Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 155, Chicken Soup and Flatbread

Chapter 155, Chicken Soup and Flatbread
"Baron Strucker? This is impossible. I have broken his neck. There is no possibility that he will be resurrected!"

Holm almost thought that he was hallucinating. Baron Strucker was obviously dead and could not die anymore, so how could he appear again.

But seeing that Pierce still looked normal, he immediately realized that there must be something hidden inside.

Sure enough, seeing Holm losing his composure, Pierce also wiped his mouth with a smile and said: "Don't be so nervous, you have completed your task very well. This Baron Strax is not the one you have to deal with."

"Baron Strucker is a title that can be inherited. The one who inherits this title now is Wolfgang's son, Werner Strucker."

"This child has not had a very good relationship with his father since he was a child, and he has never known these things about Hydra and his father."

"Originally, I was thinking of helping our own people up after getting rid of Wolfgang, but I didn't expect those people to use such a trick."

"But it doesn't matter. The Sokovia branch has been inherited for many years and has been controlled by Baron Strucker for generations. Therefore, their power is deeply rooted. Even if our people forcefully control the situation, it will not have much effect."

"It's okay now. This kid, Warner, has never been exposed to these things, so he can be a good mascot. Our people will give him corresponding respect, but they will also ignore him. In this way, we can ask for help." The Kvia branch is still in our hands."

Listening to Pierce's story, Holm also understood the current situation in Sokovia, and then said in a deep voice: "I understand, if the new Baron Strucker is disobedient, I can also send him to meet his father. .”

"Now you are well-known in SHIELD, and you are doing very well. Hiding SHIELD is your long-term mission. As long as you can continue to penetrate into the top management, if something happens in the future, you will be the new SHIELD." Director."

"Each leader of Hydra leads Hydra to a higher level based on the work of his predecessors. I am looking forward to where you will ultimately take our organization if you become the leader of Hydra."

"After a few years of being a director, you can join Congress and become a member of Congress. With the help of an organization, you will make rapid progress."

"I will definitely continue to work hard, sir, don't worry!" Holm stood up and looked at Pierce with some uncontrollable excitement, his eyes full of expectations and longing for a better future.

"Now you are the most dazzling new star of our Hydra. The organization has not seen a talent like you for a long time, so we will definitely train you vigorously."

"I see your outstanding abilities and your loyalty to the organization." Pierce continued with a smile: "The future belongs to you young people."

Some of these futures are within reach, while others require hard work to envision, but it is undeniable that their effects are very good, and they seem to have directly confused Holm.

With just a few words, Pierce prepared several large bowls of chicken soup for Holm, which contained a bright and bright future.

"As long as you work hard, my present will be your future, and your future may even be more dazzling than mine."

"Hahaha, I told you not to be so formal, sit down quickly." Pierce smiled and waved his hand for him to sit down.

"The future belongs to you young people, so don't be afraid of not having a chance. As long as your abilities are outstanding enough, you will never be buried."

"As a member of Hydra, all we have to do is work hard to achieve the goal of controlling the world. One day, the future and the world will be in our hands." "Yes!" Holm looked at him with admiration and excitement. Pierce's blood seemed to be boiling because of his words.

After finishing the chicken soup and painting the pie, Pierce calmed down a little and continued to chat with Holm over the meal. During the occasional conversation, he also inadvertently exuded the majesty of the leader of Hydra, making his image in Holm's eyes. Mu's mind is more three-dimensional.

Pierce is very satisfied with the way Holm behaves. For him, no one can be controlled and exploited.

And someone like Holm who is capable and resourceful, ambitious and easily satisfied, and the most important thing is someone who is willing to drink soup, eat cake, and listen to his deception, he can use this kind of person for the rest of his life.

Just looking at Holm's appearance, it's hard to imagine that he would be so powerful and have the ability to break through the Sokovia branch and attack Baron Strucker alone.

However, it is precisely this contrast and mismatch that allows Hydra to continue to use Holm's sharp blade with confidence. Otherwise, if Holm were more cruel and smart, they would not dare to keep him for too long.

Happy times always come in a hurry. An hour later, Holm, who was sent to the door by the black-clad butler, bowed respectfully to Pierce in the distance before turning around and leaving.

Pierce watched him leave with a smile on his face, and his smile gradually disappeared until Holm drove out of his sight.

He looked at the direction where Holm left, his eyes flickering thoughtfully. After a moment, he waved to the black-clad butler and said, "Has the institute's plan been released? I need a powerful weapon that can restrain his weaknesses."

Upon hearing Pierce's question, the black-clothed butler immediately said: "The latest news has just been sent, saying that there is already a plan. Based on the existing data, it is speculated that after the weapon is manufactured, he can definitely be restrained."

Listening to the black-clothed butler's reply, Pierce nodded slightly. After a moment, he continued to give instructions: "Weapons alone are not enough. No matter how good the weapons are, they must be used by outstanding warriors."

"After the weapon is made, wake up the Winter Soldier and let him get familiar with it. If there is any unexpected situation, he must dispatch it as soon as possible."

"Understood." The butler in black nodded.

After a moment of silence, he tentatively looked at Pierce next to him and asked softly: "Is his performance not good enough today? Sir."

Judging from his observations today, Holm can definitely be regarded as a model of Hydra brainwashing. It can be said that he is the shape of Hydra from the inside out, without any mistakes.

Hearing the question from the black-clad butler, Pierce quietly looked at the clouds in the distance and said softly: "He did perform very well, but he also performed too well."

"Although we can't see any problems yet, it's always better to be prepared. Although this sharp blade doesn't seem to hurt your hand at all now, who knows in the future?"

"He looks like a good dog, but a good dog also needs to have a chain around its neck and a sharp knife at all times."

(End of this chapter)

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