Doomsday disaster, she went crazy after awakening

Chapter 201 Your favorite Bai Yueguang came to you pregnant with someone else's baby. Why are y

Chapter 201 Your favorite Bai Yueguang came to you pregnant with someone else's baby. Why are you crying? 8
After falling into the water and getting cold, Liu'er's child was saved!

Zhao Wuji asked the personal eunuch to execute the imperial physician who saved Liu'er's child and replaced him with another one. The imperial physician took the prescription and looked at it and said that he only needed to add a few flavors to maintain his health.

In fact, after adding a special medicine, it is no longer a miscarriage, but a slippery medicine!

It's just that this is chronic and I won't notice it for a while.

But Liu'er cried like a tearful person: "Brother Wuji, you are so kind to me. With the child here, my feelings for the former prince are fulfilled. I love you!"

Zhao Wuji's face was as black as a drop of ink, but when he saw Liu'er crying, he felt heartbroken: "I love you too!"

Late at night, Xu Zimo appeared in Liu'er's palace. Well, this was where she lived before.

Looking at the two sleeping people, Xu Zimo took out a potion to stun them.

Then he took out a sharp knife, held Liu'er's hand and stabbed Zhao Wuji's leg hard.

After stabbing him three times in a row, Zao Wuji's third leg was stabbed into the shape of a hedgehog.

Even though he was deeply unconscious, Zhao Wuji still cried out in pain: "Ah!"

Xu Zimo slapped him unconscious again.

This way, there is no need to call the imperial doctor in time. Since he loves Liu'er so much, he won't be able to use his many legs.

Xu Zimo put some potions traded from the system into the incense that Liu Er often lit.

This is what she promised the imperial doctor. Even if Zhao Wuji wanted to let the imperial doctor bear the burden of Liu'er's slippage, there was no need, because there was something in it that could make the two of them slip away~
In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

One night during the storm, Zao Wuji was having sex with Liu Er like crazy.

He didn't know what was wrong, but he was particularly obsessed with sex recently.

Because he spent the longest time with Liu'er, he obviously didn't want Liu'er. He could love and spoil her, but he didn't want to touch her.

The former prince's woman is pregnant with the former prince's child. Although on the surface she thinks it doesn't matter and I love you the most in the world, in fact Zhao Wuji is disgusted from the bottom of his heart!

But just half a month ago, he was planning to leave, but Liu'er suddenly took off his clothes, and then he was dragged to the cave by Liu'er, and the two rolled together.

From then on, it was unstoppable.

After I finished it, I felt so sick that I took a shower for an hour, but then I got out again~
Suddenly, there was movement outside.

However, he was stopped by the eunuch. Zhao Wuji, who had not felt sick after bathing, really didn't want to touch Liu'er again.

Every time he touched her, he would definitely want her.

After waking up, I felt extremely nauseous. When I heard the noise, I asked, "What's going on?"

The chief eunuch said quickly: "Your Majesty, the palace servants came to report some news. The old slave asked them to report tomorrow."

"Come in and talk."

The chief eunuch quickly led the palace servants in.

"Xu Cairen is gone!" The palace man knelt down and said as soon as he entered the door.

Zhao Wuji was stunned for a moment. He didn't realize who Xu Cairen was.
But at this moment, Liu Er, who was intoxicated in the tender love with Zhao Wuji, walked over wearing a gauze.

He held Zhao Wuji's waist and whispered something, and Zhao Wuji quickly swallowed back any further questions he wanted to ask.

It’s just a talented person who died.

Although he felt deep in his heart that he should ask again, Liu'er had already rubbed his body again and again, making him suddenly angry again.

Zhao Wuji took a deep breath and tried to make his voice sound calm: "Just die and be buried."

He said it lightly, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

However, an indescribable sadness surged in his heart.

Liu Er quietly observed Zhao Wuji's reaction from the side, with mixed feelings in her heart.

She knew that Xu Zimo was one of Zhao Wuji's favorite concubines. Although she was not jealous of Xu Zimo's status and favor, she couldn't help but want to test Zhao Wuji's sincerity at this moment.

She deliberately pretended to be angry, rubbed harder against Zhao Wuji, and said coquettishly: "Zhao Wuji, you are nicer to outsiders than you are to me!"

There was a hint of grievance and dissatisfaction in her voice, which caught Zhao Wuji's attention.

Zhao Wuji sighed helplessly. He knew that Liu'er was deliberately looking for trouble, but he didn't intend to argue with her.

