Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 169, SHIELD and the Military

Chapter 169, SHIELD and the Military

"What's wrong with you?! Are you crazy? Why are you driving so fast?!" Betty slammed the car door, then glared at the driver who was still smiling and cursed angrily.

"What's wrong baby? Don't you like flying cars?" The driver raised an eyebrow at Betty and said with a smile.

"It's a New York City thing and you have to get used to it."

After finishing speaking, seeing Betty blurting out FUCK, the driver stepped on the accelerator and left laughing.

"It's a crazy city, that's why I don't like New York!" Betty said angrily.

Next to him, Banner had calmed down his breathing, and his watch stopped ringing.

Seeing Betty's uncontrollable anger, he also persuaded softly: "I have learned some methods to calm anger over the years, do you want them?"

"Shut up!" Betty said as she glared at Banner, and then walked towards the school.

Banner smiled helplessly when he heard this, and then followed her inside.

"But I have already deployed my manpower for the next operation, so I don't need to continue to trouble SHIELD people."

Seeing that Bronski appeared here intact and even with a more powerful aura, Holm couldn't help but feel a little calmer. It seemed that his hatred was already on the way.

"You are Mr. Blue, right?" Banner put on his hat and looked at Dr. Stern in front of him and said.

General Ross was accompanied by a short but powerful and fully armed soldier. It was Bronski who had been beaten into a puddle of mud by Banner in the image.

But when Banner appeared in front of him, he had to admit that sometimes reality was so incredible. He thought it was impossible for a person to possess such huge energy, but this person was right in front of him now.

Next to him, General Ross said unsmilingly after hearing Coulson's words: "Thanks to SHIELD's help this time, we found Bruce Banner so quickly."

"This is not the place to talk. Come with me." Dr. Stern said as he led them to his research institute. His expression and tone contained irrepressible surprise.

To be honest, he was a little surprised, because judging from the blood samples he received, he couldn't imagine what the so-called Mr. Green looked like, because he had such huge energy.

Dr. Stern opened his eyes in surprise when he heard this, and looked at Banner, who was just like an ordinary person in front of him: "Mr. Green?"

After standing on the edge of the roof and seeing Banner and the others talking in the laboratory through the telescope, Coulson also chuckled with his signature smile: "It seems that our Mr. Blue and Mr. Green have finally met. "

Finally, in front of a building, they finally met Dr. Samuel Stern, also known as Mr. Lan.

At night, on the top of a low building outside Dr. Stern's research institute, Coulson took Holm to the top of the building and nodded to General Ross who jumped out of the helicopter next to him.

General Ross's attitude is obvious. It's enough that SHIELD has contributed to the search and gained the limelight. Now the military is still responsible for the next thing.

Listening to General Ross's words, Coulson still said softly with an unchanging smile: "Of course, you are mainly in charge of this matter, and SHIELD is just helping out."

Hearing that Coulson was so knowledgeable, General Ross didn't say anything more. He just pursed his lips seriously and held a telescope while looking at the three people who were still arguing. He knew Banner's intention to come to Dr. Stern, and looking at it now, they should have completed the experiment they discussed.

Now he just hopes that Banner can't get his wish and eliminate Hulk, otherwise even if Banner is shot 10 times, he will not be able to make up for the disappearance of Hulk, a powerful biological weapon.

"This gentleman looks very familiar. I remembered that he was the super soldier in the video. I didn't expect that the injury healed so quickly." While General Ross was thinking, Coulson next to him also looked at Brown. Ski laughed.

Bronski didn't speak, just grinned and showed a weird-looking smile.

General Ross also looked at Coulson after hearing this and said: "My soldiers are not that fragile. He will be the main force against the Hulk when an accident occurs."

"Main force?" Colson had some questions, and his meaning was very clear. After all, Blonsky was beaten into a dead dog last time, and this time he was still the main force.

"I am different now." Before General Ross could say anything, Bronski said with a grin.

Coulson didn't continue talking after hearing this. Although he also thought Blonsky looked a little strange, this was a military matter and had nothing to do with him.

"All personnel in the school have been cleared, and area A has been covered by snipers."

Hearing the feedback in the earphones, General Ross also gestured to Bronski next to him.

Blonsky nodded upon seeing this, and then left the roof with a few people, preparing to capture Bruce Banner.

Seeing him leave, General Ross also pressed the intercom and said: "Get ready, the mission begins!"

Following his order, the sniper who was ready next to him also pulled the trigger and fired a tranquilizer bomb at Banner.

Seeing Banner being shot and then falling to the ground helplessly, General Ross also put down his telescope, with a rare smile on his lips.

At this time, Coulson also paid attention to this scene and asked Holm softly next to him: "Do you think their operation can be successful like this?"

Holm also shook his head when he heard this, and also lowered his voice and said: "If it is so easy, how can we explain the failures in the past few years?"

"I think it's not that easy. We will definitely be able to get involved in this incident."

Listening to Holm's answer, Coulson also smiled and said: "I feel the same way."

"If something unexpected happens, you have to be prepared. That Blonsky always looks weird. It's hard for me to convince myself that he can compete with Hulk."

"I didn't expect that the commander has confidence in me." Holm said with a smile: "Then I can't live up to the trust that the commander has in me. If something unexpected happens in the future, I will do my best."

"Don't worry, it's impossible for you to deal with that big guy alone. The bureau's arrangements have already been made." Coulson said while pointing to the night sky above his head.

"Once the military cannot control the situation, it will be our SHIELD's time to steal the show."

(End of this chapter)

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