Chapter 103, hidden means (please subscribe)
Seeing that conventional weapons could not bring much damage to the Iron Overlord, Coulson also tightened his grip on the walkie-talkie, pressed the headphones in his ears and asked Holm: "Clint, where are you now?"

He still has hidden methods that he hasn't used yet, but he must ensure the safety of Holm and Tony.

"Kaka! We are still in the experimental base, but we should be able to get out soon. It should not take more than 10 seconds. Those methods are ready to be activated now." Holm responded to Cole in the special channel Sen asked, and while he was speaking, there were some strange mechanical sounds in the background.

"You are still in the experimental base now, but you can come out in less than 10 seconds?" Coulson didn't quite understand what this sentence meant. If they were still in the experimental base, how could they come out in less than 10 seconds? It will come out in seconds.

However, Holm has always been prudent in doing things and never loses track on important matters, so even though Coulson was a little confused, he still followed Holm's advice and said to the walkie-talkie: "The emergency plan is activated, and the corresponding departments will do the following." Get ready, countdown to 15 seconds."

After giving the instructions, he pressed the earpiece again and said to Holm: "The attack will come in 15 seconds, so no matter what method you use, you must do it as soon as possible."

"Understood! You will see us soon." Holm responded after hearing this.

After a brief communication with Holm, Coulson felt relieved. It seemed that Holm's operation was going smoothly, and Tony Stark should not be in any danger.

Now that this aspect has been determined and prepared, they cannot have loopholes in their peripheral control.

Thinking of this, Coulson picked up the walkie-talkie again and ordered the surrounding action teams: "Blast armor-piercing and explosive bombs at this monster! We must ensure that he does not break through the encirclement."

As his order was issued, the sound of artillery around him became more intensive. SHIELD's armor-piercing and explosive shells hit the Iron Overlord as if they were free. If it were not for the assistance of the artificial intelligence system, even if the Iron Overlord was not The Overlord's defense is strong, and Obadiah is indeed in trouble when facing this wave of attacks.

"Damn government lackeys! What tricks do you want to play again!" As the center of the bombing, Obadiah can certainly feel the change in the attack rhythm. He can feel that these people seem to want to change their actions, so he also has some Swearing in anger and annoyance.

Just as he was dodging attacks with the assistance of the artificial intelligence system and counterattacking with weapons from time to time, a large hole was suddenly blasted out of the roof of the research center, and a golden-red figure quickly flew out of the hole, and in front of him There is also a figure on his legs.

"Tony Stark?!" Looking at this familiar set of armor in the sky, Obadiah was extremely shocked.

He didn't understand how Tony did this. He had obviously taken away the Ark Reactor from his chest and installed it on Iron Overlord's body. How did he find another Ark Reactor and put it on again? The armor that he carefully guarded.

"Don't even think about running away! Get down here!" After the shock, Obadiah reacted immediately. He saw a big hole cracked in Iron Overlord's shoulder, and inside was a missile flying toward the sky, spraying flames.

Obadiah was going to use this missile to knock Tony down from the sky. Even if he couldn't control Tony, he wouldn't allow him to leave him alive.

"Stop your wishful thinking, Stany!" Looking at the missiles flying towards him, Tony shouted loudly and stretched out his palm to fire the grenade, hoping to knock the missiles away or detonate them in advance.

But the design of this missile was very strange. Even though Tony's hand cannon hit it several times, it only shifted its course, then immediately adjusted back, and then continued to rush towards Tony.

Just as Tony was thinking about how to deal with the missile, his legs suddenly became loose.

I saw Holm loosening his grip on his calf and falling from the air. At the same time, he shouted to him: "Leave quickly and leave this place to me!"

Holm said as he landed in the direction of the missile. Just when the missile was about to fall on Holm, he dodged sideways in the air, and at the same time firmly grabbed the missile with his palms that had transformed into sharp claws, and then forcibly changed its trajectory.

"You should keep this thing for yourself, old bastard!"

With Holm's violent shout, the missile finally lost its stubbornness and was forcibly thrown to where Obadiah was.

After doing all this, black viscous liquid began to surge on his arms. This black venom adhered to his arms and ribs, forming two black tough films under his arms, allowing him to Sliding in the sky and falling slowly.

Seeing Holm's series of wonderful operations, Tony, who was a little worried at first, also let go of his worries. He saw flames spurting out from under his feet and flying in the same direction as Holm.

"Damn agent!" On the ground at this time, Obadiah gritted his teeth and roared as he watched the out-of-control missiles flying towards him.

He aimed one hand at the incoming missile, intending to detonate it, and the other hand at Holm, who was falling in the air, intending to shoot him into a sieve.

But just as he raised his arm, there was already a loud rumbling sound around him.

In mid-air not far from here, dozens of Quinjet fighters were seen releasing their stealth mode and revealing their true colors.

At the bottom of each Quinjet is a very exaggerated missile.

The boom is the huge sonic boom the missile makes when it is launched.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" As the missiles fell one by one, the sky-high flames instantly enveloped the entire research center.

Compared with the current formation, everything just seemed so insignificant. SHIELD's surrounding and controlling Obadiah just now seemed like a joke under the roar of the explosion.

Huge flames rose up, and the heat carried by the flames and the noise and roar caused by the explosion also spread towards the surroundings.

In Holm's consciousness, Venom was enduring all this in extreme irritability. Whether it was fire or huge sound waves, it felt very uncomfortable.

"Ah! The flames still roar, it's so annoying! It's so annoying! It's so annoying!"

Holm fell to the ground smoothly while listening to Venom's irritated shouts.

After falling to the ground, he immediately took out the chocolate and stuffed it into his mouth, using the delicious chocolate to soothe Venom's irritable mood.

(End of this chapter)

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