Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 143, start of action and infiltration

Chapter 143, start of action and infiltration
Deep in the Sokovia forest, outside the base of the Hydra branch, Holm was standing on a big tree, looking at the gray-white castle in front of him.

"Sure enough, just like in the movie, the Hydra branch in Sokovia looks quite historical." Holm thought to himself while observing the surrounding situation.

An hour had passed since the wine party, and the drunk Daisy was finally taken back to the hotel by Holm and put on the bed.

Although there were some hiccups, his plan was still successful. Under the subsequent effects of the drug, Daisy slept peacefully. She did not wake up during the process of being taken back to the hotel, and her breathing was always steady.

After making sure that everything was normal and there were no unexpected incidents, Holm set out from the hotel and came here to perform his final mission.

Daisy will wake up and get up as usual tomorrow morning, and they will leave Sokovia together at noon, so the time for Holm to perform the task is only from now to tomorrow morning, and he must complete it at once without any mistakes.

Just as Holm was looking at the castle where Sokovia Hydra was spread out and observing the surrounding guards, Venom also said in his mind: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, there are so many people here, except for the buildings on the ground. , there are many levels underground.”

"It's a pity. There are so many people right in front of us, but we can't even chew a single head, hey~"

Listening to Venom's complaint, Holm also responded in his mind: "Okay, okay, I know you haven't bitten your head during this period. I will find some for you when you get back."

"Although you haven't eaten much during this period, you have eaten a lot of chocolate, especially yesterday. Think about how much you ate."

"Since you said so, I'm not a cruel person. I won't let you eat chocolate for the next two days. You should have an empty stomach to avoid feeling tired."

While Venom was speaking, the perception map of the castle had already appeared in Holm's mind. After his strange energy catalysis during this period, Venom's various abilities have become much stronger, including the range and accuracy of perception. .

"Besides, I didn't take the initiative to eat those chocolates. Isn't it all for our overall benefit and plan?"

"Chocolate is chocolate, snacks are snacks, how can they be confused." Venom muttered after hearing this.

"Hehehe, listen to you, listen to you, I'll find snacks to eat when I get back, I'm not in a hurry, hehe."

It was already late at night, and there wouldn't be many people moving around. Only the people guarding the castle would be patrolling continuously.

"Yes, yes, I have found the target of this mission. He is on the second underground floor of the main building of the castle. There are many guards around it."

"The two core teams are very weird. They are like robots and don't say anything. Their breaths are also weird. Just in case, please pay attention to them later."

When it came to chocolate, Venom immediately changed his attitude. He changed his pretentious attitude and licked his face to please: "Hey, look at what you said, I'm not joking."

"Oh, so what you said makes you feel wronged?" Holm said teasingly.

"Brush!" Holm gently took out the short knife and held it in his hand, and started to act along the best route he had thought of in his head.

As long as Holm can clear out everyone on this route without being discovered, he will have achieved a perfect infiltration.


"Brush!" As Holm advanced and infiltrated, each Hydra member was quietly sent to the west with his short knife. In less than 10 minutes, he had broken through the side of the castle. .

At this time, in the center of the second underground floor, Baron Strucker had not rested yet. He was sitting in front of a large desk, leaning on a chair and flipping through information.

The cigar held between his fingers shone with a faint orange-red light. As he took a deep breath, the light instantly became dazzling. At the same time, a large amount of pure smoke was exhaled from his mouth and slowly drifted upward.

The information in his hand records the latest research of the Sokovia Hydra branch.

The brainless warriors he and Dr. List mentioned last time who had no thoughts and could only fight were the by-products of this research.

Their ultimate goal is to develop a way to turn ordinary people into superhuman beings.

This plan was born out of the super soldier research project during World War II, which was the project that created Captain America.

However, after the development of the times and these years of research, they are no longer satisfied with the level of Captain America, but want to create more powerful super humans.

It doesn't take many such super humans. As long as there are dozens of them, he can control the entire Hydra organization and replace Pierce as the new leader of Hydra.

Thinking of this, Baron Strucker couldn't help but think of Pierce's old and disgusting face again.

Hydra has always been a global organization, but their organizational focus will also change with the development of the times.

Europe used to be the organizational center of Hydra, so the Sokovia branch in Eastern Europe also occupied a pivotal position. This castle with rich history is the best proof.

However, with the development of the times and the defeat of Germany, which was heavily bet by Hydra during World War II, Hydra also took advantage of the situation to be destroyed and escaped on the surface, but in fact it was hidden in a deeper shadow.

In this process, part of Hydra's power was absorbed by the emerging superpower, and it laid a solid foundation there, relying on the shell of SHIELD to survive and grow.

Over time, the power of Hydra over there became the core that dominated the entire Hydra organization, and Baron Strucker, the senior and long-standing Hydra name, gradually moved away from the center, and was gradually ignored and looked down upon. .

Now even Pierce, a guy who has no historical heritage at all and relies entirely on S.H.I.E.L.D., can yell at him and show the power of the leader of Hydra in front of him.

Baron Strucker has endured this situation for a long time, and now he finally decided to break up and no longer tolerate it.

The two special guard forces outside the door are the violent soldiers perfected by Dr. Lister. After a series of operations, they have been stripped of their violent character and have become completely brainless puppets.

As long as instructions are given to them through special instructions, they will obey and start taking action. Unless the order is changed, they will never stop until the order is completed.

Although it is still far different from the thoughtful finished product, this kind of power is enough for him to cause trouble for Pierce.

(End of this chapter)

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