Chapter 18, George Stacey

"Please help me get another cup of tea, this one is a bit cold."

In the police station, Holm sat on the sofa in George Stacey's office and said to a police officer standing next to him.

After hearing Holm's request, the police officer also looked at the tea that was no longer steaming on the table, and then looked at the aisle outside the blinds, looking a little hesitant.

Seeing the embarrassed expression of the police officer, Holm also smiled and said: "Forget it, that's it. I guess I won't be able to stay for long."

After saying that, Holm closed his eyes and calmed Venom in his heart while closing his eyes to rest.

"So hungry, so hungry, so hungry. Can't I really eat this guy's head off?"

Due to the sudden appearance of the lizard monster, Venom, which was supposed to eat all-you-can-eat chocolate, only ate one piece, so now it can only smell the sweet-smelling heads and endure the unbearable hunger.

"Wait a moment, I should be able to go out soon. I will buy you chocolates after I go out and let you eat as much as you want." Holm comforted Venom.

"So hungry, so hungry, so hungry." Venom continued to mutter, still a little wilted.

"Your kidneys smell very tempting, why not let me eat one. Anyway, there will be no problem if one is missing."

Venom said to Holm in a consulting tone, seeming to be very moved.

When Holm heard this, he only felt a black line. In order to prevent Venom from having such dangerous thoughts again, he gritted his teeth and warned Venom in a bad tone: "You'd better not have such thoughts."

“Just hold on a little longer and you’ll be able to eat all you want of chocolate.”

"But if you dare to mess with me, I'll put you in a glass tank and keep making noise for you."

"Don't, don't, I'm joking, hehehe." Venom quickly explained with a smile: "That's all I said. In fact, I can still bear it."

"Emmmm, even if you wait another half hour, no, one hour is fine."

Hearing Venom give in, Holm rolled his eyes and took a sip of the herbal tea on the table.

Why does his venom look a bit unintelligent? It seems that he needs to be trained and trained in the future.

It had been more than an hour since he was brought to the police station. In view of his status, George Stacy could not force him to do anything but put him in the office.

George Stacey had no doubts about Holm's identity. After all, he had seen him last time in the gymnasium of Midtown Middle School.

What he cares about is whether there was any communication between Holm and Spider-Woman after he was taken away, and why he didn't want to delay the time and keep Spider-Woman behind.

Of course he knew that Spider-Woman was difficult to deal with, but he also knew that Holm must have a gun on him and his skills were not bad.

It is indeed unrealistic for Holm to directly subdue Spider-Woman, but it is completely fine if he just delays the time and waits for them to come.

"Click!" As the door lock turned, George Stacey opened the door and walked in.

He waved his hand to the standing police officer to go out, then closed the door and sat across from Holm.

Neither of them spoke, and the silence gradually spread.

"I said, I should have told you once just now. Catching Spider-Woman is your business and has nothing to do with me. My responsibility does not lie here."

Holm finally broke the silence and said while looking at George Stacey's frown.

"And I need an explanation for that bullet that almost hit me."

"Is this how our police department works?" "If it wasn't me standing there today but an ordinary citizen, if your so-called wanted criminal hadn't turned around and helped, there would have been one more person on that street. Innocent citizens who were shot, what should you do at that time?"

While speaking, Holm's brows also frowned, and there was a sharp gaze in his eyes.

Holm's words and eyes made George Stacey feel like a thorn in his back, and he felt dizzy.

Today's fire incident is big or small. It would be fine if Holm didn't pursue anything, but if it was really serious, it would be like this. He had nothing else to say except sighs and apologies.

"Sorry, Mr. Clint, I'm just asking you to take notes according to the procedure. After all, you did have contact with Spider-Woman."

"As for the incident of fire, we have already punished the police officers involved accordingly. On behalf of the police department, I also sincerely apologize to you."

"It's over now and you can leave at any time."

Seeing George Stacey's sincere attitude, Holm didn't say much. He just wanted to go out and buy chocolates quickly.

Just as he stood up and was about to leave, George Stacy looked up at him and continued: "I know Mr. Clint may have his own opinions about Spider-Woman, so he has different opinions on our actions and behaviors. idea."

"But I still want to ask Mr. Clint not to forget Peter Parker, the poor kid who died in the gym."

"I will never forget the look of that child lying in front of me with a pale face and a cold body."

"I will never forget the way his parents were so grieved that they couldn't let go of the memories that happened here and couldn't bear the pain. They finally chose to leave here after being extremely entangled."

".The Parkers and I have been friends for many years. Our children have played together since they were young. They are important partners and friends."

"Peter was like my own child and his loss is not only heartbreaking for me but also difficult for my daughter to accept."

"She has been taciturn since that day and is no longer as cheerful as before."

As he spoke, George Stacey couldn't help but blush. Compared with a few days ago, there was indeed a lot more white hair on his temples.

"Mr. Clint, what would you do if it was someone close to you who suffered from this?"

"Are you still going to maintain the same attitude as now, that Spider-Woman should not be wanted, and shouldn't we arrest him like this?"

Faced with George Stacey's question, Holm also remained silent.

After thinking for a moment, he answered seriously: "If the culprit that caused the child's death is Spider-Woman, then your actions are understandable."

"But in my opinion, although Spider-Woman had something to do with the child's death, she may not have been the real culprit."

"Perhaps Spider-Woman had all your attention and made you forget some of the other clues."

"Don't you wonder why that kid suddenly turned into a lizard monster and started attacking people everywhere."

"And why did another lizard monster suddenly appear on the street today?"

At this point, Holm also looked at George Stacey and continued: "Mr. Stacey, in a sense, I can't accept the death of that child even more than you."

"You may think that my current attitude lacks empathy, but in fact, excessive sadness and hatred have caused you to ignore the clues that you should really pay attention to."

"Rather than continuing to capture Spider-Woman, I think you should investigate why lizard monsters keep appearing one after another."

 I'm happy to have signed the contract. The updates will be stable in the future. At least two chapters a day, and the time is around 5 pm. I hope you can continue to support me. Please collect, read, and vote monthly. I will save some chapters and wait until they are released. Let’s have a little outburst, I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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