Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 179, Key to the Future

Chapter 179, Key to the Future

In the laboratory of the villa, Tony has been staying here since Nick Fury left in the morning.

In the meantime, Holm came to help him deliver lunch and dinner, and checked on his condition. The rest of the time, no one from SHIELD bothered him, leaving him alone in the laboratory to think about solutions to his physical problems. method.

At this time, Tony turned off the lights in the laboratory and was watching the projector project the image of his father on the screen in front of him.

He was half-lying on the chair, flipping through the notes left by his father, and listening to the video of his father, Howard Stark, recording the opening of the exposition that year.

After several failed shots were shown, the lights in the next scene dimmed, and it seemed that it was already time for people to rest quietly in the dead of night.

In the picture, Howard Stark was facing the camera, sitting on the sand table in the exhibition, seeming to be thinking about something. After a moment of silence, he suddenly spoke in a deep and serious voice.

"Tony, you are still young and don't understand yet, so I will film this part for you first."

Hearing this, Tony turned his head and looked at the curtain in surprise. He didn't expect that his father would leave such an image for him.

The videos he watched all day today were all about his father's daily life in meetings and so on. He originally thought that this video tape would be similar, but he didn't expect that there would be such an Easter egg at the end.

But judging from Nick Fury's previous conveyance and the final emotional expression in the film, it's not that his father doesn't love him or doesn't pay attention to him, it's just that he doesn't know how to express it.

"It is not only a human invention, but also my lifelong achievement. It is the key that can open the door to the future."

"All of this is made for you, and one day you will understand what this means."

“At that point, you will have changed the world.”

Perhaps only when facing an unattended camera could his father reveal his deepest thoughts and express his expectations and love for him.

Having said this, Howard Stark smiled a rare smile, his face showing a gentleness that Tony had never seen before: "Tony, I have never told you, in fact, my greatest creation is you."

"I'm limited by the technology of my time, so there's no way to do it, but one day you'll know all about it."

Tony was still holding the cup of chlorophyll juice, staring blankly at the curtain, his father's last words swirling in his mind.

After the sudden affection, the scene suddenly stopped, all the images were played, and the projector's cover automatically popped up.

The father in the picture was completely different from the one in his impression. The Howard Stark in his impression was very strict and stern to him, and he never said he loved him or expressed any other words of friendship.

For a moment, thoughts flew through his mind, and countless memories came to mind, including his father's scolding and stern face when he was a child, the last time his parents saw him at home when they were about to leave, and the memories he had at that time. I love you while being stubborn to each other without saying it.

Tony sat back in the chair and closed his eyes. Thinking of the time he had spent with his parents and the words in the video just now, his throat moved up and down, and he seemed to have some unspeakable choking.

At this moment, there was a sound at the laboratory door, and Holm walked in from the door carrying a large dinner plate. After hearing the sound, Tony quickly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, then turned around and said as if nothing had happened: "Is this breakfast? Does time fly by so fast?"

Listening to Tony's words, Holm also put the dinner plate on the messy table in the laboratory and said: "It is 3 o'clock in the morning. According to the regulations, I have to come down to check on you."

"What? Are you afraid that I won't think about committing suicide, or are you afraid that my symptoms of palladium poisoning will suddenly worsen and I will die suddenly in the laboratory." Tony made his own vicious joke with an indifferent expression.

Hearing this, Holm smiled and shook his head. He opened a small box on the dinner plate, then took out the injection inside and looked at it.

"I don't know the specific reasons, but I think the second possibility should indeed be considered."

"This is lithium dioxide. You need an injection sooner or later to suppress the palladium poisoning in your body."

"I know this thing. This morning... Ouch! Why do you all give injections this way?!" Before Tony could finish his words, Holm suddenly gave him a blow on his neck.

Listening to Tony's complaints, Holm also put the injection back into the box, and then continued: "After all, if you are mentally prepared, you may be in more pain."

"How is it? Did you gain anything today? I think you have basically read everything in the box."

Hearing Holm's question, Tony also shook his head, picked up the coffee on the plate, took a sip, and said: "I don't have a clue. I think these things are just pure debris. I don't know what your director wants." I’m going to find something out of this.”

Hearing this, Holm also paused, and then he sorted out his words and said, "It shouldn't be like this. As our director said, some of these things had been placed away before your father was alive, and your father also specifically warned It will be handed over to you later, so there must be something important in it."

When he said this, he also pointed to the Ark Reactor on Tony Stark's chest and said, "Maybe the clues about the Ark Reactor are hidden in those documents. After all, this thing was conceived and first built by your father. .”

"When the director was talking to you today, he kept saying that your father believed that he was unable to realize his great ideals due to the limitations of the times, so he left these to you to realize."

"In this case, based on your father's intelligence, it should be impossible for him not to see some flaws in the Ark reactor, so he might have already grasped clues to new energy that can replace palladium energy, but you still have Just didn’t find it.”

After hearing Holm's interpretation, Tony was stunned for a moment while holding his coffee, feeling that his thinking was indeed limited.

His father was a greater and more epoch-making scientist than he was. How could he not see the flaws of the Ark reactor?

If there was really a clue about this left for him, where would it be?

After thinking about it, Tony frowned slightly, and Holm didn't say anything when he saw this, he just took the things and walked out of the laboratory.

He has given enough reminders. As long as Tony's mind is still normal, it won't take long for him to figure it out and discover the key clue.

(End of this chapter)

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