He gently patted the back of Liu'er's hand and said softly: "Don't talk nonsense. How can I be nicer to outsiders than to you?"

However, Liu'er was not satisfied with this. She continued to ask, "Just because I am pregnant with someone else's child, do you stop loving me?"

There was a hint of trembling and uneasiness in her voice, as if she was seeking comfort and commitment from Zao Wuki.

Zhao Wuji was speechless immediately. He didn't know how to answer this question.

He did feel a little concerned about Liu'er's pregnancy, but he certainly couldn't say that.

He tried to make his tone sound gentler: "Stop thinking nonsense, how could I not love you?

No matter what happens, I will always be by your side. "

After listening to Zhao Wuji's words, Liu'er's anxiety calmed down a little.

She knew that she should not dwell on this issue anymore, after all, Zhao Wuji had given her enough promises and comfort.

She gently snuggled into Zao Wuji's arms, feeling her warmth and softness.

Zhao Wuji waved his hand: "Everyone, step back."

He turned around and hugged Liu'er in his arms. The two of them quickly moved towards the bed. After a while, there was a turbulent sound of men and women touching each other~
"Godfather, this..." The reason why he came to report the news was because the emperor had been doting on the imperial concubine for so many years, so he would definitely make arrangements.

As a result, he didn't even ask.

The eunuch looked on with mixed feelings in his heart.

He knew very well that the emperor's temperament would not change easily once he made up his mind.

It was puzzling to see the emperor like this.

It was obvious that the emperor was not willing to touch Liu'er at all before, but I don't know what happened recently. Sometimes it happened more than ten times a day. Although he had been taking a lot of supplements, he was almost exhausted to death visible to the naked eye!

This was beyond the control of a eunuch like him. He lowered his head and silently led the palace man and the young eunuch to the door of the room.

When he walked to the door, the eunuch took a deep breath, straightened his chest, and loudly ordered: "Your Majesty's decree is to be buried after death."

When the little eunuch at the door heard this, his heart trembled violently.

He stared at the great eunuch blankly, a trace of panic flashing in his eyes.

However, he quickly came to his senses and responded loudly: "Yes, I will do it right away!"

The voice was firm and powerful, as if it was trying to suppress all fears.

He knew that this was the emperor's will, but it was a pity for the imperial concubine.

In the room, Zhao Wuji was still coaxing Liu Er gently, as if the noise and coldness of the outside world had nothing to do with them.

In their world, there is only each other and endless tenderness and care.

Ten days later, Liu'er became unwell, and Zhao Wuji and everyone finally finished busying themselves with the red tape of the palace. Suddenly, a thought flashed through his mind, and he remembered Xu Zimo, who had crossed paths with them.

His heart moved, so the group hurried to Xu Zimo's palace.

However, when they opened the door of the palace, what they saw was empty.

The gorgeous bed, exquisite furnishings, and colorful curtains were all still there, except for the familiar figure.

Zhao Wuji's heart tightened, his brows furrowed, and he turned to look at the eunuch behind him.

"Where is Xu Zimo?" There was a hint of urgency and doubt in his voice.

The big eunuch was confused for a moment, then he grabbed a eunuch who was sweeping and brought him over: "Your Majesty, I want to ask, where did Xu Cairen go?"

Startled by the sudden question, the little eunuch almost dropped the broom in his hand.

He hurriedly knelt on the ground and replied cautiously: "Sir, Xu Cairen has been...buried."

"Buried? Where did you go and play?" Zhao Wuji was stunned. He suspected that he had heard wrongly.

How could anyone be buried in this place, this palace?

The eunuch buried his head even lower and explained in a trembling voice: "Xu Cairen... Xu Cairen suffered a sudden illness a few days ago. Before he had time to ask for an imperial doctor, he already... passed away."

Zhao Wuji felt his heart was shocked. He never thought that Xu Zimo, who he had talked and laughed with, was no longer alive.

He stood there, unable to recover for a long time.

The surrounding air seemed to have frozen, and only the eunuch's low sobs echoed in the empty palace.

Zhao Wuji took a deep breath and tried to calm down the shock and grief in his heart.

He knew that separation between life and death was normal in this palace, but he still couldn't accept that Xu Zimo left this world silently.

"How could it be? Why is it just gone?
Wouldn't it just fall into the water?
Are all those so-called imperial doctors dead?

