Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 123, Unexpected Situations and Special Abilities

Chapter 123, Unexpected Situations and Special Abilities
However, this device was too restrained for him. Even if he tried his best, he would still keep flying towards the belly of the big plane.

On the ground, Holm watched everything happening in mid-air, and sighed to Gwen next to him: "I have to say that he looked quite elegant when he was forcibly sucked away."

At this time, the sunset in the distance is at its reddest, and William Baker seems to have dyed the somewhat red sky with a layer of gray-yellow gauze, adding a lot of mystery.

Listening to Holm's emotion, Gwen also smiled and said: "Today's night scene is indeed beautiful, and William Baker is going to be caught."

"Thanks to you for cooperating with me just now." Holm continued to say to Gwen.

Gwen also waved after hearing this and said: "This is nothing, because I happened to think of that method at the time, so after seeing your actions, I guessed that you and I should have the same idea."

"And I came late today, so I didn't even help."

While the two of them were chatting, Holm suddenly noticed that the dust being continuously inhaled by the plane was mixed with many stones and debris.

"Look at whether there are a lot of impurities mixed in the sand and dust." Holm asked Gwen next to him.

Hearing this, Gwen also noticed the dust in the sky and discovered the problem: "Huh? There are indeed a lot of debris, which seemed to be there just now."

"It seems that William Baker still doesn't give up, so he wants to let these things be sucked in with him to see if he can destroy the devices on the plane." Holm reacted immediately.

After he figured it out, he quickly told his findings on the communication channel.

After hearing Holm's report, Coulson's expression on the plane also froze, and he immediately stood up to let the researchers on the plane inspect the running device.

As expected, as Holm said, the hard debris sucked into the instrument together with the sand and dust did cause some damage to the components inside.

But even so, they had no way to stop now, because once they stopped, William Baker would have a chance to escape.

And if you miss this opportunity, it will not be easy to catch him next time. After all, he is not a brainless idiot. On the contrary, he is very smart. With this lesson, he will definitely be more cautious and cautious next time. careful.

After thinking for a moment, Coulson also said to Holm in a deep voice on the communication channel: "Your discovery is indeed correct, but it's too late now."

"Although we have found that hard objects mixed in dust can cause damage to the instrument, we have no way to stop it at this time."

"Now we can only hope that these parts are strong enough to hold up all the sand and dust."

Listening to Colson's deep voice, Holm's brows gradually wrinkled.

Sure enough, plans can never keep up with changes. Although they have made complete assumptions about the functions of the instrument in advance, they always find that there are still some oversights during the actual operation.

This may also be because the device was rushed to the site directly after the production was completed without testing, otherwise such problems would definitely be discovered during the actual testing process.

Generally speaking, it is because we are too pressed for time, but now it is too late to say anything. We can only find ways to make up for these omissions.

"The instrument has become strong enough, and the components have become hard enough," Holm muttered in a low voice, while raising his hand and looking at his palm.

He thought of the venom drill that suddenly became harder and sharper when it was destroying the sand giant.

He clearly remembered that waves of ice-cold energy suddenly appeared in his body at that time. It seemed that it was the effect of this ice-cold energy that caused the venom to change like that.

Thinking of this, Holm quickly ran towards the place where the Quinjet was parked. At the same time, he was still communicating with Venom in his consciousness. "So you should have felt that energy, right? Is it because of the effect of that energy that the drill bit that was transformed at that time became harder and sharper."

After hearing Holm's narration and questions, Venom nodded and responded: "That's true. I'm going to have a good chat with you after the mission is over."

Venom then told Holm about the changes in his increased resistance to sound waves and fire during this period.

"I originally thought it was because I was frequently exposed to flames and explosions during this period, so my resistance naturally increased."

"But now that I think about it, it may not be that simple. It should be that the energy you feel is subtly changing me. I think this may be the evolution I mentioned before."

"If this energy can really make me evolve, then our future will be immeasurable!" Venom became excited as he spoke.

It seems that it is indeed very important to whether it can evolve. Evolution seems to be an opportunity for it to reborn.

"But I feel that this energy gives me a very familiar feeling, as if I have been in contact with it before."

While controlling the Quinjet to fly towards the large aircraft flying in the sky, Holm racked his brains to figure out where the feeling of familiarity came from.

Just as he looked down at the joystick in his hand, he suddenly thought of Daisy, who was often the driver, and then a stream of light suddenly flashed through his mind, connecting all the things he had ignored.

"That's right! That's right! It's Daisy! It's Daisy's necklace!"

Holm finally remembered where the familiar cold feeling came from. That cold feeling was exactly the same as the feeling that Daisy's pendant gave him at that time.

When he fell asleep involuntarily while holding the pendant, he felt that his whole body was cold and very relaxed, as if he was being massaged.

He used to think that he was too tired, that's why he felt like this, but now he thought there was a trace to everything.

"If I make the devices on the plane harder and stronger like the drill bit just now, then William Baker will never be able to escape." Holm said, looking at his hands.

But now he doesn't know how to use that energy flexibly. In order to find that feeling again, he can only recall his state at the time.

"A firm mind and a focused spirit." Holm murmured to himself while looking at the pistol he took out and held in his hand, completely concentrating on himself.

Finally, when his mental concentration reached a limit, the cool energy slowly flowed out from his limbs and bones, and then gradually gathered in his hands.

Others couldn't see what had happened to the gun in his hand, but Holm himself knew that the gun in his hand had undergone tremendous changes compared to just now.

He doesn't know how to summarize his ability and purify it? upgrade? Or some other adjectives.

He could only feel that under the influence of this energy, the material and various data of the pistol had been greatly improved.

For living objects, like venom, he seems to be able to stimulate its potential and promote its evolution.

As for inanimate inorganic objects, he seems to be able to improve their materials and performance.

 That talented book friend can give this ability a good name, but I haven’t thought of a satisfactory name yet.
(End of this chapter)

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