Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 173, Beating and Escape

Chapter 173, Beating and Escape
Tens of seconds later, the fire from the explosion gradually became smaller. Except for some combustible materials such as burning wood and cloth, only some dark marks were left on the entire street.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, a large piece of wall panel and rubble flew out from the pile of rubble next to it.

Hatred just pushed aside the stones in the ruins and crawled out full of humiliation and anger.

After this round of bombing, the gray-green color on his body became darker, and there were also large burn marks, which made his already ugly face and image even more terrifying.

"SHIELD bastard! Damn it! Damn it!!!"

Abomination stared at Holm in the distance fiercely, roared loudly and ran towards him quickly.

With the lesson he just learned, he no longer rushes forward with his head sullenly. Instead, he uses his experience as a soldier to avoid the missiles that fall from the sky from time to time by moving flexibly.

With such a wise move, the distance between him and Holm was getting closer and closer.

Looking at the hatred running towards him, Holm's hands also surged with viscous black liquid, and then he twisted one hand into a sharp knife and the other into a sledgehammer full of spikes.

"This guy's head stinks too much! I'm not curious about the heads of these big guys anymore!" Venom complained to Holm in his mind.

He is invincible, he is stronger than Hulk, how could he lose to this hateful human being in front of him!

But with a plug-in like Venom, before Abomination's fist could hit Holm, Holm had already thrown out the sledgehammer, knocking Abomination back the way it came.

When he flew backwards onto the unlucky cars just now, he felt not only anger but also a hint of caution. He had never seen such weird humans before.


Banner was the first human being he had ever seen with such great power, so after being defeated several times, he developed a deep desire for that power, which turned him into what he is now.

"That won't work. He is my assigned subordinate. I have to keep him alive." As he said this, Holm also stamped on the ground and rushed toward Abomination.

It was very curious about the Hulk's head when watching the video before. Now its hatred, which is similar to Banner's, has satisfied its curiosity, but at the same time it has shattered its imagination of such a large brain.

One of them was wielding a strong fist, and the other was wielding a sharp knife and a sledgehammer. The terrifying aura exuding from their bodies made everyone on the helicopter feel nervous.

"Ugh! Just kill him. This guy is too ugly! Ugly and smelly!" Venom said while retching.

Why didn't he feel before that this guy Holm was so special and had such incredible power? What was that thick black liquid? Why does it change form? Why does Holm have so much physical strength?
No! He must be the strongest! Even if this guy has such weird power, there is absolutely no way he can be his opponent.

Originally, he thought he would be able to compete with Hulk when he became like this, but as a result, before he even saw Hulk, he was already embarrassed by this damn agent of SHIELD.

Abomination stood up again, this time he grabbed the broken car beside him and started a long-range attack.

Heavy broken cars were thrown out by him as weapons. They were either split in half by Holm with a knife, or smashed to the side by him with a hammer.

Others were thrown a little further and flew directly towards the helicopter, which had already lowered its altitude a lot. The people on the helicopter were completely shocked by the battle between Home and Abomination. They didn't expect that Home, who looked like an ordinary person like them but was a bit handsome, could have such great strength.

It wasn't until the damaged car hit the helicopter's tail and even rubbed against the propeller that they realized they were a little too close.

"Raise the height! Raise the height! Don't let that madman hit us again!" General Ross said quickly to the driver in front.

Although the pilot was also fully controlling the aircraft at this time, the tail wing that had just been hit was damaged and started to catch fire.

"Sorry General! We have to make an emergency landing! Hold on to the armrest! Hold on to the armrest!" As the pilot shouted, the helicopter also began to spin and fall uncontrollably.

In the end, they hit the ground hard and stopped. Although the impact was not small, it was still better than hitting a building or disintegrating in the air.

The impact of the helicopter crash put everyone on the plane into a brief coma. Banner only felt someone constantly slapping his face to force him to wake up from his dizziness.

"Bruce! Bruce! Wake up! We have to leave quickly!" Betty's shout made Banner gradually wake up.

"Are you injured?!" Looking at the scratches on Betty's forehead, Banner also said nervously.

"It's just a small injury, don't worry about it, let's go!" Betty said as she pulled Banner up, and then climbed out of the upside-down helicopter together.

Looking at the unconscious people on the plane and the empty ruins around him, Banner instantly understood Betty's thoughts.

Betty wanted to take advantage of the current opportunity to escape with him and leave the United States to avoid being taken away for research by the military.

"No, no! All they want is me. You are not in danger." Banner looked at Betty and said, "I don't want you to be scared while chasing and escaping with me. You can stay here."

"Bang!" Before Banner could finish his words, Betty slapped him in the face, causing the rest of his words to come to an abrupt end.

"Why do you make decisions for me! So is this the reason why you left me behind?!" Betty looked at Banner with red eyes.

"Do you think I've been happy here all these years?! I think about you every day! I wonder how you are doing! I wonder if you are hurt!"

"Do you think I won't be frightened when I stay here?! I don't need you to think for me, because I have my own brain!"

"Now! Take me with you! Let's get out of here together! Don't leave me behind! Don't leave me behind at any time! Do you hear me?!"

After saying that, Betty hugged Banner's neck and kissed his lips. Tears mixed with dust flowed down, flowing into Banner's mouth and into his heart.

Seeing Betty's firm eyes, Banner hugged her tightly, then took her hand and left the area.

He is about to embark on a journey of escape again, but this time he is accompanied by his lover.

(End of this chapter)

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