There's nothing you can do about such a little bit of wind and cold?
Go, find all the doctors who treated you that day, and kill them all! "Zhao Wuji's roar echoed in the empty palace, his voice full of disbelief and anger.

The shock and pain in his heart could not be expressed in words. Liu'er was rescued. Xu Zimo, how could that woman leave him so easily just because she fell into the water?

His heart was full of doubts and unwillingness.

The eunuch next to him had a pale face and his lips moved slightly, but he closed them tightly.

He knew that Zhao Wuji was furious at this moment, and any inappropriate words might arouse even greater anger.

But he also knew that if he didn't say anything, the consequences might be more serious.

"Your Majesty, please calm down." The great eunuch spoke cautiously with a trembling voice, "Your Majesty, you have forgotten that you did not ask the imperial physician to treat many people that day, so there was no imperial physician to treat you..."

Zhao Wuji's body stiffened suddenly, his eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

Indescribable pain and regret surged in his heart.

He really forgot that he was upset because of some trivial matters that day, so he didn't let the imperial doctor treat Xu Zimo.

He thought it was just a small cold. Xu Zimo was in such good health, how could something happen?

But now, it's too late.

His negligence and carelessness actually led to Xu Zimo's death.

His heart was filled with pain and self-blame. He could not accept this fact and face his own fault.

"I...I..." Zhao Wuji's voice trembled, and his eyes were filled with tears.

He was unable to speak complete words and could only repeat the word "I" over and over again, as if he wanted to use this method to vent the pain and regret in his heart.

The entire palace fell into silence, with only Zhao Wuji's breathing echoing in the air.

His heart was filled with pain and regret, and he knew that all of this was caused by himself.

"...Why?" Zhao Wuji's voice echoed in the empty palace, seeming extremely heavy.

"Mo'er, do you have anything to tell me?"

However, he was answered only by silence.

Very silent.

Zhao Wuji frowned, an ominous premonition welling up in his heart.

He couldn't help raising his voice and asked again: "No, no? How is that possible?"

At this time, the eunuch on the side spoke cautiously: "Your Majesty, Miss Xu did not leave a message, just... left a letter."

"Where?" Zhao Wuji's voice was full of anxiety and uneasiness. His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, scanning the people in front of him.

"In your imperial study!" the eunuch whispered, for fear of offending the powerful emperor.

He walked quickly towards the imperial study, every step seemed heavy and difficult.

Pushing open the beautifully carved wooden door, a familiar yet unfamiliar breath hit my face.

He looked around and finally landed on the bloody letter on the desk.

The blood book has dried up, but the dazzling red color is still shocking.

Zhao Wuji stretched out his hand tremblingly and gently picked up the blood letter.

When he read the contents of the blood book clearly, an indescribable pain surged into his heart, as if thousands of needles were pricking his heart.

The handwriting on the blood book was blurred, but Zhao Wuji could still identify the familiar handwriting.

That was the handwriting of his beloved woman, the woman who had spent time with him and vowed to grow old together.

The contents of the blood letter were brief and decisive, just like her character during her lifetime, direct and decisive.

The moment he saw the blood letter, Zhao Wuji seemed to see the back of her decisively leaving. His heart felt like being hit by a heavy hammer, and he was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

He spurted out a mouthful of blood, staining the bloody book in his hand red.

At that moment, his world seemed to collapse, and all the glory, wealth, power and status seemed so pale and feeble.

"Your Majesty, you said you never want to see me again, and never want me to appear in front of you again.

Well, I'm sad!
When you were outside the Great Wall, I saved your life. Now, not only have you not repaid your kindness to me, you have even refused to hire a doctor for me. Zhao Wuji, you deserve to die!

You said you wanted the purse I sewed, but it was fine when I pricked my hand and it was all bloody, but you took Liu'er and asked the palace maid to sew it for you.

You gave me a jade pendant then, and now I've given it back to you. Forget about the life-saving grace, I don't want to see you again for the rest of my life!

Liu'er said that for her, you would rather take special medicine than let the women in the palace get pregnant.

In this case, there is no need for you to kill the other sisters. If you don't want children, just don't favor them. Why wait until they have children and then let Liu'er drug them to death? You are too cruel!
You really love her. If you love her so much, why did you lie to me in the first place?
I hate you!
Zao Wuji, I wish I had never saved you or gotten to know you!

I am unlucky to have you. Please let my body return to the grassland after I die. From now on, our worldly paths will be different, and Yin and Yang will never meet again! "

Zhao Wuji:! ! !

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