Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 118, in-depth communication

Chapter 118, in-depth communication

"I really didn't expect that we would meet again in the base. It turns out that you are the Black Widow." Holm was lying on the big bed, feeling the softness in his hands as he spoke.

Hearing his words, Natasha, who was lying on her back in his arms, raised the corners of her mouth, drew circles on his abdominal muscles with her nails, and then said in a lazy and seductive voice: "What, are you scared?"

Hearing this, Holm also caressed her face, brushed away the messy dark red hair from her lips, and responded with a smile: "It just feels incredible. After all, that is the famous Ace Agent. As long as it is S.H.I.E.L.D. There are no agents who don’t know this title, and many agents work hard to reach this level.”

"Really? Then it seems that I am a celebrity to a certain extent." Natasha squinted her eyes and said, "Then have you worked hard with me as your goal?"

"Of course." Holm nodded.

Upon hearing this, Natasha also raised her arms and gently held Holm's neck, then raised her red lips and looked at him seductively, saying: "In this case, your idol is lying in your arms now, I don’t know what you’re thinking?”

Listening to Natasha's words, Holm also took Natasha's hand, kissed the back of her hand gently and said softly: "Maybe what I just said was too vague."

"Of course I am targeting you, but not to reach this level, but to surpass you and conquer you."

"So now that you're in my arms, my only thought is...can you still go on?"

After Holm finished speaking, Natasha kept laughing as if she had heard some funny joke, causing a wave of excitement.

And Holm didn't say anything more or explain anything, he just kept smiling, holding Natasha's hand under his lips and leaning against her, and caressing her face with one hand.

Gradually, Natasha's laughter stopped, and she narrowed her eyes again, enjoying Holm's caress like a charming fox.

Just when Holm's hand slid across her cheek again and his fingers passed the corner of her mouth, she suddenly turned her head and bit Holm's finger.

Her sparkling eyes were also charming and inviting, even mixed with a touch of sarcasm.

Seeing this situation, Holm also raised the corner of his mouth without any politeness.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the morning when the bright sunlight shined into the room through the window screen that the room became quiet.

This fight lasted from morning to noon, and was only stronger than last night in terms of intensity.

The sound of gurgling water came from the bathroom. This was the sound of Holm going to wash up, but Natasha just lay under the thin sheets, not wanting to move at all.

After a while, she fell into a deep sleep accompanied by the sound of gurgling water.

When she woke up again, the position of the sun had moved a lot, and the sunlight was no longer burning and no longer shining directly into the room.

Natasha looked at the sky drowsily, and then gradually woke up to the alluring aroma.

"Is it already afternoon?" Natasha raised her arms and sat up from the bed, ignoring the spring light exposed when the sheets fell off, and asked Holm who had already walked to the bed.

Seeing Natasha lazily sitting on the edge of the bed and leaning against him, Holm raised his wrist and looked at his watch and replied, "It's already past four in the afternoon. You probably slept for more than four hours."

"Go and wash up. You woke up just in time, and the meal I ordered has just been delivered." "It does smell good." Natasha nodded as she smelled the aroma of food that was beginning to spread. She was indeed a little hungry. .

After all, I have been consuming energy since last night, so it’s time to replenish it.

"Carry me to the bathroom." Natasha suddenly said to Holm behind her, her lazy voice mixed with a little coquettishness.

Hearing Natasha's tone, Holm was stunned, but then he raised the corners of his mouth and kissed Natasha gently on her forehead, then picked her up and walked towards the bathroom.

Feeling Holm's warm and powerful embrace, Natasha also buried her head and arched her chest, like a coquettish kitten.

Just like Natasha couldn't see Holm's expression just now, Holm didn't see the smile on her lips when she buried her head in his chest.

As ace agents, Holm and Natasha have a larger appetite than ordinary people, let alone in the current state where their energy has been basically exhausted, so their meal is several times that of ordinary people. The food stopped.

After the energy was replenished, Natasha felt that she was okay again. Just as her and Holm's eyes gradually began to tighten, and they were thinking about whether to do some exercise after dinner, their cell phones rang at an inappropriate time.

After looking at the emergency mission notification sent on his phone, Holm also raised his eyes and looked at Natasha.

Natasha was also raising her head at this time. Seeing Holm's eyes looking over, she also shook her phone and said, "It seems we can go see the sand man together. Speaking of which, I'm quite curious about him." .”

Holm also shook his head when he heard this, then stood up and said with a smile: "I hope you will think the same when your whole body is covered with sand. The sewer was almost blocked when I took a shower after the last mission."

Hearing Holm's words, Natasha also raised her eyebrows and said, "Is that so? Now I'm even more curious."

After leaving the hotel, Holm took Natasha's car and rushed to the scene together. This was the case when they came yesterday. After all, Holm hadn't had time to buy a new car, and the rent in the garage was obviously not affordable. Dating tasks.

Natasha's driving style was similar to her personality, equally tough and fierce. Even though she was taking a city road, she still arrived at the scene in half the normal time.

Holm was not surprised by her driving skills. After all, they were all experienced drivers, but Venom liked this style of drag racing very much and was screaming along the way.

"Woohoo! This is called driving! You usually drive too conservatively." Venom said to Holm with unfinished thoughts.

Holm was speechless when he heard this. He didn't know what to say for a moment. In fact, he was not driving slowly at all, just as good as a normal good driver. However, Natasha was driving too passionately. It was completely like that. The most illegal running method.

"Actually, it's not that I can't drive like her, but driving like this will result in a lot of fines. In a month, it will probably be about the same as the cost of your previous chocolates." Holm said while thinking seriously.

"So if you want to do this, I can do it, but the cost of the fine will have to be deducted from the increased monthly chocolate cost."

Hearing Holm mention chocolate, Venom immediately perked up and changed the topic: "Ahem, actually I still think you are the best."

Seeing Venom's heartfelt change of heart, Holm also smiled and said nothing. He now has the ability to control Venom easily. As long as he uses the chocolate method, Venom will immediately become sensible automatically.

While they were communicating, Holm and Natasha also approached their destination. Although they hadn't seen the target yet, the air was already filled with the familiar smell of sand and dust.

(End of this chapter)

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