Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 175, Imprisonment and Tony Stark’s Anomaly

Chapter 175, Imprisonment and Tony Stark’s Anomaly
On the S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier, Home and his team entered the interior with the imprisoned Blonsky.

Before going to see Nick Fury, they first helped the staff imprison Blonsky in a prepared special prison.

The whole body of this special prison is made of extremely strong alloy. Bronski in the middle is tightly held by an alloy "coffin" made of the same material. He can't even raise his hands. The only thing that can move is his head, but he An alloy halter was also tied to his mouth.

The bottle mixed with a powerful sedative is still hanging next to it, but this time the bottle has been replaced by an oversized bottle, and does not need to be replaced because the pipe directly connected to it can inject liquid into it.

As for what the staff said, Bronski's future meals will also be transported by pipes, inserted into his mouth through the gap in the alloy faucet, and liquid food and nutrient solution will be poured into him directly.

"He may be the only one who has enjoyed such treatment for so many years. It makes me feel uncomfortable just looking at him." Colson said with emotion as he looked at Bronski inside.

Holm, who was next to him, also said after hearing this: "Despite this, I still feel uneasy when I think of him being placed on the space carrier. If anything happens, the entire carrier may suffer."

After hearing what Holm said, Coulson also continued: "Don't worry about this, we are only temporarily holding it here until the Cube is ready and will transfer it there."

"Is it the cubic prison?" Holm asked curiously.

Coulson nodded and smiled: "It's the cubic prison, which is mainly responsible for holding some special super criminals. If Bruce Banner had not escaped, he should also be imprisoned there."

After hearing Holm's suggestion, Colson thought about it and said, "Your idea is good. Tranquilizers may indeed lead to drug resistance."

"I remember that Bruce Banner was injected with an antidote in Dr. Stern's laboratory, which was why he didn't transform later. Can that antidote also be used on Blonsky?"

"By the way, these long-acting tranquilizers may develop resistance if used for a long time." Holm said suddenly.

In the special cell, Bronski also saw Holm leaving through the slowly closing door, his eyes full of reluctance.

Before Coulson and Holm even reached the conference room, they heard Daisy shouting inside.

"I will send someone to Dr. Stern to receive the information. If the antidote can be reproduced and is also useful for Blonsky, then you will have another credit."

Upon hearing this, Holm quickly said humbly that he was just making a suggestion, and then left here with Coulson.

So when Holm and Coulson were chatting, they both did not mention the relevant information, but simply mentioned it.

Its location and location are confidential information that only high-level special agents can know.

Cube Prison is one of several super prisons owned by SHIELD. It has extremely strong security and is specially designed to hold these special criminals.

"Either raise it to one level for me, or don't mention it at all. What does raising it to level 0.5 mean? Aren't you asking everyone to laugh at me?"

"I don't care. It doesn't matter whether you raise the level or not, but the bonus must be paid in full, otherwise I will go to your office every day and annoy you to death!"

When Coulson opened the door, he saw Daisy sitting on a chair with her arms crossed, staring at Nick Fury angrily. Perhaps seeing Holm coming in, Nick Fury also put away the helplessness and bitter smile on his face, and instantly returned to his serious director image with a straight face, and then said to Daisy: "Your level is still level seven for the time being. Level up, and I will double your bonus when you accumulate enough merit."

After finishing speaking, before Daisy had any objections, he already looked at Colson, then knocked on the table and said: "Okay, this matter is settled. Colson will implement it as soon as possible. Give it to me for approval.”

Upon hearing that there was a double bonus, Daisy also relaxed her brows and smiled, and then magnanimously decided to let Nick Fury go and no longer undermine his majesty as director.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's not talk nonsense and let's take a look at the mission." Nick Fury said while turning on the projection in the conference room.

Hearing his words, Daisy, who had just relaxed her brows, suddenly turned serious again: "Our mission has just ended, why is there a new mission?"

"You have to give me a few days off to rest. You don't know how difficult that big guy is to deal with."

In fact, Daisy herself doesn't mind having any tasks now. After all, she is not fighting Blonsky. She mainly speaks for Holm.

She knew that even if Holm had an opinion, it would be difficult to mention it due to his status, so she took the initiative to be the villain and help Holm fight for this benefit.

We can't really let SHIELD treat the two of them like mules. Just after one mission ends, another person comes.

After hearing Daisy's words, Nick Fury immediately said: "The situation is quite urgent, so there is no other way. I will give you this vacation together after this mission is over."

"And there's a bonus," Daisy added.

"Okay, there's also a bonus." Nick Fury rolled his eyes with his one eye and said.

After he finished speaking, he pointed at the photos of Tony Stark and several other people that appeared on the projector.

"You have been dealing with other tasks just now, so you probably don't know that Tony Stark was attacked by a mysterious man during the racing competition in Morocco this morning."

"Although Tony Stark is fine, the key point is that this mysterious man also owns the Ark Reactor."

"You should also know what the Ark Reactor means, so we contacted the Moroccan police and prepared to extradite this mysterious man to investigate, but this guy died in a Moroccan prison."

"Just now, Tony Stark had a fight with his friend James Rhodes at his birthday party while wearing a suit of suit, and then allowed the other party to take away his suit of suit."

"Based on the information Natasha sent back during this period, we have reason to believe that Tony Stark was dying due to palladium poisoning caused by the palladium energy plate of the Ark reactor, so he made a decision during this period. A series of abnormal actions.”

"In view of the importance of Tony Stark and the changes during this period, the Bureau decided to immediately place Tony Stark under house arrest until he can clear his head and solve his problems."

(End of this chapter)

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