Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 107, Embarrassing, and then embarrassing again

Chapter 107, Embarrassing, and then embarrassing again (please subscribe)
"I suddenly thought of so many good ideas!"

"Do you know a smartphone? It is a mobile phone that is more advanced and smarter than today's mobile phones."

"There are many more. It doesn't matter if you don't know. Just listen and I will tell you slowly."

So under Gwen's stunned eyes, Holm began to tell him about the various ideas that came to his mind.

The era he lives in now is ten or twenty years slower than the development before he time traveled, so there are many things that he can invest in when the other party is still in its infancy, and he can also predict the other party's development status.

Listening to Holm's thoughts one after another, Gwen also realized that his actions just now were just too emotional.

As a result, the strange emotions rising in her heart gradually subsided, the blush on her face slowly faded, and her expression returned to normal.

Half an hour later, Holm picked up the cold coffee next to him and drank it in one gulp. Then he looked at Gwen opposite and asked, "How was it? Do you think something happened?"

After hearing Holm's question, Gwen thought about it carefully and then nodded.

"There are some ideas that are applicable now, and then I also think of some small inventions I have that should be more promising."

"But setting up a company is not a simple matter. You wait until I get back to think about it carefully and then make a plan."

After hearing Gwen's ideas and arrangements, Holm nodded in approval. It has to be said that Gwen is indeed very organized, which is why he came up with this idea.

But he didn't know if it was his misunderstanding. He always felt that the current atmosphere seemed a bit strange. It seemed that after he said these things, Gwen was not as happy and active as before, and was a little worried.

Thinking of this, Holm also looked at Gwen who lowered his head slightly and asked: "I see you have finished your coffee. Do you want to order another drink?"

"No need." Gwen whispered without raising her head.

Seeing Gwen's reaction, Holm scratched his head in confusion. He felt as if he had overlooked something.

After a moment of silence and thought, Holm suddenly remembered that he seemed to have held Gwen's hand when he was excited, and although he let go later, he must still be a little embarrassed.

I think Gwen was probably a little embarrassed because of this incident. This was because he was careless and a little out of proportion.

After understanding the reason, Holm scratched his head in embarrassment, and then whispered to Gwen: "Well, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it just now, I was just a little excited, so I forgot about it and grabbed your hand directly. "

"It's okay. It's not that you misunderstood. I'm not angry because of this. There's nothing to be angry about. I'm angry. I'm not angry. I'm just thinking about things." Hearing Holm suddenly apologize to him, Ge Ge Wen Ye quickly explained.

"That's right, I'm just thinking about something, I'm not angry." Gwen said and nodded in affirmation.

After hearing Gwen's explanation and seeing the sincerity and determination on her face, Holm's relaxed colleagues were also a little confused.

He understood what Gwen said, but Gwen's expression made him a little confused, and it was not difficult to understand.

But before he could think about it, Gwen had already called the waiter and successfully changed the topic by ordering food. "Bring me a glass of orange juice. What are you drinking? By the way, you've finished your tiramisu. Do you want to order another one?" Gwen asked, looking at the empty plate and empty glass in front of Holm.

Hearing this question that seemed like he had just said it once, Holm was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Then help me get another tiramisu, and then I want a glass of watermelon juice."

After ordering the meal, Holm also looked at Gwen and said with a smile: "By the way, that time you ran away suddenly, I paid for it in the end~"

Hearing Holm's words, Gwen also remembered what happened that time, so she smiled, rolled her eyes at Holm and said: "I just said that you are not polite at all today. It turned out that you had already prepared to ask me." Come pay the bill.”

"Then because you paid the bill for me last time, I will pay for today's order. Do you have anything else to eat? Don't be polite. I will help you invest in Stark this time. I also made a lot of pocket money when buying group stocks.”

Hearing this, Holm also deliberately curled his lips and said: "For the sake of paying your bill last time, I obviously helped you, but why do you act like I accepted your favor? You are really good at talking. .”

"But since you asked me not to be polite, then I really won't be polite. I just happened to be a little hungry after talking so much, so I'll just order another pasta and sandwich."

After finishing speaking, Holm called the waiter and ordered some more meals. Although Gwen was not hungry, she thought that she could only watch Holm eat alone, so she actually ordered a small cake.

In this way, the slight embarrassment just now quickly disappeared in the subsequent chats and conversations, as if it had never happened, but only Gwen and Holm themselves knew what they were thinking.

Just like Holm, after what happened this time, he decided that no matter whether he was excited or not, he should exercise caution in the future to avoid similar embarrassing things from happening again.

While he was eating and chatting with Gwen, while thoughts were racing in his mind, someone suddenly tapped him on the shoulder.

At the same time, a familiar voice also sounded in his ears: "Haha, what a coincidence! Why are you here too?"

"Daisy? Why are you here?" Looking at Daisy standing next to him with a bunch of handbags, Holm asked in surprise.

But he was surprised, now he was not alone, so before Daisy could say anything more, Holm introduced them to each other.

"Hello, I am Holm's colleague, Daisy Johnson." Daisy held out her hand to Gwen with a faint smile on her face.

Seeing this, Gwen also stretched out her hand and smiled: "Hello, I am Holm's friend, Gwen Stacey."

When facing each other who were strangers to each other, they both put away the relaxation and familiarity they felt in front of Holm, and became more reserved and cold.

At first, Holm was very happy because of the coincidence, but as they chatted, he felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange.

It was as if everyone suddenly became very polite, causing something to feel wrong no matter what he said.

While they were chatting, Daisy also noticed the ugly-looking doll hanging on Gwen's backpack.

 The 6 chapters on the shelves have been updated. Please continue to support, I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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