My name is Sasuke, from being the richest man in Naruto to dominating the world

Chapter 347 Preparation before ascending to the throne; Re-entering the Pure Land

Chapter 347 Preparation before ascending to the throne; Re-entering the Pure Land

The resurrection of Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Shisui caused a sensation in a small area.

But as far as the top management of Konoha knew, neither the villagers of Konoha nor the people of the Fire Nation knew about this matter.

The top management of Konoha does not intend to let the people below know about this matter. The orderly reincarnation of life and death is correct. The less people know about the resurrection of the dead, the better, so as to prevent the minds of the people below from wandering.

Regarding the positions of Minato and Shisui, after some discussion, Tsunade and Sasuke decided to make Minato the captain of the newly established special forces team and Shisui the deputy captain.

The full name of this so-called special force is the Special Tactics Assault Team, which is equivalent to the special forces in ninjas.

Sasuke positioned it as the sharp knife team, which uses its strong strength and super mobility to decapitate key enemy units.

In this regard, both Minato and Shisui are fully in compliance with the standards.

Both of them are not weak in strength, and their mobility is particularly outstanding. They are most suitable for such high-speed intersecting strikes.

As for the target, it goes without saying that it is of course the Burning Legion.

Although the demons of the Burning Legion cannot be truly killed, destroying their bodies and sending them back to the Twisting Nether can also greatly interfere with the overall actions of the Burning Legion.

Although Sasuke has not actually seen the Burning Legion yet, he needs to make preparations now to prepare for a rainy day.

As for the other members of the special forces team, that is not under his control. He resurrected the captain and vice-captain, and the selection of team members will be discussed by the two of them and Tsunade.

Ninjas, swordsmen, and people with super powers are all options.

Sasuke now has his own things to do, the most important of which is to prepare for the enthronement ceremony.

But before that, he had to make some plans for the future of the empire.

Of course, he has also been doing this a long time ago, and now he has a relatively mature plan.

The five great nations will no longer exist, and there will only be one empire left in the ninja world.

All the five major villages have also had their names cancelled, leaving only the five major military bases.

The original Kages will all move to Konoha Village to form the Imperial Military Council, with Sasuke as the chairman, Tsunade as the vice-chairman, and the Kazekage, Tsuchikage and Raikage as members of the committee. As for the Mizukage, because Before the annexation, Kirigakure failed to elect a new Mizukage, so now there is no one from Kirigakure on the committee.

Tsunade found Sasuke and expressed her concerns. She felt that this was not good.

People in Kirigakure should be given a chance. Even if a bowl of water cannot be completely balanced, it cannot be too exaggerated.

Otherwise, a group of people who have been forcibly kneaded together will inevitably have rifts in the near future.

Sasuke actually wanted to say, as long as he was around, who would dare to mess around?

But Tsunade's worries were not without reason.

After a brief thought, Sasuke agreed to Tsunade's proposal, and called the original senior management of Kirigakure Village together to explain.

A group of former Kirigakure senior officials were ready to give up, but unexpectedly things turned around. After some discussions, they finally recommended Terumi Mei to come out and join the Military Management Committee to plan for the interests of the former Kirigakure ninjas.

Well, that's the opinion of these former Kirigakure ninjas.

In fact, in Sasuke's plan, the Supreme Military Council, to put it bluntly, is a general staff organization and does not have any actual power.

But since the people below are willing to regard this quota as a balance of power, then let them do it.

In addition to the Military Management Committee, Sasuke also established the Imperial Military Department, which is the department that manages all armed forces such as ninjas, swordsmen, and superpowers.

The military minister is Tsunade, and the deputy ministers are Namikaze Minato and Nara Shikaku. There are no other shadows here.

This is in terms of arms. In terms of imperial government agencies, except for the military department, other departments continue to operate according to the original structure after Sasuke transformed the Fire Country government. It's just that the government agencies have expanded several times. After all, the entire ninja world has been unified. The territory has expanded nearly ten times, and the staff team naturally has to expand accordingly.

In this regard, Sasuke will have many transformation plans in the future. The original ninja world must not be used forever, and those people must be replaced.

But there is no need to rush this, just take your time.

Anyway, if you only look at lifespan, Sasuke doesn't care about time at all, because he now has an almost endless lifespan.

The most important thing now is to unite the forces of the ninja world and prepare for the invasion of the Burning Legion.


Pure land.

"I didn't expect you could actually do it to this extent."

The Immortal of Six Paths had a complicated expression.

"Actually, you can do it too, you're just too lazy to do it."

Sasuke sat on a big rock, glanced sideways at the Sage of Six Paths, and said with a hint of disdain in his expression.

With the strength of the Six Paths Sage, it is really not difficult to unify the ninja world. Not to mention the era when the Six Paths Sage existed, there were no decent strong men in the world.

Even in the current ninja world, if Sasuke doesn't take action, no one can be the opponent of the Sage of Six Paths.

As long as he is willing, wouldn't it be a matter of minutes to unify the ninja world?

It's a pity that the Immortal of Six Paths doesn't think so. All he thinks about is peace and friendship.

In fact, peace and friendship are right, but the problem is that we cannot let the ninja world continue to be chaotic just for the sake of so-called peace and friendship.

The big countries fight for their own interests, and the small countries are caught in the middle and suffer. However, the Immortal of Six Paths still thinks this is normal.

It’s so outrageous.

Maybe this is a matter of vision.

Anyway, when it comes to Sasuke, his first thought is unity, and he does not accept other chaotic countries to be equal to himself.

In this regard, he actually felt that the world government on the pirate side was quite good.

Although it is indeed too much to have a Celestial Dragon above your head, and the World Government does not do very well in many aspects, at least they have established a relatively unified regime.

The following joining countries are said to be countries, but in fact they are more like states and counties, but they have relatively high autonomy.

That is to say, there is a group of pirates in the pirate world. If there were no pirates, the whole world would be much peaceful.

It's a pity that the existence of the Celestial Dragons ruined the good soup over there.

But even if the soup stinks, in Sasuke's opinion, it still tastes better than the previous shinobi world.

"Since you have unified the ninja world, why are you still looking for me? I am just a dead man."

"Of course I have a reason for looking for you. In fact, I hope you can help me find someone named Ci Xian."

Sasuke explained his purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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