Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 165, she knows that I know, and I also know that she knows

Chapter 165, she knows that I know, and I also know that she knows

"Please don't worry, sir." Daisy expressed her stance. Of course, Holm couldn't remain indifferent, so he nodded and said.

"I feel relieved to see you are very motivated." Colson smiled, then pointed at Natasha and continued: "Some information about Bruce Banner, as well as his whereabouts and patterns in recent years are here Natasha is here, just connect with her."

"After the docking is completed, we should go to the stronghold opposite Stark Tower to carry out the mission. It's empty anyway, and it's not very convenient if we keep going here."

As Coulson spoke, Holm and Daisy also nodded. After everything about the mission was finished, Coulson handed over the files to them, and then went to the space carrier for a meeting.

"Those information." Daisy held the file in her hand, looked at Natasha and said hesitantly.

Natasha smiled slightly when she saw this, stood up, stretched, and walked out of the conference room and said, "Agent Clint, come with me to get it."

Hearing this, Daisy also frowned and looked at Holm with an unhappy expression. Upon seeing this, Holm also touched her head and said with a smile: "Don't keep frowning, you will get wrinkles."

"You go to the stronghold first and wait for me. I will find you there after I get the information, and we will have dinner together in the evening."

Daisy could only nod when she heard this, and then watched Holm follow Natasha out of the conference room.

After this time, Natasha had squinted her eyes and didn't want to move at all. Looking at Holm who was already dressed and ready to leave, she also leaned on the pillow and said lazily: "You are really energetic, but I still can't let you go." That partner.”

"Speaking of which, this can be regarded as an unspoken rule between seniors and juniors."

"I agreed to have dinner with her, and it's not a good habit to miss an appointment." Holm said while picking up the tie from the floor and tying it around his neck.

"I'll accept the handsomeness and politeness. Let's forget about the bad guy." Holm said and opened the door: "I'm leaving. You can leave tomorrow morning."

Hearing this, Holm also raised the corner of his mouth and smiled: "You just thought of giving me the information now. Is it because you are finally satisfied that you think of business?"

After several hours of hearty fighting, Natasha lay on the bed with dark red hair, and said to Holm in a lazy voice: "Bruce Banner's information is on the USB drive on the table. , just take it with you when you leave later."

Hearing this, Holm also pinched her wrist and said, "Satisfied? Are you looking down on me too much? If you say this now, it seems you still haven't made much progress."

"Wait." Before he could leave, Natasha suddenly stopped him again.

"And aren't you satisfied with doing this kind of thing?" Natasha said while drawing circles on Holm's chest with her fingers.

Listening to Holm's metaphor, Natasha squinted her eyes and said, "I followed Bruce Banner and the military people almost halfway around the world. It's reasonable to charge such a small fee, isn't it?"

After saying that, without waiting for Natasha to react, Holm once again pulled her around and manipulated her arbitrarily. This manipulation lasted for several more hours.

Listening to his words, Natasha also smiled and said, "No wonder that little girl can't take her eyes off you. The handsome and polite bad guy is really attractive."

Natasha took Holm not only out of the conference room, but even out of the base, and then drove to the city in less than ten minutes.

Holm turned his head in confusion, and then saw Natasha walking slowly towards him, wrapped in a thin sheet.

Natasha stood up on tiptoes and kissed Holm on the cheek, then helped him straighten his tie and said with a smile: "Next time, you can think less about it and relax a little."

"Aren't you tired of having a string in your heart all the time?" Hearing Natasha's pointed words, Holm also smiled and responded: "Aren't you the same? For people like us, this string It’s better not to let go, otherwise you will lose your life unknowingly.”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Natasha to respond, Holm opened the door and walked out.

Looking at the closed door, thinking about what Holm just said, Natasha suddenly smiled, then shook her head and lay back on the bed.

At the same time, Holm, who had walked downstairs, also drove his car, passed several paths, and soon arrived at the stronghold they had set up opposite Stark Tower.

When Holm went upstairs and opened the door, what he saw was Daisy looking at him with wide eyes.

"Have you been sitting like this facing the door?" Holm asked with some confusion as he looked at Daisy, who was sitting on the chair and supporting her chin with the back of the chair.

He was curious, had Daisy been sitting like this facing the door? Otherwise, why would he maintain such a posture as soon as he opened the door.

Daisy obviously knew what he was thinking, so she looked at him strangely, waved her hand and said, "I'm not a fool, that's too weird."

"I just heard the elevator buzzing, and it happened to stop on this floor. Then I had a hunch that it might be you coming back, but I didn't expect it to be true."

After finishing speaking, Daisy also wrinkled her nose and smelled the standard hotel scent on Holm and said dissatisfiedly: "It smells like this again. I knew that woman had no good intentions."

"Bah! What are you saying about getting materials? How can you get materials for seven or eight hours, from morning to night? How dirty!"

Having said this, Daisy also turned her head and glared at Holm who was sitting on the chair and said, "You didn't resist at all and just went with her, hum! Men are really like this!"

After she finished speaking, she pursed her lips and waited for Holm to say something, but after waiting for a while, Holm still didn't say a word.

Feeling strange, Daisy looked back at Holm again. He was leaning on the chair with a slight frown, not knowing what he was thinking.

"She knows I know." Just when Daisy was about to say something, Holm suddenly said.

"What?" Daisy was stunned when she heard his sudden and meaningless words.

"I said she knew I knew," Holm said again.

Daisy heard clearly here and understood what he meant instantly, so she became nervous.

"Ah? Then will she tell me Uncle Fury? Will this have any impact on you?"

Listening to her concerned words, Holm also smiled and said, "It's okay, I know she knows."

"The director must have thought of this when he assigned her this task. After all, I'm not an idiot."

"If I couldn't see it all the time, he might be a little disappointed."

Holm's words made Daisy fall into silence. After a moment, she also raised her head and said, "Want to have dinner? I'm treating you."

(End of this chapter)

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