Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 167, the idea of ​​hatred

Chapter 167, the idea of ​​hatred
After finishing the summary and eating, they returned to the stronghold and began to perfect the monitoring system against Bruce Banner, while waiting boredly for the results.

Two days passed by in a flash, and there were still no effective clues during these two days. Bruce Banner relied on his years of escape experience to escape layer after layer of pursuit and encirclement, and never showed a trace.

Compared with the lack of progress in this task, Daisy's report that day about Tony Stark's recent abnormal actions attracted SHIELD's attention again.

They immediately strengthened their surveillance on Tony Stark and began to use various methods to find out why he did what he did.

The big screen in the secret base is playing a press conference held by Tony Stark, where he will officially announce that Pepper will serve as the new CEO of the Stark Group.

Looking at Tony Stark talking on the stage and the familiar figure standing not far from him in the picture, Daisy also said thoughtfully: "I didn't expect that the Bureau would send her to Tony Stark. Undercover next to Tucker."

"But considering Tony Stark's previous image and scandals, there is no problem in sending her. After all, no man can resist his charm, right?"

When Daisy said this, she also turned to look at Holm, the teasing in her tone was undisguised.

If Daisy had something to say, Holm didn't take it to heart. He just looked at the screen and said seriously: "It seems that the bureau is moving very quickly. Natasha is already in place, and I don't know what she is investigating." How about it."

"Hmph! Stop watching! We all know what he's going to say anyway." Daisy said as she switched the screen, replacing the Stark Group's live broadcast with a video collection about the Hulk.

The video on the screen had already played the video of the military's operation. After Hulk tore the encirclement to pieces, the military also sent out a super warrior who, although not tall, exuded a powerful aura. Soldiers come to deal with Hulk.

With the help of Hulk's huge power, the steel product was like a sharp blade falling from the sky, directly embedded into the armored vehicle.

Under the attack of sharp steel fragments, the machine gunners and ordinary soldiers who had no protection facilities were like fragile tofu, directly cut into several pieces.

Over the years, the reason why the military has been unable to do anything to Bruce Banner is because Hulk will appear if there is any dangerous situation, and then beat them back.

He moved quickly with his swift speed, harassing the Hulk while cooperating with the gunners and machine gunners next to him to suppress the Hulk.

This collection contains all the Hulk-related scenes and videos over the years. Without exception, these are the Hulk showing off his power while being pursued and intercepted by the military.

He ran quickly towards where Hulk was. Although the weight of the weapons he carried was staggering, his speed was still far faster than that of ordinary humans, just like a swift cheetah.

Just like this time, although they were fully prepared, updated with new equipment, and even made a super soldier of their own, there was still no way to keep Hulk.

In the picture, Hulk was also a little confused by such precise coordination. While shouting angrily, he lifted up the abandoned armored vehicles scattered next to him, grabbed a few sharp steel fragments, and then aimed at the remaining armored vehicles like throwing a Frisbee. The armored vehicles and machine gunners were thrown out directly.

The dark red blood was sprinkled on the green grass, adding a chilling and cruel atmosphere to the siege.

Hulk, who had solved these troubles, rushed towards the super soldier who was still moving around.

Upon seeing this, the super soldier also threw away his heavy weapons, and then relied on his agility to dodge all Hulk's attacks. He also seized the opportunity to take out his pistol and shoot at Hulk non-stop. . Although he was targeting Hulk's eyes, mouth and other weak defense points, Hulk, who had dealt with the military so many times, was also prepared and protected his eyes with his hands in advance.

But even so, the seemingly huge Hulk seemed a bit clumsy in the fight with the super soldiers.

This situation was obviously not what Hulk liked. He endured shooting with his pistol, and then seized the opportunity to grab the leg of the super soldier who jumped over his head again, and smashed him to the ground like a broken doll. He tossed it around, dropped it a few times, and then threw it away like trash.

The super soldier who was thrown away hit a big tree with a bang, and then collapsed under the tree like a pile of rotten meat, unable to get up again.

Although the shot was still some distance away from the center of their battle, Daisy and Holm could still vaguely hear the crisp sound of bones breaking.

Based on Hulk's strength and beating method, they estimated that all the bones in the super soldier's body had been smashed to pieces.

This is perhaps the biggest difference between the super soldier and the Hulk. Although the super soldier has rich combat experience, as long as he is caught, successive attacks can cause him to lose his combat ability in an instant, or even lose his life.

But Hulk is different. With his extremely strong anti-strike ability, he can survive the storm of bullets and artillery cleansing unscathed.

Although the pain would make him angry, there was no actual harm at all.

"I have read the information. This guy seems to be named Blonsky. He is a very good soldier, so he was selected by the military to be injected with super serum." Daisy shook her head and said looking at the miserable scene on the screen.

"It's a pity that even though he has become a super soldier far beyond ordinary people after being injected with the serum, he still can't withstand the Hulk's attack."

While Daisy was talking, Holm was also thinking about the video played on the big screen, and his heart began to come alive.

He had seen the Incredible Hulk movie and knew that not only did Blonsky not die, but he later became an abomination similar to the Hulk, or even more powerful than him.

Compared to the one-body-two-soul model of Bruce Banner and Hulk, Abomination only has one thought, so even if it becomes Abomination, Blonsky's mind still exists.

Faced with such a powerful abomination, how could Holm, who was just looking for manpower for his own layout, not be moved.

In the picture, Bronsky has been pulled back by the military like a dead dog. At the same time, Holm also began to think about how to recruit Abomination into his army.

After thinking about it carefully, Holm felt that it should be the same when Abomination was defeated by Banner.

At that time, he could still use the same trick to induce Abomination to swallow the venom clone he gave, and then become his most loyal servant while gaining further power.

(End of this chapter)

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