she will definitely let him avenge her!
She was the Emperor Zhao Wuji's Bai Yueguang. Since the Emperor couldn't take her initiative, she had to use what she got.

I don’t believe that Zhao Wuji would doubt him at that time. It’s just that he needs to use the medicine together with the man. Thinking of the child in his belly, Liu Er’s eyes looked crazy...

She had no idea that Xu Zimo heard every word of her inner thoughts.

It’s definitely going to be lively at the Queen’s place today~

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