Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 111, A Different Sandman

Chapter 111, Different Sand People
Just as he was thinking about it, Holm suddenly felt the car's tires. It was as if I was stuck in mud and suddenly couldn't hold on to the ground.

The vehicle that was reversing rapidly also stopped immediately. No matter how hard he applied the brakes, it was of no use.

"Well, we are also being targeted now. It seems that the few times we bombed him just now have made him resentful." Holm stepped on the accelerator and said while feeling the vehicle that was still unable to move.

"Notify the municipal government and send the fire truck over quickly. Remember to fill it with water. If you can't find the fire hydrant, you have to look for water first. This guy is so smart, he will not expose the fire hydrant easily." Holm said While doing so, he waved his hands to dismantle the car into a convertible.

Then, before Daisy, who was on the phone, could react, he had already held her in his arms, and then jumped with both legs towards the building next to him.

"Bang!" Under the combined action of the suction force of the yellow sand and the reaction force of Holm's legs, the poor car that had lost its roof suddenly sank a lot again. The yellow sand had already spread to the car seat, basically Swallowed it completely.

On the other side, Holm held Daisy in the building and borrowed some strength, then poked the wall with his tentacles and jumped to the roof of the building next to her.

"Hey, it's a pity about my car. You saw it with your own eyes, but you have to testify for me. I'll have to reimburse you later." Holm said as he put Daisy on the ground. At this time, his car was completely on the ground. Swallowed.

Daisy also finished the phone call at this time. Looking at the surging yellow sand below, she also frowned with some worry and said: "Why do I feel that there are more and more yellow sands, but it is not the coast next to it?"

Upon hearing this, Holm also pointed to the buildings and roads below and explained: "Didn't you find that those buildings will slowly erode after being wrapped in yellow sand for a long time and turn into a pile of sand and dust?"

"If we don't find a way to stop it, the buildings on this street will be eroded into a pile of ruins before long."

As Holm said this, he was feeling the power of this sand man in his heart.

He remembered that although the Sandman in the movie he had watched was also very fierce, he was far from as powerful and smart as this version.

Perhaps this is the difference in the world. There are too many unexpected things in the world he lives in. Whether he knows or does not know, there is a huge difference.

Just as he was thinking, a black and white figure suddenly fell next to him. It was Gwen who was busy just now, also known as Spider-Woman.

"It seems that you have moved the people on the street and the police to a safe place." Holm turned to look at Gwen who was slightly out of breath and said.

Gwen also nodded when he heard this. He looked at the raging yellow sand below and said with a heavy voice: "Although everyone has been cleared, this guy has not calmed down at all. If he continues like this, the people next to him will The building probably won’t last long.”

"I've asked the municipal government to dispatch all the fire trucks here. It won't take long for them to come here. Then we can temporarily suppress him with water." Holm also looked down and responded to Gwen.

Daisy next to her did not speak, but was constantly in contact with the headquarters on her mobile phone. She had no contact with Spider-Woman in the first place, so she had nothing to say now.

Although she was a little surprised by the harmonious atmosphere between Holm and Spider-Woman as old friends, it was not surprising considering that they had been comrades who had fought side by side before.

I can only say that Holm is really popular, and he seems to be popular with women.

Holm didn't know what Daisy was thinking. He was still discussing with Gwen why William Baker was so crazy. "I knew him before. Speaking of which, he was sent in by me personally because he was robbing a young man that day and I saw him."

"He begged me to let him go, saying that he robbed him to treat his daughter, and now he will soon have enough money."

"He was sincere and didn't look like he was telling lies, but even so that was no reason for him to rob other people, so I sent him to the police station."

"But on the way back, I went to his home address and saw her daughter. The little girl was indeed very cute, and she was indeed seriously ill, so I left all my savings to them, hoping that Give me some help”

"It's just that looking at the current situation, the money I left doesn't seem to have changed anything. Sigh."

"I saw his wanted notice a few days ago and knew that he escaped from prison. I don't know what happened to him to turn him into what he is now."

Listening to Gwen talking about William Baker, Holm also became a little silent. His information only showed that the other party had many cases, and he escaped from prison before completing his sentence after the last robbery crime. He didn't know. There are so many hidden secrets behind this.

But no matter what, the facts have become what they are now. Even if he pities William Baker and sympathizes with the other person's experience, he can't just watch him running wild on the street.

"You did nothing wrong. You did what you should do, and you did it very well. No one wants things to develop like this." Holm patted Gwen on the shoulder and comforted him. He could feel Gwen's shoulder. There was disappointment and regret in Wen's voice.

"Don't think so much. All we have to do now is to stop him. We can't let him continue to be so unbridled."

"I heard the sound of sirens. The fire trucks must have arrived soon. We have to protect them in a while."

After listening to Holm's words, Gwen didn't say much, just nodded, her tone full of determination.

After saying this, Holm also turned to look at Daisy and warned him: "You continue to keep in touch with the headquarters and ask them to quickly think of a way to trap this guy. Although water can suppress him, the indicator cannot cure the root cause." , he will recover sooner or later."

"I understand! Please be safe." Daisy nodded seriously and responded.

Holm nodded when he heard this, and finally told her to be careful, and then he and Gwen jumped off the building.

"I know what you guys are thinking! You can't even think of succeeding!" William Baker gathered his body again and roared angrily.

He also heard the sound of fire trucks rushing around and understood what they were thinking, but since he already knew, he would never let them succeed easily.

He can hide the fire hydrants on the street, and he can also deal with the oncoming fire trucks.

His anger has not yet been vented, he must make this disgusting society pay some price.

(End of this chapter)

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